Book-230J analysis by Herb Zinser translates books and their possible messages.
Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
Above, green picture diagram
--> implies a printed circuit board -->
Computer EARTH land /soil an earth electron surface WITH earth printed circuits.
Computer EARTH land /soil ...
as an earth electron surface WITH
earth BOTANY cellulose plants /bushes / shrubs
..... arranged in printed circuit expression patterns
End of printed circuit model
Georgia O'Keeffe language codes of Wisconsin
....... Watertown honey bee systems ...
LINK to earth message systems Lake O'Keechobee
code words--> droids, a Two-Onebee
--> subset letters --> Obee --> information pointer to
O ....bee -->
Find 6 listings related to Florida Power And Light Customer Service in Okeechobee on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for ...
/ sin wave functions / oscillations. alternating cycles .......
FPL .......echo ........ LINKAGE underground geology .....
Mar 24, 2017 - Mexican authorities said they found a long escape tunnel beneath a ... According to officials, the tunnel was 15 feet deep and 120 feet long.
Atomic Mass escape of atomic number information :
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) ........
The Palestinian Liberation Organisation -
The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was established in May 1964 in Jordan. The Palestine Liberation Organisation was a group that sort to combine ...
To meet Florida's growing energy needs, FPL plans to build and operate the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center, a high-efficiency power-generating facility ..
University of Florida, Gainsville
The University of Florida is about two miles away from
downtown Gainesville, a college town
bolstered by the school's nearly 50,000 students.
Rating: 4.5 - 282 reviews
University of Florida, Gainesville: See 282 reviews, articles, and 92 photos of University of Florida, ranked No.5 on TripAdvisor among 66 attractions in ...
University of Florida (Gainesville) ..... amplified Okeechobee ECHO signal
Message TREK ... traveling EARTH LANGUAGE signals ...Nikola Tesla wireless ..... and the geology ,,, atomic ENGLISH language with math ......
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos is a book by Brian Greene published in 2011 which explores the concept of the ...
Lieutenant Sulu ... source domain WORDS and Functions
Hikaru Kato Sulu is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. Originally known ... The character is promoted to lieutenant commander some time before Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and to full commander by the time of Star Trek II: ...
the Paul Dirac grave at Roselawn Cemetery is known as a
RoseN-Einstein special computer science feature at
Lieutenant ........... Function (Sulu) --> FSU LU (Logical unit) ... several feet underground in EARTH geology atoms
His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics: de.........lie --> Information systems ..... CODE ......
coffin --> co ......ff...... in --->
See also: netherregion ... Noun[edit]. nether region (plural nether regions). (often pluralized) ... (Hell; a realm beneath the earth): Hades, netherworld, underworld ...
To meet Florida's growing energy needs, FPL plans to build and operate the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center, a high-efficiency power-generating facility ..
Bethesda Lutheran Home and
code word --> Because --> BEC cause and effect
code name --> Jim Dell
explains key word concepts -->
Science Z70 -
Jim Dell from Conde SD
Wisconsin Dells / Cottage Grove
earth language region
and University of Wisconsin
secret molecular societies
Polish codes and
BMO-Harris Bank
with the "TALE of 2 Cities" view ...
the traditional signature written in ink OR the
echo signature METHOD of existence on EARTH per social contract with Nature
..............sign nature ..... that is ...
various signs, signal patterns, code messages extracted from
Nature's generated EVENT databases ..... events that are described in newspapers /
magazines and explained by knowledge found in basic college textbooks.
The echo signature method of Nature sent major group signals to Watertown Wisconsin .....
involving the Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration .. geological message system that interface with human bio-sensors ....... a known process that I will outline here.
Tesla's Earth quake ..signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
Czecholoslovakia earth geography in central Europe.....echo ....... Nature's earth electron soil and
Nature's human bio-electron sensors in Poland .......
Lech Walesa - WikipediaLech WalesaLech Walesa .... nearby Poland and its bio-electron peoplełęsa
Lech Wałęsa is a retired Polish politician and labour activist. He co-founded and headed Solidarity (Solidarność), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and served as President of Poland from 1990 to 1995. While working at the Lenin Shipyard (now Gdańsk Shipyard), Wałęsa, ...
