List of topics covered ....
- African-American Museum secret language codes ....Am = Atomic mass
- twenty amino acids
- potassium K and its retail store agents
- code name ,,,Suzanne
- complex math power series
- oxygen
- Building Lunt .... math building codes
- carbon RCH codes
- Hyde Park aldehyde humanoids in Chicago
- Fluorescent light bulbs
- Tamir Rice
- advanced tax systems
- messenger RNA
- Wisconsin sin waves
- French police computer chip codes
- Chips TV show
- Hideku Yukawa
- Batavia physics
- uranium and isotope 235 with 143 neutron battle in Milwaukee
- code name ,,Anne
- dictionary and light
- Dick Tracy
- Amino acids
- Maxwell demons
- Hierarchy problems
- Blood brain barrier war per Milwaukee Mayor Barrett
- potassium
- electron shells
- blood arteries in Milwaukee
- Ag continuum ..the Silver atom and Agriculture and Spiro Agnew
- Michael Brown and Massey-Ferguson iron tractors
- Irving Berlin music
- germination
- Sherlock Holmes
- Copper 29
- green pigments
- Standard model
- Salvador Dali
- symmetry physics
- chemistry TEXTBOOK wars
- Signal Recognition Particles (SRP)
- Star Trek and James Kirk
- Jamie Kirk Hahn death
- the EM field battle at EMMET Township
- the Poynting vector Z, t and the murder of Zoellick, Travis
- the Waco Texas cosine battle at Twin Peaks
- nouns
- Emmet Till death
- the Batavia atomic death march MESSAGE ...... MESSAGE ignorded
- math derivative dy
- calculus of residues ,..... soybeans and corn farm MATH fields
- Optics
- Roelli cheese and the Supreme Court
- neurons
- Paul Dirac in Tallahassee
- the Paul Dirac atomic BLOG site at Roselawn cemetery
- Mark Zuckerberg sugar molecule NETWORK
- Zoey Brooks
- Bethesda Lutheran Home ...... LU = Logical Units
- Dick and Jane book
- Far Horizons resort
- Carl jung
- music trumpets
- Town of Genesee genetics with Kathryn Stalbaum
- Computer Earth and farm corn storage binds with a Linux kernel map
- Start Codon AUG
- Lumber Logical units
- Balkan Peninsula and the alkane molecule wars
- atomic energy levels at Michigan State
- Nikola Tesla and Hubbleton Wisconsin WAR ZONE
- right triangles
- brain farms
- Petrie dish political science
- Radio Head and pregnant women
- Emily Dickinson and Milwaukee
- CO2 molecule mass 44
- CP Snow
- Scott Walker ..Governor of Wisconsin skinwalkers
- Casino fight and the string theory SIN wave wars
- racemization race issues
- Pier Oddone
- Huey LONG and Longitude political science
- Earth atmosphere
- iron and Avogadro's number
- Sterling Hall bombing
- murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel
- Mayor TOM Barrett of Milwaukee and his West Allis fight
- Gene Hackman and Kathryn Stalbaum
- Matisse
- DNA and nitrogenous bases battle in Africa
- Jonathan swift and liver codes
- Emily Post and the EM post office
- code word ---> MuraKami
- the AFL-CIO
- Route 29 murders
- impedance
- Loehmann of Cleveland LINK to Loeb of Watertown, Wisconsin
- the Zimmermann telegram
- Jean Genet
- Acetylcholine neurotransmitters
- Evans and the Atomic nucleus
- Adam Raney .... eye/optical interceptor agent ..
explains the optical WAR for control of
the eye RODS/ CONE software in Watertown Wisconsin
- Mullins ice cream cones and the EYE rod / CONE wars
with Watertown Public Library angstrom awareness problems
- the Electro-magnetic(EM) field murder
of Travis Zoellick per EMMET Township
- Bessie the COW and BES
VS Bethesda Lutheran Home violations and
University of Wisconsin chancellor
John Wiley and the university ERRORS, PROBLEMS, and schemes
- neo-cortex battle in Wisconsin
- the uranium 238 signal ignored by FermiLAB per Federal biased, manipulation policy
- Lee M. Silver explains SECRET Mickey Mouse genetics language
- the DNA twist ..... twist song and dance
= Hepatology
- Central Sates pension fund
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
about atomic chemistry --> atom and molecule social chemistry expressions and the Carl Jung subconsciousness GROUP MIND secrets of the farmer/agriculture collective or university collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em ...employee) life forms
with EARTH LAB identifier em ( employees), gravity field life, and molecule human life forms.
Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the atomic / molecular Collective Unconscious of a community or society (GROUP MIND) that elects a President or Congressman
- .
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1968) Carl Jung
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Carl Jung summary - Sonoma State University
Sonoma State University
We review Nature’s EARTH geography regions and the people DEMO messages at those locations. For example, Nature's EARTH LAB in year 1957 ....
blood Heme group IRON-57 isotope and the year 1957 .... math integration by parts became a major project of Nature’s brain engineering projects for the advancement of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.
This INTERNAL brain ROCKET SCIENCE project was announced to the world VIA the EXTERNAL display events in LITTLE ROCK(ET) , Arkansas at Central High School
… a geography location with Central Nervous System education facilities.
Nature is interested in the existence of integrated human beings ( that are using the calculus integration by parts … philosophical extension –> integration parts of concepts, ideas and facts to understand and explain Sartre existentialism and its applications).
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English DictionaryExample Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
A language world?
A certain view or perception of events?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology
with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface
using 3-dimensional, vertical, standing humans and their behavior and daily activities.

Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings
... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Let’s look at an example of the SECRET codes embedded within a newspaper article about society and the atomic collective group mind.
Code word --> African ---> algebra subset codes--> AF + an -->
AF range in table + an (alpha-numeric base 16) -->
above codes --> 20 --> twenty
Fermilab | Visit Fermilab | Wilson Hall ... Hours, Maps and Directions
code word --> Proliferation--> pro + life --> proton life
periodic atomic table ... Potassium K and its social economic expressions on the EARTH geography surface of human atomic information display activities
code name --> SuZanne --> Su + Z + anne --> information pointer to -->
FSU (Florida State University) +
Z (atomic number) +
the Isaac Asimov equation anne ...
an + ne = atomic number of proton + neutrons giving atomic mass
Code names
--> George --> geo + rg + e--> geography region earth
--> Michael --> subset --> Mic --> atoMIC
--> have faith --> have Fa --> Have base 16 Hex'fa' =250
--> series features --> pointer to math power series ....
Complex-valued function - Wikipedia
In mathematics, a complex-valued function is a function whose values are complex numbers. Its domain does not necessarily have any structure related to ...
Complex Function -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Interactive Entries › Interactive Demonstrations
complexion - Dictionary Definition :
Complexion refers to the color of a person's skin, especially the face. If you have light skin, for example, you might be said to have a fair or pale complexion.
Facial complexion of females and
their bio-math complex function attributes
| Define Complexion at
as a mathematical expression surface ,
especially of the face: a clear, smooth, rosy complexion. 2.
--> StarZ series --> Z series ...... complex number Z
Code name --> Blunt----> B + Lunt --> math Building ...LUNT at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (north of Chicago)
Contact Info: Department of Mathematics - Northwestern University › About
Code name --> Blunt Rochester
----> B + Lunt + ROC --> math Building ...LUNT ROC
code name --> Delaware ...... geography state
code name --> Delaware .
code name --> Delaware .
code name -->.......aware / alert / informed
code name --> Delaware .
code name --> Delaware .
code name --> are -->law /legal area
code name --> Delaware .
code name --> Delaware .
code name --> De --> coDe laws ..... including Nature's EARTH ATMOSPHERE
oxygen Base 16 Hexadecimal code used by the human Lu = Logical Unit --> LUNG
code names--> Mary Landrieu --> Mary Land
--> math array of EARTH land geography surface ..
of horizontal rows and vertical columns
code word ..... Rich -->subset --> RCH
Hyde Park - The aldehyde molecule HUMAN reprentatives ...
education site
,,, University of Chicago is Hyde Park, where different molecule expression configurations
.....people, perceptions, and pursuits coexist and thrive in a unique Chicago neighborhood on the southwest shore of Lake ...
Code number --> 600 --->
carbon atomic number 6 multiply 100 of numeric B100D --> 600
Blood with atomic bio-physics bio-math SOFTWARE language
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the human body/brain as a platform for their thoughts on behaviors
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Fluorescent Light Bulbs - In Stock. Ships Today -
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Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old African-American boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Tamir Rice shooting: A breakdown of the events
that led to the carbon 12 .... 12-year ...
Tamir Rice shooting: A breakdown of the events
that led to the carbon 12
communication problems of the 12 tribes of Israel
code words
----------> bank of Italy ----------> bank of Ital .....
atomic bank .. orb.ital
code--> Tax data in 2011
code--> Taxidermy system for humans ....
data in 2011
data in 2011
Taxidermy for 4-legged animals and 2-legged humans
- Wikipedia
Taxidermy is the preserving of an animal's body via stuffing or mounting for the purpose of display or study. Animals are often, but not always, portrayed in a ...
Best Taxidermist in Madison, Wisconsin with Reviews -
Results 1 - 19 of 19 - Find 19 listings related to Taxidermists in Madison on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best ...
code words--> certain surname
code words--> .................rna messengers
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Wikipedia
Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev is an American citizen born in Kyrgyzstan who was convicted of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon on April 15, ...
Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev:
I am Nature's biochemistry military
... proper noun selection system and
Nature's bio-computer BRAIN programming system ....
messenger RNA agent ... › US News › Boston Marathon bombing
Jun 24, 2015 - Convicted RNA molecule of Boston Marathon bomber
Dzhokhar Tsa.rna.ev has given his first public statement since carrying out the April 2013 terrorist attack.
Dzhokhar Tsa.rna.ev has given his first public statement since carrying out the April 2013 terrorist attack.
code words
--> French police--> p ---> chip .....
electron circuit police study ,,,,,
human BRAIN circuit software bull-shit
and other community nonsense
code words
--> French police and their role model --> p ---> chip .....
CHiPs and secret schemes of Silicon Valley, California
- Wikipedia
CHiPs is an American television drama series that originally aired on NBC from September 15, ... There was little violence on CHiPs, and the show can be classified as a light drama. The episodes filled a standard hour-long time slot, which at ...
CHiPs (TV Series 1977–1983) - IMDb
code --> Bathroom --> Bat + room --> the Federal ... Batavia science prison at FermiLAB and CP SNOW thinkers
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia
The Two Cultures is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.code number 3:25--> 235
The Margaret Mead atomic social science
battle in Milwaukee
...143 neutrons military message -->
code --> Anne --> An + ne
--> Atomic number of protons
+ neutrons = atomic mass
the range of the living English language
keyword / concept --> Dick
the detectives in the living English language
data stream of consciousness / sub-consciousness ......
Maxwell's demon as an
electro-magnetic(EM) software program inside
the human bio-elctron brain
- Wikipedia
In the philosophy of thermal and statistical physics, Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment created by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell in which he suggested how the Second Law of Thermodynamics might hypothetically be violated. In the thought experiment, a demon controls a small door between two chambers of gas.
Maxwell's Demon
Hierarchy problem SCANDAL of
citizen / Federal government science
and its atomic social science .....
perception manipulation ERRORS
- Wikipedia
In theoretical physics, the hierarchy problem is the large discrepancy between aspects of the weak force and gravity.
The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance
...code words --> bar brawl
--> information pointer to the --->
blood-brain barrier SOFTWARE war
with Mayor Barrett's barrier problems .....
in Milwaukee / West Alice
Man arrested in the blood-barrier barrier
..... data generating EVENT / attack on Mayor Barrett
- Home
On Saturday night Barrett was leaving the Wisconsin state fair with his sister, niece and two daughters when he heard a woman crying for help. Barrett, who was walking to his car, instructed his sister to take the children out of harms way, then confronted the intoxicated man and tried to calm him. The man had threatened to shoot himself and others, police said.
When Barrett took out his mobile phone to call authorities, the man attacked him with a pipe, police said. Barrett's niece retrieved the phone and called police. The attacker fled upon hearing police sirens.
Peters, who police said has a long criminal record, was arrested 13 hours later. Police said the attacker did not know who Barrett was. The assault occurred in West Allis, a Milwaukee suburb.
"Tom stepped up and did the right thing," Barrett's brother John Barrett said Sunday, choking back tears. "Tom's efforts protected the woman and the child. His efforts also protected members of our family. We are extremely proud of Tom's selflessness and his courage."
Above. code number 18 --> Pointer to 18 electrons
code name --> Joel --> Job order entry elements
above, Milwaukee art Museum
--> Milwaukee community ...
blood arteries OUTPUT on display at the Museum
--> Milwaukee community ...
blood arteries OUTPUT on display at the Museum
the Ag continuum explained by Spiro Agnew .....
thus the continuum ..............
farm/ agriculture (Ag) <----------------------------> silverware (Ag)/
.............................................................................forks and spoons for a special dinner
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally ...
What Happened in atomic mass of Massey-Ferguson tractor ....
that caused FermiLAB problems in Feguson?
- The New York Times
Aug 9, 2014 - Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. ... What Happened on the Anniversary of the Michael Brown's Death?
Massey Ferguson | Tractors
Above code names -
-> Col Ron Replogle --> Column elect.RON RON
--> Capt Ron--> Captain neut.RON
Fe --> Ferrous oxide iron atom and its 26 alphabet proton letters . and
Fe = FergusonSherlock Holmes codes --> S Holm --> Stockholm
- Wikipedia
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Known as a "consulting detective" in the stories, Holmes is ...
Stockholm - Wikipedia is the capital of Sweden and the most populous city in the Nordic countries; 932,917 people live in the municipality, approximately 1.5 million in the ...
City of Stockholm: Start 
City of Stockholm and c = 186,000 traveling city of velo.CITY
City of Stockholm
...the optical photon .... traveling city with
the SYMBOL LIFE forms with proper nouns
and THOUGHT sub-routines named:
PGM = Sherlock Holmes
(as a city of ideas and methods named Stockholm)
PGM = Dr. Watson and its evolution into a
SYMBOL LIFE double-helix ......
proper nouns Watson (DNA year 1953) and Watson (IBM year 1955)
article words-->the small Green's Party ....
...........pointer to sunlight and photosynthesis
Salvador Dali Museum
The Salvador Dalí Museum is an art museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States, dedicated to the work of Salvador Dalí. It houses the largest collection of Dalí's works outside Europe
Green's party -->
The role of symmetry and Language /WORD and Concept symmetry .....
in fundamental physics - PNAS
by DJ Gross - 1996 - Cited by 82 - Related articles
Dec 10, 1996 - The role of symmetry in fundamental physics is reviewed. Until the 20th century principles of symmetry played little conscious role in theoretical ...
The Hidden Reality: Earthly Parallel Universes and
the Deep Laws of Community Bull-stories and rigged Legal trials... -
Is our universe the ...
Wisconsin Sikh temple .....
organic chemistry(OC) shooting in proper noun code -->
Oak Creek (OC)
- Wikipedia
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people ...
Gunman Kills carbon atomic number 6 ... 6 agents at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin - The New York Times
Wade Michael Page ... Darwin selected agent .. chemistry WAR Wade Michael Page Wade Mic el Page
.......atoMic elements (textbook) page
Wade --> author ........ (ato)Mic (cellulose textbook) page Wade Wade Michael Page ........... Darwin SYMBOL MACHINE selection .....
because his proper noun .... name codes ......
help optimize the signal content of Nature's system MESSAGE ....
this the signal for SRP agents .....
Signal recognition particle - Wikipedia
The signal recognition particle (SRP) is an abundant, cytosolic, universally conserved ribonucleoprotein (protein-RNA complex) that recognizes and targets specific proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes and the plasma membrane in prokaryotes.