Language echo via Polish
Thus the New York City .... West Side Highway event
Thus the New York City event and the West Side Highway generated DATABASE of key words, concepts, proper nouns, locations, etc ....
* Wife of Tribecca banker ......
Wife --> Wi + fe --> Wisconsin ferrous oxide iron atom
and its 26 English alphabet letters
at information Highway 26 in Watertown
Thus the New York ..Tribecca BEC EVENT and its generated information pointers to
BMO Bank of Montreal Quebec ... Quebec BEC systemsBMO Bank of Montreal Que becBMO Bank of Montreal .... data Queue BEC systems of EARTH
Sign in to BMO Online Banking to access your BMO accounts and
online services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
BMO Harris Bank in Watertown, WI | Watertown Area Chamber of ...
Celebrating 200 Years In 1817, the Montreal Bank became Canada's first bank, and went on to play a critical role in the building of a nation, its financial systems, and the prosperity of its people. We invite you to explore some of the stories from the past 200 years that trace the growth of BMO Financial Group and our ...
BMO Harris Bank 205 N 2nd St, Watertown, WI 53094 -
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for BMO Harris Bank
at 205 N 2nd St, Watertown, WI.
Thus we see Wisconsin's legal / financial systems participation / recognition of
the 5th state of matter and its laws
In addition, more EARTH language BEC signals exist in Wisconsin's participation
in the BEC 5th State of matter ( an atomic social economic activity and management infomation state)
(Carl Jung collective GROUP MINDs of
Announces the selection of ounces/ pounds of
Feb 14, 2018 - “The board and I are delighted that Jim will lead Landmark into its next stage of growth.”
Jim grew up on a 500-head cow-calf
operation in Conde, South Dakota, cultivating 3,200 acres of row crops and small grains.
Jim grew up on a 500-head
Jim grew up on a 500-head
Jim grew up on a 500-head project of
Lernaean Hydra &
Jim Dell
who holds a degree in
Landmark Services Cooperative Announces James Dell
geological layers of atomic/electron soil and rock ... are
The Wisconsin Dell's layers of limestone rock are Nature's systems version
Thus we see the various laws and the various states of Wisconsin ...
The sole purpose of the contract is to safeguard the rights of each citizen. This is the basic recipe for the political philosophy of liberalism—Locke's philosophy. Locke speaks of a state of nature where men are free, equal, and independent. He champions the social contract and government by cons
Jump to Thomas Hobbes - John Locke. For Hobbes, the necessity of an absolute authority, in the form of a Sovereign, followed from the of the State of Nature. ... While Locke uses Hobbes' methodological device of the State of Nature, as do virtually all social contract theorists, he uses it to a quite different end.
The other major echo sign of Nature
(sigNATURE code word) recognized by Wisconsin
is explained by Georgia O'Keeffe of Sun Prairie Wisconsin
American artist
Georgia O'Keeffe was an American artist. She was best known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism". Wikipedia
Born: November 15, 1887,
Sun Prairie, WI
Her earth language messages that surfaced
to a surface level of consciousness
Thrill your walls now with a stunning Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers print from the world's largest art gallery. Choose from thousands of Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers artworks with the option to print on canvas, acrylic, wood or museum quality paper. Choose a frame to complete your home today!
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee /
..........................................................echo message
Vintage 1920 Bee Keeping Catalog - G.B. Lewis Co. - Watertown, WI - Bees - Honey.
Vintage 1920 Bee Keeping
return code
.... Lake o.KEEcho.BEE ..... the sunshine state
Kee --> Milwaukee
Thus the question .. what are some of the underlying components that
Wisconsin sin states and Wisconsin atomic electron states use.
The earth geography equation code .....
earth --> e + ar + th
--> electron area thoughts (of bio-electron people in that area )
Thus we see the various STATES of Wisconsin and its legal systems .....
that are explained by the
various science law schools at a university campus in Wisconsin ......
laws that are input to the Carl Jung collective group mind and
the James Joyce data stream of consciousness .... .
thus the need for the traditional law school (SC) to have a
knowledge and wisdom bridge ....
from the school's Sub-Conscious (SC) level to
the more REALITY based, conscious and aware .....
Symbol & Concept(SC) world ..... that advances beyond the
sub-conscious platform .... erroneously used society.
explains key word concepts -->
Data 571 -
slaves code -->
system layers and
Finnegans Wake
instructions 1939 -->
start World War 2 in year 1939
coffin wake funerals ....the Finnegans Wake process
May 3, 2016 - Though exact totals will never be known, the transatlantic slave trade is believed to have forcibly displaced some 12.5 million Africans between ...
and their community ... underground
and their community ... underground
above word ---> aware -->
year 2018 and molecule awareness and
molecule self-awareness /conscious molecule
inside the BASIC science educated brain
with knowledge and concept amplifiers
Below, a grape Vine ......
Vin earth circuit with
grape vine ...electron roots going into
the earth atomic ground
-------> sin waves
Cousin William -->
Cousin Wi --> Wisconsin postal code
Cou sin
County /farm land ... sin region /plowed land

letters u
and ....n .. are opposites .....
thus the alphabet version of a sin wave
u n u n u n u n u n u n u n u n

letters u
and ....n .. are opposites .....
thus the alphabet version of a sin wave
u n u n u n u n u n u n u n u n ....
.....nun murders in Mississippi
and the cover-up by Milwaukee,
.............sin wave function cover-up
letters u
and ....n .. are opposites .....
thus the alphabet version of a sin wave
u n u n u n u n u n u n u n u n ....
un .......
secret languages of the United Nations
Gavin Darklighter ...
Gavin Long Star Wars X-wing algebra battle
Longfellow sees subset words--> Long + fell low
Gavin Darklighter was a Human male from Tatooine born during the Imperial Period. From humble...
Longfellow sees subset words--> Long + fell low
10.10: Electron States ..... electron STATES of MIND
Rating: 4.2 - 13 reviews
Graham Solomons (Author), Craig B. Fryhle (Author), Scott A. Snyder (Author) & 0 more. ... Organic Chemistry As a Second Language: First Semester Topics, 4th…. ... Organic Chemistry As a Second Language: Second Semester Topics, 4th….
explains key word concepts -->
The University of Wisconsin X-Wing Solo Command report
Solomon ...
Solo Z .....wisconSIN j = janesville and the GM automobile factoryIRON FIST link
Z --> alphabet 26 letters .... A thru Z symbolized by Highway 26 Janesville to Watertown

explains key word concepts -->
WORK Data 620 -
plo sinai peninsula and parallel
plow sin wave of Wisconsin
Golda Meir of
..............sin waves
Sin earth wave ....... of Wiscon.SIN PLOW land --> LINK to
DirAC --> dir + AC --> Dirt acres
a Nikola Tesla underground EARTH Vibration wireless .....
atomic language region thought to be beneath the surface of the world in many religions and mythologies. In film and television:.
explains key word concepts -->
Data 423 -
empire state bldg and
5th avenue .. the 5th state of communications and expression

code words for blood software -->
Ab --- abstract algebra and abstract thought processes
PROJECT at Pabst Farms
4-legged Holstein milk dairy / protein data cows and
4-legged thinking Horses
O = Oxygen base 16 at Highway 16 at
O = Oconomowoc Wisconsin ..... Pabst Farms region
of Oconomow, Summit
COMPUTER EARTH system 370)
and Delafield with agent
Woman gets 25-year sentence in the
Taxidermy and the IRS Tax system (IRS = Infra-red spectrum .....
explains key word concepts
--> coffin databases
Below, is a wormhole VCOFFIN model outline
of the Paul Dirac quantum physics language ......
his underground atomic COFFIN database in Tallahassee Florida. .....
with the language CONCEPTS needed to see the message processing situation.
who is regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century..... commemorative marker in Westminster Abbey.
In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida,
and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
In !984 ..... upon death , his body atoms entered the Base 16 complement dimension ... relative to the
COMPUTER EARTH frame of reference year ....
year 2000 and its Y2K earthly space/time equation
In addition .... code -->
Tal ......
..alignment of alphabet letters
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts.