History · Mechanism · The composition of SRP · Autoantibodies › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
by D Akopian - 2013 - Cited by 133 - Related articles
Feb 13, 2013 - The signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor comprise a universally conserved and essential cellular machinery that couples the ...Signal Recognition Particle:
Signal Recognition Particle ...............
evolution to the living English language and SYMBOL MACHINES ....
the language ENGINE demo ...........
Signal --->
James Kirk | Memory Alpha | Fandom powered by Wikia
James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk was a male Human Starfleet
officer in the 23rd century. He was...
officer in the 23rd century. He was...
Died: 2371 (aged 60 in 2293), Veridian III
Children: One unborn child David Marcus
Born: March 22, 2233, Iowa, United States of A...
Father: George Kirk
James Kirk (alternate reality) | Memory Alpha | Fandom powered by ...
Below, upper left side
.... SYMBOLISM of ribosome/ messenger RNA
..... Start Trek ship the Enterpise people
.... James Kirk ......sequence --> emergence
.... SYMBOLISM of ribosome/ messenger RNA
..... Start Trek ship the Enterpise people
.... James Kirk ......sequence --> emergence
James Kirk (proper noun) ......sequence --> emergence step
--> docking with receptor in Raleigh, North Carolina ....
Jamie Kirk (Hahn)
Jamie Kirk Hahn Dead: North Carolina Democratic Strategist Dies ... 24, 2013 - Jamie Kirk Hahn, a 29-year-old self-proclaimed Democratic campaign strategist
for the EARTH atmosphere stratosphere ..... , died ... result of stab wounds suffered Monday at her home in Raleigh, N.C., th.
Signal recognition particle, SRP54 subunit, M-domain (IPR004125 ...
The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a multimeric protein, which along with its conjugate receptor (SR), is involved in targeting secretory proteins to the rough ...
is involved in targeting secretory proteins to the rough
is involved in targeting secretory proteins to the rough
is involved in targeting secret ... story proteins ......
thus the knife target (Jamie Kirk) .... and the blood information flow of Jamie Kirk Hahn and secret BLOOD software LANGUAGE schemes
of her and her friends/ associates
above words -->
The airstrikes on the opposition-held north town Khan
translated .....airstrikes ... air waves strike
--> Federal Communications Commission
approved EM (electro-magnetic) air waves strike/attack
....position /location of earth geography surface
,,,,north-town Khan ---> north of Watertown ...
the murder of Mr. Khan in the EM field region of
EMMET Township
2 face charges in UWM man's death | Local News |
An autopsy was being performed this morning on a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student whose body was found in a shallow grave in the town of Emmet ...
UPDATE: Student Murdered in EM field wars played out in EMMET
Sep 7, 2009 - Prosecutors say she contributed to Khan's death by taking part in the kidnapping. ... of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman Haroon Khan, who ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, ...
Body found in Dodge County may be missing student | Regional news ...
Electromagnetic waves (Z, t) agent killed ... Zoellick, Travis
Poynting vectors depends on z and t,
so only at certain discrete times and ...
electromagnetic radiation - Question about intensity of EM waves ...
Jul 29, 2015 - I wonder why Poynting vector can be used to describe the intensity of .... the −z- propagating wave has a minus sign on the magnetic field, which ...
Simple Plane Waves
(a) By writing the argument / fight/ conflict
...... above code E (z,t) played out
at Emmet (zoellick, travis)
Solution ...EMMET .... EM war message repeated:
(a) By writing the argument as
atomic signal
.....michigan --> EM field war at EMMET
Body of deputy and wife found in backyard of southern Michigan home ...
Jun 5, 2016 - Body of deputy and wife found in backyard of southern Michigan home ... Emmett Police are saying that both died from apparent gunshot ...
Murder-suicide: Deputy killed wife then turned gun on himself | MLive ...
in the backyard of their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...
in the back (feedback signal about )
Emmett Township, Wisconsin .......
EM...................................... sin wave WAR region
Emmett Township, Wisconsin .......
EM...................................... sin wave WAR region
(a) By writing the argument of the cosine function
(a) By writing the argument of the cosine function
Solution .....
Sol --> Solar system / SUN battle on EARTH surface on in Waco Texas .....
Sol --> Solar system / SUN battle on EARTH surface on in Waco Texas .....
the argument/fight/ conflict played out with
Cos --> cosine agents ...... the Cossacks
Above word --> houn state --> noun states of the English language
Noun | Define Noun at
noun definition. The part of speech that names a person, place, thing, or idea. The following words are nouns: child, town, granite, kindness, government, elephant, and Taiwan. In sentences, nouns generally function as subjects or as objects.
Noun | Noun Definition by Merriam-Webster
code name --> Tom Hawk --> Atom agent Hawking
code --> G-7 --> pointer to gravity and nitrogen atomic number 7
code name --> Tillerson--> pointer to the
--> Emmet Till (electro-magnetic) field murder case
Emmett Till - Wikipedia
American Experience . The Murder of Emmett Till . Timeline | PBS
Am (Atomic mass ) --> Am -->American Experience of copper 63
. The Murder of Emmett Till . Transcript | PBS
the 63rd Street station
Above number 65 ..... copper isotope 65
number 65 and 650 --> math logarithm ratio of decimal 10
number 10,000 --> binary numbercode 1,600 --> base 16 hex death
code dysentery --> dy + sent --> calculus derivative dy problems SENT
to Charleston , South Carolina ...... the math and bio-math battle .. ..
code word --> acres + ac + res --> ac + residues for 120 acre farms
Various farmers ...... using irrigation of water ......
also, perform the EARTH math calculations above ... the math circles below
Roe v. Wade - PBS
Roe v. Wade
above words
--> Wisconsin Roelli Cheese
--> Wisconsin R o e ll i C heese
...................sin Region order entry parallel interface C = Carbon continuum .......
RC = Roelli Cheese provides atomic computer science
RC = Return Codes
code --> Roelli Cheese Haus Haus
...................................see Hausdorff space
The Hausdorff Property | Mathematics Prelims
Hausdorff space in nLab
Hausdorff space | mathematics |
Q & A: why is speed of light 186,000 mph? | Department of Physics ...
Jun 2, 2011 - Namely, why is the speed of light what it is (186,000 miles per second). Does string theory try to answer this? I've read that physics predicts ...
Is there a reason why light is limited to the 186,000 miles per second ...
Stop thinking of the speed of light as an arbitrary limit to velocity. It's better to think of "the speed of light" not as an actual speed but as a limitation to how you can ...
velo city
Above words
--> since the Eu ...... referring to
....................neurons inside your brain
The role of symmetry in fundamental physics - PNAS
by DJ Gross - 1996 - Cited by 82 - Related articles
Dec 10, 1996 - The role of symmetry in fundamental physics is reviewed. Until the 20th century principles of symmetry played little conscious role in theoretical ...Physics: Why symmetry matters
Article preview View full access options
Nature | Comment
Physics: Why symmetry matters
- Nature
- 490,
- 472–473
- doi:10.1038/490472a
- Published online
Mario Livio is an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA.
He is author of The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry
Higgs and his colleagues realized in 1964 that symmetry-breaking could be applied to particle physics. They proposed that a fraction of a second after the ...
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
Physicist Paul Dirac Is 'The Strangest Man' : NPR
Oct 2, 2009 - At age 31 in 1933, Paul Dirac won the Nobel Prize. ..... but there's a part in your book, one night in Tallahassee, he opens up to a friend, another ...
The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul ... › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee, Florida Real Estate
Sep 25, 2011 - A senior FSU Physicist said, 'To have Paul Dirac here, would be like the English faculty recruiting Shakespeare.' In 1971, Physicist Paul Adrien ...
Tallahassee forces ... the four (4) forces message of year 1984
– 20 October 1984)
was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum me, quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum me, quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
of........................................hemat(ological) blood life forms
at the University of Cambridge ( Carbon atomic mass (communications) bridge) ,
at the University of Cambridge ( Carbon atomic mass (communications) bridge) ,
a member of the Center for Theoretical Studies,
University of Miami with
............................amino acid life forms,
............................amino acid life forms,
and spent the last decade of his life at Florida State University.
Thus Paul Dirac atoms. orbital ...
physical biology alive ..... underwent phase change
at his death( above words ...the cooling Universe .... his body temperature of 37 Celsius thermodynamics INTELLECTUAL activity stopped ..... and his atoms/electron cloud ...
cooled and the electron orbital DATABASE made a transition to the Maria Database (previously known as the BOOK of the DEAD)
Thus alive ..
Paul Dirac biology and active orBITals ..... upon death
Paul Dirac b...log (site) with data BIT (the Maria database)
Thus his coffin
.... as an atomic DATABASE of his thoughts & experinces
...... known as a BlogEngine container (coffin) .....
Tallahassee forces ..... of the COMPUTER EARTH geology/grave sites
..allah --> thus the concept of ALLAH religion of human molecules ....
that upon death ......
join an atomic information continuum of Nature's systems ..
in the geology/ geography atoms of land/soil ......

Thus we have ..............
Geology message letters ..... subset code name --->
G..o .og.................le-----> Google ....... the Google system as one of
Nature's expression systems .....
and the lies, schemes, and cover-up about
the more TRUE NATURE and structure of Google .....
and the sugar molecule with Germanic language word (zucker molecule)
secret communications NETWORK
of Harvard University and Mark Zuckerberg
sugar translation German ...Zucker ..| English-German dictionary | Reverso
sugar translation german, English - German dictionary, meaning, see also 'barley ... sugar. 1 n. a Zucker m. b inf (=term of affection) (meine) Süße, (mein) Süßer, ...
IBM System z - Wikipedia
IBM System z order entry --> zoe codes -- zoetis etc
New CALS grad Zoey Brooks is also new Alice in Dairyland – eCALS
Zoey Brooks is also new Alice
Zoey Brooks is also new Alice ........
Zoey Brooks | Zoey 101 Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
In Season 1, she is roommates with Nicole Bristow and Dana Cruz. In Season 2, she is roommates with Nicole and new PCA student, Lola Martinez. ... Her other friends are her later boyfriend Chase Matthews, Michael Barret, and she is frenemies with Logan Reese.
First EP: Welcome to PCA
Hometown: Louisiana
Travis Zoe Zoellick (20) murdered in parallel expression wars ....
man for his car and ...
Oct 8, 2008 - Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and Tammy LaFave (21) and Zachary Zaborek (19) are accused of aiding him.
Woman gets 25-year sentence for role in killing - Home
Jun 12, 2009 - According to the criminal complaint, LaFave and her boyfriend, Travis Zoellick, 20 , of Watertown, met Khan on the east side. During a test drive, ...
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Home
Oct 8, 2008 - Tammi LaFave met Travis Zoellick on MySpace in mid-September, about two weeks before she would, according to police, help Zoellick kidnap ...
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Home 
UWM student was kidnapped
UWM student ...........dna pped (parallelepiped) war casualty
Above code --> 70 leads, Rock County
--> pointer to IBM system 370 ROC (region of Convergence)
Logical units (LU) at Bethesda LU
in Watertown, Wisconsin near
Base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16 - IBM
Above ..bottom lines --> Horizon Lines --> word pointer to Stephen Hawking EVENT Horizons and next in the Herbert Spencer sequence .... E ...... E + 1 = F --> Far Horizons code
Article word -->art -->
INTERNAL blood arteries language (picture language and graphics) become
EXTERNAL art ..paintings, sculpture, graphics, photography, etc
Dream Police - Wikipedia
Dream Police | Carl Jung and the sub-conscious MIND police .....
Biography & History | AllMusic
Martin Lu (Logical Unit) Luther King's
I have a (Carl Jung) dream speech
August 28 1963 < 1951 ...
Below, person with a CHIN / mouth ....... known in biology groups ....
as Chin --> Chinese
Trumpet Player -
Greatest Trumpeters of All Time | List of the Best Trumpet Players in ...
Many of the musicians on this list
Many of the musicians on this list
Many of the ........cia ..on this list
Central Intelligence Agency
of EAR /mouth people and music people
...... with limited and biased percptions - Wikipedia
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United States federal government, tasked with gathering, processing, and ...
Central Intelligence Agency - The New York Times about Central Intelligence Agency, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. ... Mike Pompeo, C.I.A. ... Family of C.I.A.Central Nervous System ...... Intelligence Agency of Age/wisdom
Central Intelligence Agency and their assumptions of supremacy
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency
and studies in stud / penis HEAD of thought
... in the George Orwell 1984 Oceania
..... language wars
15 Year-old girl missing from genetics WAR ZONE ....
Town of Genesee -
Police release info on
teen's 4-dna molecules and
their 4-day disappearance, not why she left
COMPUTER EARTH and the computer science kernel wars
managing Nature's systems .... atomic/molecular corn kernels
and bushels of corn in a BINary storage bin
Nov 19, 2013 - Good grain storage management should have started at the time of filling the grain storage structure, which is usually a cylindrical bin of various ...
Good grain storage management
Good grain storage management requires good brain management
bushels of corn in a BINary storage bin
Callaway Golf | Big Bertha Family | Golf Clubs | Official
Above ..bottom line--> Wells Fargo
--> pointer to writer H.G. Wells and Hollywood / radio Orson Wells
What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Network software
Logical units (LU) --> Lum ---> Lumber
or code word --> A + sy + lum .......... Asylum
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - IBM
code word --> Balkan --> BAL
IBM Basic assembly language and successors - Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL)
Basic Assembly Language (BAL)
Basic Assembly Language (BAL)
... earth computer science regions
... earth computer science regions
code word --> Balkan --> Ba .... Base
code word --> Balkan --> ..Al --> Alkane
code word --> Balkan --> Base alkane
code word --> Balkan --> Base alkane
code word --> Balkan --> Base al kane
code word --> Balkan --> Base all people ... kane county
atomic energy levels
..... Michigan State University and
their atomic social science ....... awareness failure
- Wikipedia
Michigan State University (MSU) is a public research university in East Lansing, Michigan, United States. MSU was founded in 1855 and served as a model for ...
Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result
John Arthur Thomson - 1906
Principles of Biology, Spence...If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then ...
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
code word --> floating gardens --->
Floating-point Errors - Using and Porting GNU Fortran
Often the reason for this behavior is the fact that floating-point values are represented ... After all, no finite number of decimal digits can exactly represent ` 1/3 '.
Understanding floating point value with Intel® Fortran Compiler | Intel ...
Jul 22, 2012 - Hence the corresponding decimal number in mantissa would be at most 2^24-1, which is 16772215 with 7~8 significant decimal digits. (Similarly, for a 64-bit 'double precision' binary, the significant decimal number in mantissa is at most 2^53-1=1125899906842623, around 15~16 significant decimal digits. )
Lahey - Floating point - Lahey Computer Systems, Inc.
Floating-point Errors - Using and Porting GNU Fortran
Often the reason for this behavior is the fact that floating-point values are represented ... After all, no finite number of decimal digits can exactly represent ` 1/3 '.
Understanding floating point value with Intel® Fortran Compiler | Intel ...
Jul 22, 2012 - Hence the corresponding decimal number in mantissa would be at most 2^24-1, which is 16772215 with 7~8 significant decimal digits. (Similarly, for a 64-bit 'double precision' binary, the significant decimal number in mantissa is at most 2^53-1=1125899906842623, around 15~16 significant decimal digits. )
Lahey - Floating point - Lahey Computer Systems, Inc.
Growing Bacteria in Petri Dishes - The Lab - Steve Spangler Science › Home › Experiments
This activity will prove that Mom was right… “Wash your hands with soap and warm water!” A Petri dish prepared with nutrient agar (a seaweed derivative with ...