Above, green picture diagram
--> implies a printed circuit board -->
Computer EARTH land /soil an earth electron surface WITH earth printed circuits.
explanation of the EARTH geography
electron surface and its printed circuits
...... using the geography information
display region of Lake Como, Italy and
explanation of the EARTH geography
electron surface and its printed circuits
...... using the geography information
display region of Lake Como, Italy and
other sites ------------->
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Computer EARTH land /soil ...
as an earth electron surface WITH
earth BOTANY cellulose plants /bushes / shrubs
..... arranged in printed circuit expression patterns
Vatican Gardens | Loving Italy's
Podiatry …. LEGS walking every day …… thus data entry
into the COMPUTER EARTH geography land surface … a keyboard
End of printed circuit model
Code words --> keeper -->
pointer code --> Kee to
Georgia O'Keeffe and bee-keeper codes
Georgia O'Keeffe 02 - honey bee system, Lake O'keechobee, Dirac & Feynman path integral
explains key word concepts -->
Georgia O'Keeffe language codes of Wisconsin
....... Watertown honey bee systems ...
LINK to earth message systems Lake O'Keechobee
Book word clues ..... information pointers to other ideas and concepts
code words--> droids, a Two-Onebee
--> subset letters --> Obee --> information pointer to
O ....bee -->
Florida Power And Light Locations & Hours Near Okeechobee, FL ... › Okeechobee, FL
Find 6 listings related to Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Florida Power And ...
Florida Power And Light Customer Service in Okeechobee, Florida ... 6 listings related to Florida Power And Light Customer Service in Okeechobee on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for ...
FPL Okeechobee Clean Energy Center -
To meet Florida's growing energy needs, FPL plans to build and operate the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center, a high-efficiency power-generating facility ..
The Nikoli Tesla resonance battle at Virginia TECH's Norris Hall ...
Mar 5, 2014 - Nikola Tesla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same
... Let's use ...
the earth returns an "echo signature" the earth returns an "echo signature" the earth returns an "echo sig nature" the earth returns an "echo....signal ..nature"
FPL Okeechobee Clean Energy Center -
FPL ........echo ...... bee / honey bee organization theory of energy
the pregn.ANT ANT/ ancient insect antenna model
used by 2-legged humanoids
the pregn.ANT ANT/ ancient insect antenna model
used by 2-legged humanoids
To meet Florida's growing energy needs, FPL plans to build and operate the Okeechobee
FPL Okeechobee Clean Energy Center -
FPL Okeechobee ..... Nikola Tesla energy ..... the EARTH as an electric motor that rotates on its axis .... 1 revolution per 24 hours
/ sin wave functions / oscillations. alternating cycles .......
EARTH vibrations and their SIGNALING content that
surfaces to a level of conscious awareness and expression using
PROPER NOUNS, locations, announcements that are printed
in the newspaper and broadcast on television
FPL .......echo ........ LINKAGE underground geology .....
message systems known as the BOOK of the DEAD,
Rosetta Stone, the Underworld, the Underground Railroad,
the Mexican Tunnel escape of copper 29 electrons
and their human agents....
120-foot-long escape tunnel found under prison in northern Mexico ...
Mar 24, 2017 - El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates is alive and well. ... 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico ... The tunnel reached 15 feet underground, Breitbart reported.
Atomic Mass escape of atomic number information :
29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico ...
Mar 24, 2017 - El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates is alive and well. ... 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico ... The tunnel reached 15 feet underground, Breitbart reported...PL O ....echo --> the sin wave echo form the EARTH geography region
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) ........
sin wave energy agents ...... VIA EARTH LAB identifier site
sinai peninsula ......Nature's data generating regions
| Palestinian political ...
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO),
Arabic Munaẓẓamat al-Taḥrīr Filasṭīniyyah,
umbrella political organization claiming to represent the world's ...
The Palestinian Liberation Organisation -
basic high school math and
PSSC physics Learning Site ...
on the existence of waves ..... oscillations per
PSSC physics water/ ripple tank LAB experiments
FPL Okeechobee Clean Energy Center -
FPL Okeechobee
University of Florida, Gainsville
| University of Florida -
Profile ---> Pro + file --> human Protein machine Rankings and Data ...
downtown Gainesville, a college town
bolstered by the school's nearly 50,000 students.
University of Florida (Gainesville): Top Tips Before You Go - TripAdvisor › ... › Gainesville › Things to Do in Gainesville
University of Florida (Gainesville)
University of Florida (Gainesville) ..... amplified Okeechobee ECHO signal
sent to
Florida State University, Tallahassee ..............
see ..... hassee messages VIA
see ..... hassee messages VIA
Herman Hessee and Paul Dirac
Distance from Okeechobee, FL to Gainesville, FL - Distance between ...
Distance between Okeechobee and Gainesville in miles and kilometers. Driving distance and how to go from Okeechobee, Florida to Gainesville, Florida.
Message TREK ... traveling EARTH LANGUAGE signals ...Nikola Tesla wireless ..... and the geology ,,, atomic ENGLISH language with math ......
geological structures .....
......logic ...structure ...... EARTH soil, clay, rocks .....
underground message PATH
... between Okeechobee ---> Gainsville --> Tallahasee
math logic FUNCTION Sulu --> F(sulu) --> expanded and actualized in physical reality .... educational and RD ..... INSTITUTION math code
F(SULU) ---> FSU LU (Logical Unit) .....
the most advanced LU in the COMPUTER EARTH
geography/geology data processing region being the Paul Dirac
atomic electron orbital DATABASE contained in a coffin
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep ... -
Buy The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos on ... Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory by Brian Greene ...
The Hidden Reality - Wikipedia
Lieutenant Sulu ... source domain WORDS and Functions
in the SYMBOL WORLD of Sartre existential structures and their expression languages, dictionaries, and formats
- Wikipedia
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul_DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
Paul_DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
Paul_DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
Paul Dirac and his EARTH soil ... grave hole has other names ....
the grave hole mathematical-physics MODEL is called an earth wormhole ....
the Paul Dirac grave at Roselawn Cemetery is known as a
Rose ... Rosen-Einstein communications bridge ........
specifically with the
RoseN-Einstein special computer science feature at
RoseLawn ........column 4 vertical codes
.........L --> NL --> New Line command ...... data report generator
using the Paul Dirac underground ...atomic DATABASE coffin.
Lieutenant Sulu ...
Lieutenant ........... Function (Sulu) --> FSU LU (Logical unit) ... several feet underground in EARTH geology atoms
with electron orbital energy that LINKS to PAUL DIRAC
...........................bit --> data bits in the coffin
with Nature's atomic DATABASE and the body of knowledge
contained in the atoms of Paul Dirac .......
as outlined by the Erwin Schrodinger cat
in a box (coffin box) .... DEAD or ALIVE model de.........lie MODEL of Duality (two or more)
Duality of the laws of nature
Far from claiming to make "the contradiction disappear" which Max Born thought could be achieved with a statistical approach, de Broglie extended wave–particle duality to all particles (and to crystals which revealed the effects of diffraction) and extended the principle of duality to the laws of nature.His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics:
When Boltzmann and his continuators developed their statistical interpretation of Thermodynamics, one could have considered Thermodynamics to be a complicated branch of Dynamics. But, with my de.........lie MODEL of Duality (two or more) de.........lie de.........lie --> Information systems ..... CODE ......
lies horizontal in the x,y mathematical plane of a
coffin with an individual ...... in another phase of atom existence
................................... dual --> implies 2 --> two --> dos --> double -->.
coffin base 16 religious HEX ...curse .... HEX equation
coffin --> co ......ff...... in --->
code ...... Hex'ff'= 255 = High-Values ... input to the EARTH underworld ...
Nether region in Tallhassee - Wikipedia
Nether region may refer to: Hell, the Underworld, or any place of darkness or eternal suffering; Subterranea (geography); Euphemism or slang for the bottom, ...,
Lieutenant Sulu ...
netherworld - Wiktionary
In some religions, one's soul departs to a netherworld, hell, instead of the heavens. ... (subterranean region for spirits of the dead): Hades, hell, nether region, ...
nether region and the Paul Dirac atomic energy communications site .....DATABASE and Nikola Tesla wireless concepts
underworld ...
underworld ...
underworld ... explained by
Paul Dirac equation explained
Paul Dirac equation .... Undertaker TASK/job
Paul Dirac equation
Paul Dirac equation and Undertaking Labs (UL)
.....ul --> alternating cycles
FPL Okeechobee Clean Energy Center -
Ok e echo bee --> ROUTE ..message pathway to
Bethesda Lutheran Home and
G.B. Lewis bee-keeping supplies company .....