Petri dish - Wikipedia
Petri dish - ...... astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION
.... Earth Lab and and Logan Utah / CalTECH
How to Grow human social science Bacteria
in the EARTH LAB Petri Dish of Wisconsin
: 10 Steps (with Pictures) › ... › Subjects › Science › Science for KidsRating: 78% - 284 votes
Three Parts:Preparing the Petri DishesGrowing BacteriaSafely Disposing of the Bacteria Community Q&A .... To grow bacteria in a lab-like setting, you need agar.
Petri Dishes and Charles Darwin evolution
- Fisher Scientific › ... › Dishes › Petri Dishes and AccessoriesLaboratory Balances ... Cell Culture Dishes, Plates and Flasks .... Fisher Scientific; Products; Dishes, Plates and Flasks; Dishes; Petri Dishes and Accessories ..
The Federal Communication Commission and human insect mothers
approval of EM attack waves to manipulation /program
Nature's original version of the human bio-electron structure ... the EM.....
Embryo ...... programming the EM component
of the EM.bryo with television and radio nonsense shows,
game shows to program gemate thoughts,
and idiot talk shows
Nature's systems ordered death of the
defective BLOOD vessel software in James Vessell .......
one of many defective children filled with EM bull-shit caused
by their MOTHER"S idiot sin wave ....RADIO HEAD brain
Radio-head women that use the pregnant
..........................................................antenna .... bio-radio
Pregnancy Week by Week,
Pregnancy Information |
Pregnancy Information
Code word --> Her__in --> fill in the blank
---> heroin (using words as LANGUAGE drugs
to the human brain SYMBOL computer)
15 Mother-In-Law Behaviors That Deserve ...
Mother-In-Law Behaviors
.......heroIn Law Behaviors
and manipulation of the sub-conscious MIND of
Law schools and judges
code intials --> CPS --> pointer to --> C.P. Snow and the TWO Cultures WARS
in Wisconsin social sciences, arts and music, and humanities
The Two Cultures is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part --->
Skin-Walkers (Navajo Legend update) |
World History & Culture | L. Tom Perry ... 
Skin-Walkers (Navajo .... human bio-computer software programs .....
that operate in the skin/dermatology ...
bedroom EM infra-red range ....
body HEAT secret social science LANGUAGE)
| World History & Cult Culture
| L. Tom Perry ...
Contact Governor Walker | Governor Scott Walker
Tweets by @GovWalker. More people employed than ever in Wisconsin ... Governor Walker's Videos. Check out the Governor's videos from across Wisconsin.
Scott Walker .... Governor of Wisconsin skin-walkers
- Wikipedia
Skinwalkers - What Are They? -
The first piece of information the team learned from local people was that the ranch lay "on the path of the skinwalker". Was the skinwalker responsible for the ...
Texas Rangers search for Skinwalkers using Television technology
General - Reddit
String theory wars on EARTH ........
code ---> sino expansion ......
...................node ---> node of DEATH at
--> No + de --> Northern Dekalb
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia
String Theory Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Feb 6, 2007 - String theory addresses one of the deepest problems of contemporary physics, namely the reconciliation of gravity and quantum theory.
University of Wisconsin
code --> October 1988 --> O 88
code --> Kate --> K at e --> K atom electrons
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone to retire as
Dr. ONE .............. Fermilab director of the secret Drone code |
UChicago News
The Isaac Newton .... White House |
Huey Long - Earth longitude government .....
Facts & Summary of the
coordinates of political science -
Huey Long .....
the longing and desire of Longitude EXPRESSION systems
......Biography | Louisiana Governor, U.S. Senator, Share Our ... › ResourcesLONG, Huey Pierce, governor, U. S. senator. Born, Winnfield, La., August 30, 1893; son of Huey Pierce Long, Sr., and Caledonia Tison. Education: University of ..
Below, the Earth government and its AIR FORCE
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who ... - NY Daily News
Nov 30, 2010 - Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom hostage, dies from injuries. ... 15-year-old Samuel Hengel died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound after he held a classroom hostage. ... A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular
Wisconsin hostage taker killed in the EARTH Boy Scout wars
| Reuters
Aug 16, 2009 - Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett gets a little emotional when he speaks to the ... West Allis Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described Peters as a ...
Tom Barrett
Tom Barrett
aTom Barrett
..... atomic BRAIN language, linguistics, semantics, and dictionary errors
in the greater Milwaukee community
of social science INTELLECTUAL
nonsense and dribble
Tom Barrett
Tom Barrett
aTom Barrett
..... atomic BRAIN language, linguistics, semantics, and dictionary errors
in the greater Milwaukee community
of social science INTELLECTUAL
nonsense and dribble
Milwaukee mayor beaten with pipe while defending baby and ... › US News › Wisconsin
Aug 17, 2009 - Tom Barrett recovering in hospital from head injuries following attack by ... When Barrett took out his mobile phone to call authorities, the man attacked him with a pipe, ... The assault occurred in West Allis, a Milwaukee suburb.
Milwaukee mayor describes attack as 'very, very ugly' -
Aug 19, 2009 - Story Highlights; Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says attack got ugly "very ... after he left the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis with his family.
Arrest made in attack on Milwaukee mayor -
Aug 16, 2009 - Police: Man beat Mayor Tom Barrett with metal pipe at state fair on Saturday ... West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth said the attack on the ...
Barrett beaten near State Fair; suspect in custody - OnMilwaukee
Aug 16, 2009 - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is recovering at Froedtert Hospital today after being ... Tags: mayor tom barrett, state fair park, attack, west allis.
The Political Environment: Beating Of Mayor Barrett Leaving State Fair ...
Aug 16, 2009 - Beating Of Mayor Barrett Leaving State Fair Is Serious Situation. The beating of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett as he left State Fair in West Allis Saturday ... How about "Mayor hit with pipe" or "Mayor becomes victim of attack?"
Milwaukee mayor attacked while leaving State Fair - WKOW 27 ...
Aug 16, 2009 - The Milwaukee and West Allis police chiefs jointly announced at the ... MILWAUKEE (WKOW) -- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was taken to a ...
Suspect arrested in
the blood-brain barrier SOFTWARE attack on Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett
- NY Daily ...
Aug 17, 2009 - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett remained hospitalized Sunday after a man attacked him with a metal pipe as the mayor tried to assist a ...a metal pipea metal pipea metal pipea meta-language data pipeline
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett - Home
Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described
Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described
Police Chief Mike Jung ....... described
Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described
Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described
Police Chief Mike ...... blut described the BLOOD software ERRORS of the
Milwaukee (Arteries output data ) Art Museum
and the and theater community
Milwaukee (Arteries output data ) Art Museum
and the and theater community
German Translation of “blood” --> Blut
| Collins English-German Dictionary
Milwaukee mayor Barrett ......
the Targeted Therapy PROPER NOUN agent ,,,,,,,
attacked while leaving State Fair - WKOW 27 ...
Aug 16, 2009 - The Milwaukee and West Allis police chiefs jointly announced at the ... MILWAUKEE (WKOW) -- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was taken to a ...
Feedback Systems and Feedback Control Systems › Systems
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genesee -
Search launched for missing Town of Genesee girl
Town of Genesee -
Town of Gene see --> see Gene Hackman movie (moleuclar view) --->
Kettle Moraine High School, ...
Kettle Moraine High School, ...
Kettle Mo rain e ---> Molecular Brain earth
...... adults humans and their awareness deficiency
The plot revolves around a surveillance expert and the moral dilemma he faces when his recordings reveal a potential murder
Harry Caul (Gene Hackman) is a surveillance expert who runs his own company in San Francisco. He is highly respected by others in the profession.
above words--> Special-operation forces --> information pointer -->
Einstein's Special Relativity and
its influence on special-operations dummies
keyword --> NATO Military --> subset codes --> N ATOM ---> Avogadro's number of military atoms
words --> American art ---> blood arteries and their output message formats
codes number 19 and 44 ---> pointer to year 1944-->
D-Day - Jun 06, 1944 - HISTORY of CO2 molecule
With Hitler’s armies in control of most of mainland Europe, the Allies knew that a successful invasion of the continent was central to winning the war. ... On the morning of June 5, 1944, U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe gave the go ...
D-Day - Wikipedia
Location: Normandy, France
Date: June 6, 1944; 72 years ago
D-Day - Jun 06, 1944 - HISTORY of CO2 molecule
June 06,
carbon and number 44 --> mass 44 of CO2 output data carrier molecule
Carbon Dioxide cycle .....
Military History Online - D-Day June 6, 1944
D-Day: Normandy, France June 6, 1944. ... In 1944, the Germination war machine of Nature's BOTANY systems
was still very powerful despite
the many setbacks on the Eastern Front. What it ...
Above words__> Matisee 1937 painting --> 37 degrees Celsius .........
thermodynamic message
37 Celsius - Body temperature chart | F to C - Ferinheight to Celsius
code name--> Goodluck Jonathan -->
Gulliver's Travels - Wikipedia
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
.......liver's Travels --->
Above code words --> Hunter --->
Hunter (TV Series 1984–1991) - IMDb
Above code words --> camp --> Hippocampus ....
Hippocampus - The Brain Made Simple
..........campus - The Bra ....Made Simple
Memory, Learning, and Emotion: the Hippocampus | PsychEducation
offices inside the human brain bio-computer
words ---> tag + art --> T,A,G nucleotides and blood arteries---> information CLUES about human bodies as bio-computer BLOG sites
code name --> Ms. Kusamp --> K + usa +ma + post-->
K-channel neurostransitter (bio-radio) + United States of America map .....
and the Emily Post electro-magnetic(EM) field POST OFFICE (of year 1922)
and its attack on the Benjamin Franklin geography post office
Neurotransmitters and receptors - University of Bristol
code --> NA K --> North America K-channel --> North America Kennedy
thus the
RFK --> Robert F. Kennedy assassination
RFK --> Radio Frequency K
Emily Post wrote in various styles, including humorous travel books, early in her career. She published her first etiquette book Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home (1922, frequently referenced as Etiquette) when she was 50
Emily Post
Emily Post
Em .....Post Office
(year 22 ..... 1922 message ......
November 22, 1963)
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy ... › JFK › JFK in History
code name --> Paris --> Par + is --> Parallel information systems
Octagon House (Watertown, Wisconsin) - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin)
code word --> Murakami --> M + ura + k + ami --->
M-theory +
uranium 235 (code number 285) +
K (potassium) +
amino acids of the Amish School shooting cover-up
M-theory +
uranium 235 (code number 285) +
K (potassium) +
amino acids of the Amish School shooting cover-up
Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA - › The Amish
Subconscious - Wikipedia
The word "subconscious" represents an anglicized version of the French subconscient as coined by the psychologist Pierre Janet (1859-1947), who argued that underneath the layers of critical-thought functions of the conscious mind lay a powerful awareness that he called the subconscious mind.
Discover the Power of Your Subconscious Mind | Brian Tracy
Understanding Your Subconscious Mind. General comfort zone, subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. Its capacity is virtually unlimited. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you.
Discover the Power of Subconscious Mind
Our Unions and Allies | AFL-CIO
Diverse coalitions of local unions make up AFL-CIO's state federations and local labor councils. These community organizations are the heart of the labor ...
AFL-CIO: America's BEDROOM Unions
of Mr. Penis HEAD of THOUGHT and
Mrs. Fed Federal with her Presidential kitchen cabinet
and Department of Labor and Pregnancy
Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. I, 1910.djvu/98 ...,_vol.../98
Apr 22, 2014 - Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. .... is a featherless biped," or any other statement which applies to the same objects to ...
Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand ...
Code words --> 16-year high -->
INTERNAL blood HEME language becomes output -->
External THEMES or Schemes
Open-Heart Surgery: Risks, Procedure, & Preparation - Healthline
Sep 21, 2016 - Open-heart surgery is any type of surgery where the chest is cut open and surgery is performed on the muscles, valves, or arteries of the heart. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most common type of ...
Open Heart Surgery: What to Expect - Medical News Today
code --> ST. Annes --> An + ne + s
--> atomic number of protons + neutron ..SUM = atomic mass
code ---> Gary --> G + ary --> Gravity field array
above words--> embankment
--> em + bank --> electro-magnetic BANK of the Solar System
Above codes
--> Annes he'll --> subset letters
............... shell --> electron shell and its
English expression language
code symbols --> 9 Gullion ---> 9 Gu 11
--> nine Gu parallel --> Guanine DNA nucleotide
code --> St. Paul Ev --> ST.Paul Dirac electron volts
code words
--> St. Mark's EV Lutheran
....................... Ev Lu --> evolution secrets revealed
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women ... Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the commission of an abduction and abduction with intent to defile in connection with the ...
Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries
of electrical utility companies, General Electric and other companies
Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
Morgan Harrington case reminding many of Route 29 Stalker - NBC12 ... skeletal remains of the Virginia Tech student were found two weeks ago on a farm off Route 29. Her murder is reminding many of a cold case from 14 years ..
code Zimmermann --> Z im -->
top line --> word -> clever move--> Clever Cleveland death of Tamir Rice
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
Tamir Rice shooting:
A breakdown of the events
that led to the carbon 12 agent ...... 12-year old ...
Here is a breakdown of Loehmann's hiring, as well as what happened.
Here is a breakdown of Loehmann's hiring, as well as what happened.
Here is a breakdown of Loehmann's hiring,
as well as what happened. .....
the information fabric links to other events ...
L o e --> order entry
the EARTH magnetic field and human IRON blood .....
.... information fabric links to other events ...
L o e H--> LINK order entry H
L o e B (Loeb iron metals) ...B hiring at Watertown, Wisconsin and
the Wisconsin Workforce problems in understanding REALITY signals
above secret code --> Hyman Loeb --> Highway 26 man Loeb
Code --> January 19, 1917 signal
codes --.AM --> atomic mass
code --> His am --> IBM Hisam
IMS V13 - Database administration - HISAM databases - IBM
In a
hierarchical indexed
sequential access method (HISAM) database, as with an HSAM database, segments in each database record are related through physical adjacency in storage. Unlike HSAM, however, each HISAM database record is indexed, allowing direct access to a database .
hierarchical indexed
sequential access method (HISAM) database, as with an HSAM database, segments in each database record are related through physical adjacency in storage.
Fermilab Wilson Hall | Visit Fermilab | Hours, Maps and Directions
of Wilson Hall are open to the public every day from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Science and educational displays, as well as ...
Police release new details in disappearance of agent Kato (K atom) ..
Kathryn Stalbaum
Kathryn Stalbaum back in Wisconsin, reunited with family | FOX6Now ...
code name --> Gennett --> Jean Genet,
Our Lady of the Flowers - Wikipedia
Our Lady of the Flowers (Notre Dame des Fleurs) is the debut novel of French writer Jean Genet, first published in 1943. The free-flowing, poetic novel is a largely autobiographical account of a man's journey through the Parisian underworld. The characters are drawn after their real-life counterparts, who are mostly homosexuals living on the fringes of society.
Plot summary
The novel tells the story of Divine, a drag queen who, when the novel opens, has died of tuberculosis and been canonised as a result. The narrator tells us that the stories he is telling are mainly to amuse himself whilst he passes his sentence in prison – and the highly erotic, often explicitly sexual, stories are spun to assist his masturbation. Jean-Paul Sartre called it "the epic of masturbation".Divine lives in an attic room overlooking Montmartre cemetery, which she shares with various lovers, the most important of whom is a pimp called Darling Daintyfoot. One day Darling brings home a young hoodlum and murderer, dubbed Our Lady of the Flowers. Our Lady is eventually arrested and tried, and executed. Death and ecstasy accompany the acts of every character, as Genet performs a transvaluation of all values, making betrayal the highest moral value, murder an act of virtue and sexual appeal.
Publication history and reception
Our Lady of the Flowers was written in prison. Genet wrote it on sheets of brown paper which prison authorities provided to prisoners – with the intention that they would make bags of itTop lines--> carlos ma --> carlos manuscript
Bottom lines --> Arizona ace --> STATE of MIND
..Arizona acetylcholine neurotransmitters and their SOFTWARE languages
Do white people (caucus-goers) really come from the Caucasus?
Aug 19, 2008 - So why do we call white people Caucasians? ... and he named the first class of humans after the country's home in the Caucasus Mountains.
Caucasian peoples |
Caucasian peoples, various ethnic groups living in the Caucasus, ... Arab geographers called the Caucasus Jabal al-Alsine, Mountain of Languages. ... A second ancient Indo-European group is the Ossetes, or Ossetians, in the central Greater ...
The Real History of White People - Realhistoryww
Jul 18, 2014 - Ancient Man and His First Civilizations ..... excepting the Crimean and western Caucasus mountains' border with the sea, where the Crimean ...
code name --> Cruz--> St.Cruz Island and Charles Darwin
Santa Cruz Island | Charles Darwin Research Station & Dragon Hill
Charles Darwin Research Station (Santa Cruz Island) Reviews | U.S. ... › ... › Central & South America › Ecuador › Galápagos Islands
code name --> Rubio--> RU + bio--> IBM VTAM Request unit(RU) biology
Above, object ............
below, the Mullin's Dairy ice cream and the ice cream cone .....
optical WARs in Watertown Wisconsin that resulted
in the murder of Nature's interceptor agent
Travis Zoellick
( Travis Z --> Tra + vis + Z --> traveling vision (optical cities) and Z poynting vector of the EM field at Emmet Township)
On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen's Dairy Bar in Watertown; new ...
Oct 2, 2016 - Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen's Dairy Bar and Eatery in Watertown, looks ... The doors of Mullen's Dairy Bar & Eatery are closed, ice cream ...
On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen's
...................sin: Feud ...... closes Mullen's
...................sin wave function Feud .......... closes Mullen's
ELECTROMAGNETISM Volume 2 —Applications: Magnetic Diffusion and ...
ASHUTOSH PRAMANIK - 2014 - Science
Let the power density of the plane wave (or its Poynting vector) be S W/m2, and ... antenna (say l/2) be located in the field of an e.m. wave passing the antenna. ... from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
from the wave and delivers to the load .
........ murder of Matt Anderson (end-loader message)
........ murder of Matt Anderson (end-loader message)
impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit
--> the termination/ murder of ZT --> Zoellick, Travis.
--> the termination/ murder of ZT --> Zoellick, Travis.
Travis Zoellick (20) killed in the 20/20 optical SOFTWARE
language / English dictionary wars played out
at EM (electro-magnetic) field battle site of EMMET
---> EM + MET --> EM attacks Metabolism
SON'S AC (alternating cycle)....AC --> ACTIONS, FATE A BLOW | Local News |
........ the radio attack on the human brain stEM and the TV atatck on the human eye system.
They knew the 20-year- old and his 20/20 optical vision
struggled with deep-seated anger ( ang + er--> angstrom wavelength errors)
struggled with deep-seated anger ( ang + er--> angstrom wavelength errors)
even as they sought to get ...
Alan W. Rudge - 1983 - Technology & Engineering
Ic. This bending back is necessary so that the Poynting vector can have a ... the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into the conductors. ... 'transfer impedance' ZT which is defined as: ZT = VT/1 ohm/unit length (18.1) ...
'transfer impedance' ZT
'transfer impedance' ZT
'transfer impedance' ZT --> Zoellick, Travis and his body/brain bio-electronics
the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into
the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into
the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into EMMET Township
The Rods and Cones of the Human Eye
and Mullins cones ......
Watertown human eye/ brain BS and bragging problems
and the library optics / knowledge problems
- HyperPhysics Concepts
Mullen's Dairy Bar owner charged .... in the Federal Communication Commission approved schemes
to control the human bio-optical systems and
then farm/harvest Nature's eyeball software systems ......
manipulate the systems for economic purposes
Mullen's Dairy Bar owner and his ice cream cones .....
Mullen's military ice cream cones DEFEND
the human eye CONES
Mullen's Dairy Bar owner charged in a FCC rigged set-up with
identity theft, credit card fraud ...
Adam Raney
..age 37
........ 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature
.... agent .... exposes the human eye rackets
Adam Raney
Adam Ran ey
Adam Ran eye
Adam Ran eyeball --> his age 37 .....
bio-optical eye computer ...... age 37 eyeBALL
--> age 37 signal BAL (Basic Assembler Language)
sends a distress signal to the community
the optical messages in the Watertown Daily Times newspapers ...
the Adam Raney .. age 37 eye BAL signal
...... request signal for
IBM system 370 ... parallel humans with human bio-optical BAL
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL) and eye.BAL Links? - Definition from › Mainframes › DatabaseBAL (Basic Assembler Language) is a version of IBM's assembler language (sometimes called assembly language) for its System/360 and System/370 ...
article (previous clipping) -->
Raney charged with robbery of the State Bank of Reeseville
at 1312 W. Main Street, Watertown, Wisconsin --> SYMBOL MACHINE keywords, concepts, and book pointer
.... Main Street Wisconsin
.... Main Street Wisconsin
.... Main Street Wis .... sin
.... Main Street
.................... LeWIS, Sinclair
.................... LeWIS, Sinclair
Thus the juxaposition of information elements and concepts ......
a) the Mr. Raney important clue WORDS
---> Main Street (provided by the State Bank data generating event)
---> Main Street (provided by the State Bank data generating event)
b) Mr. Raney in Beaver Dam robbery at 130 Maple Avenue
--> Maple Avenue --> Map Avenue .....
an EARTH Language ROAD MAP with S.I. Hayakawa
--> Maple Avenue --> Map Avenue .....
an EARTH Language ROAD MAP with S.I. Hayakawa
Algemene semantiek, Hayakawa: Ch. 2 - Maps and territories
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2
Symbols Maps and Territories There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Chapter 2
Symbols Maps and Territories There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we
S. I. Hayakawa - Wikiquote
. ... The analogy of verbal words to maps is an important one ...
Maps and territories
Maps and terror ... attacks upon
BRAIN language/ English and science linguistic maps
and their word definition/explanation terrorities
CBS 58 - Watertown Bank Robber Charged with Terrorist Threat and ...
Jul 21, 2016 - Adam Raney was charged with armed robbery, bomb scare and ... On July 11, Raney allegedly walked into a bank in Watertown and told the ...
. On July 11
. On July 11
. On July 11 ...... signal 11 (number eleven)
. On .......11
. On S .... 11 .. the Sept 11,2001 message
. On SKU11 ....
Nature's brain engineering
SOFTWARE systems for the
human skull, brain, cortex .......
Nature's brain engineering
SOFTWARE systems for the
human skull, brain, cortex .......
Mr. Raney's actions to generate
on July 11
Raney makes initial for bank robbery - Watertown Daily Times
'Brain road maps' reflect behavior differences between males and ...
Feb 9, 2016 - Differences in the neural wiring across development of men and women across ages, matched behavioral differences commonly associated ...
Healthy Brain Initiative: Road Map | Health Aging for Older Adults | CDC
Brain mapping - Wikipedia
Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human ...
A New Map of the Brain Redraws the Boundaries of Neuroscience ...
Jul 20, 2016 - Just like regular maps, brain maps are useful points of reference. Scientists use them to agree on what they're studying in the first place.
brain mapping Archives - Neuroscience News
Thus the juxtaposition of factors .....
a) Mr. Raney ........ Main Street (book pointer)
and Maple Avenue (brain language map pointers)
and Maple Avenue (brain language map pointers)
b) MR. Raney --> ey --> eye --->
.....eye rods and cones --> Mullin's ice cream cones CLUE to eye cones
LINK to the public library across the street (Main Street)
from Mullins .....
LINK to the public library across the street (Main Street)
from Mullins .....
the Watertown Public Library (human eye rods and cones ...
. optical cone awareness FAILURE )
. optical cone awareness FAILURE )
Watertown Public Library | Watertown Wisconsin Public Library ...
Watertown Wisconsin Public Library, provides an online resource and discovery center dedicated to the enhancement of knowledge through traditional library ...
discovery center dedicated to the enhancement
discovery center dedicated to the enhancement ---> real --->
disco dedicated to the ......... cement ......
thus the request for construction of a new library addition
for more INTELLECTUAL nonsense
Code words -->
AC --> alternating cycles/ sin waves message for the ACLU
Beaver Dam Map --> B Dam Map --> BDAM map ..
Basic direct access method - Wikipedia
A direct-access storage device (DASD) pronounced /ˈdæzdiː/) is a secondary storage device in which "each physical record has a discrete location and a unique address." IBM developed DASDs for use with mainframe computers and some ... Direct access contrasts with the sequential access method used in tape drives.
Virtual storage access method - Wikipedia
Virtual storage access method (VSAM) is an IBM DASD file storage access method, first used in .... Local Shared Resources (LSR), is optimised for "random" or direct access. LSR access is easy to achieve from CICS. Global Shared Resources ...
BDAM - Basic Direct Access Method. - IT Professionals
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
violations of VSAM ESDA space and LU laws ...
Jun 19, 2013 - Watertown, Wisconsin – The Bethesda Intermediate Care Facility, 700 ... living at the Watertown ICF have
transitioned to their new homes.
transitioned to their new homes.
Bethesda Lutheran
Bethesda Lu = Logical Units (feeble minded farm/ag workers )
brains attacked by social science INTELLECTUAL nonsense on their brain engineering DRIBBLE
.......transitioned to their new homes in the
Federal government approval of
Hollywood brain world .... BS schemes ...
and the attack on the
Hayakawa brain Abstraction Ladder ......
Hayakawa brain Abstraction Ladder ......
Bessie the Cow project of the feeble mined farm workers ...
and their down-to-EARTH farm experiences are necessary for their protein THOUGHT molecules to maintain a relationship
with earthly REALITY
...................... VERSUS
the RADIO-HEAD music mentality
or the EAR / talking mouth people
version of a advanced happy lifestyle
for the feeble minded
Bethesda Lutheran Communities to Close Watertown Intermediate ... 19, 2013 - Watertown, Wisconsin – The Bethesda Intermediate Care Facility, 700 ... living at the Watertown ICF have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned to their new BRAIN homes.
Watertown, Wisconsin - Bethesda Lutheran Communities
Volunteer. Volunteers of all ages are needed to fill our cashier, sorting and general retail positions. Other opportunities include light carpentry, building ...
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
make their house into a home.
make their house into a home.
make their house into a home ??????
We connect the people
We connect the people
We connect the people with Hollywood fantasy
and music BS songs and dances
We connect the people with other air heads
We connect the people
We connect the people with OUR superior perception and understanding of everything in known existence
We connect the people
We connect the people
We connect the people
We disconnect the people from earth REALITY
Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their own food [the ... 11 08 Last Friday the board of Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and ...
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
began farming and raising their own food.
began farming and raising their own food.
began farming and raising
their own food ---> food for thought
and the
geo-math, bio-math function f(E) assigned
by Nature to the
f(E) --> f(E)eble (equation) .......
feeble mined bio-math agents by Highway
Fe ...... that is
Fe --> Ferrous oxide IRON atomic Highway 26 and
its feeble minded agents for
.... human BES protein agents that protect the 26 letter alphabet of 26 protons of IRON
Bose–Einstein Statistics (BES) - Wikipedia–Einstein_statistics
BES --> Bose-Einstein Statistics project ..
BES --> advance BES ... 1 alphabet step -->
BET giving probability theory of
BET( hesda ) LU(the)ran
...................................... random variables
problems at the University of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Athletics - Facilities - Camp Randall Stadium
John Wiley: Pure and Applied Mathematics: A John Wiley Series of Texts ...
A John Wiley Series of Texts
Above code
--> Na --> the periodic atomic table ....... Nazi atomic particle
Above, the Na channel neurotransmitter --> the Nazi neurons
Codewords --> skinhead brawl --> Skin (penis ) head (of thoughts and behavior)
code name --> Steven Timothy Snyder age 38 --> subset code snyder --> sny + der -->
syn (or sny) .... syntax dermatology/ skin language
code name --> Steven Timothy Snyder age 38
code name --> even (number 2) ............. 38 --> message 238 for Route 38 for the odd integer people
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone to retire as the Fermilab ODD director | UChicago News
Aug 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory. Oddone ...
IBM Basic assembly language and successors - Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
IBM Assembly and Test Services › IT infrastructure › Systems-related services
IBM Assembly and Test Services 
code name TOM --> aTOM
VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction
- ResearchGate
English alphabet - Wikipedia
Futhorc influenced the emerging English alphabet by providing it with the letters thorn (Þ þ) and wynn (Ƿ ƿ). The letter eth (Ð ð) was later devised as a modification of dee (D d), and finally yogh (Ȝ ȝ) was created by Norman scribes from the insular g in Old English and Irish, and used alongside their Carolingian g.
Liar paradox -and human fami.LIES of lies/schemes
Advanced bird flu
--> SYMBOL MACHINE and parallel existences
--> bird (airplane) flu phonetics /sound equivalent --> flew
Mouse Genetics - Lee M. Silver - Oxford University Press
Apr 13, 1995 - Mouse Genetics offers for the first time in a single comprehensive volume a practical guide to mouse breeding and genetics. Nearly all human ...
Mouse Genetics:
atomic key ....Concepts and Applications
atomic key
.......mic key --> Mickey
- Lee M. Silver - Google ... › Science › Life Sciences › Zoology › Mammals
Mickey Mouse is a funny animal cartoon character and the official mascot of The Walt Disney Company. He was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks at the Walt Disney Studios in 1928. An anthropomorphic mouse who typically wears red shorts, large yellow shoes, and white gloves, Mickey has become one of the world's most recognizable characters.
Mickey first appeared in a test screening short (Plane Crazy). Mickey officially debuted in the short film Steamboat Willie (1928), one of the first sound cartoons. He went on to appear in over 130 films, including The Band Concert (1935), Brave Little Tailor (1938), and Fantasia (1940).
Mickey Mouse - Wikipedia
Mouse Genetics: Concepts and ApplicationsMickey Mouse Genetics:
Microsoft atomic Computer keyboard and mouse
Concepts and Applications
code word --> Twist --> DNA twist
The Twist (song) - Wikipedia
Jump to Chubby Checker version - In July 1960, Checker performed "The Twist" for the first time in front of a live audience at the Rainbow Club in ...
Chubby Checker - Wikipedia
Chubby Checker (born Ernest Evans; October 3, 1941) is an American singer. He is widely known for popularizing the twist dance style, with his 1960 hit cover of ...
Years active: 1959–present
Genres: Rock and roll, rhythm and blues
Origin: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Instruments: Vocals
The Twist by Chubby Checker Songfacts
Gulliver's Travels - Wikipedia
Jonathan Swift · Gulliver's Travels (2010 film) · Yahoo · Lemuel Gulliver- Wikipedia's Travels, whose full title is Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of ...
Jonathan Swift · Gulliver's Travels (2010 film) · Yahoo · Lemuel Gulliver
Gulliver's Travels -
......liver's Travels -
Central nervous system - Wikipedia
The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
Central Nervous System VERSUS
Central States Pension Fund Fun
- WebMD
The turn-around plan .................. turn brain languages
..the George Orwell warning
war is war/ conflict/ problems ...... NOT
war is peace
Oklahoma City and
the 16.8 billion ((billion electron votes (BEV) ... ) plan
- Facts & Summary of the rigged TRIALS - April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
left 168 people dead and hundreds more ...
the buying and selling of blood arteries SOFTWARE languages
code number 35 ....................... DNA molecular direction 3---> 5
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