- Watertown Historical Society
[e.g., Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptic Children].
Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, Inc. has always taken
pride in being a leader and pioneer in the ...
Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, Inc. has always taken
pride in being a leader and pioneer in the ...
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904,
Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street
and was called The Faith House. There were five clients ...
Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street
and was called The Faith House. There were five clients ...
Marshall & Ilsley (M&I bank in Milwaukee and Watertown)
- Wikipedia
Marshall & Ilsley Corporation was a U.S. bank and diversified financial services corporation headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that was purchased by Bank of Montreal in 2010. ... In late summer of 2010, M&I Bank additionally completed the acquisition of Southwest Bank, St Louis. In mid-August 2009 the bank was ...
Headquarters: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United ...
Traded as: NYSE: MI
code word --> Because --> BEC cause and effect
code name --> Jim Dell
Science Z70 - Jim Dell, Conde SD , Wisconsin Dells earth language Polish codes BMO -Harris Bank
explains key word concepts -->
Science Z70 -
Jim Dell from Conde SD
Wisconsin Dells / Cottage Grove
earth language region
and University of Wisconsin
secret molecular societies
Polish codes and
BMO-Harris Bank
The Wisconsin participation in
echo signature systems and their activities
.... consequently the
Wisconsin legal system recognition
of their important stature in
Wisconsin society
We look at modern signatures echo signature systems and their activities
.... consequently the
Wisconsin legal system recognition
of their important stature in
Wisconsin society
with the "TALE of 2 Cities" view ...
the traditional signature written in ink OR the
echo signature METHOD of existence on EARTH per social contract with Nature
..............sign nature ..... that is ...
various signs, signal patterns, code messages extracted from
Nature's generated EVENT databases ..... events that are described in newspapers /
magazines and explained by knowledge found in basic college textbooks.
The echo signature method of Nature sent major group signals to Watertown Wisconsin .....
involving the Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration .. geological message system that interface with human bio-sensors ....... a known process that I will outline here.
Tesla's Earth quake ..signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
1st is the Polish/ Czechosloviakia earth
geological underground ..... wireless system .... an Internet style
system as first outlined by Nikola Tesla around year 1910.
The system component code .... Earth language WORDS from Europe are
Czecholoslovakia earth geography in central Europe.....echo ....... Nature's earth electron soil and
its underground message system ....
a type of wireless INTERNET as outlined
by Nikola Tesla around year 1910.
Lech Walesa - WikipediaLech WalesaLech Walesa .... nearby Poland and its bio-electron people
L ech WalesaL echo
Language echo via Nature's Polish biology /physics peoplełęsaLech Wałęsa is a retired Polish politician and labour activist. He co-founded and headed Solidarity (Solidarność), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and served as President of Poland from 1990 to 1995. While working at the Lenin Shipyard (now Gdańsk Shipyard), Wałęsa, ...
Language echo via Polish
Language echo via Polish
Language echo via Polish-American people .... and Earth language .
Thus the New York City .... West Side Highway event
... to generate an echo signaling DATABASE.
May 19, 2015 -
Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers becomes emotional
The clan of motorcyclists chased Lien up to
the West Side Highway to
the 178th St. exit and yanked him
from the driver's seat where a handful of them knocked him to the ...
May 19, 2015 -
Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers becomes emotional
The clan of motorcyclists chased Lien up to
the West Side Highway to
the 178th St. exit and yanked him
from the driver's seat where a handful of them knocked him to the ...
Thus the New York City event and the West Side Highway generated DATABASE of key words, concepts, proper nouns, locations, etc ....
that emphasize Nature's earth language ...... echo message ....
to the LINK site ... of parallel location/name WORDS in Watertown, Wisconsin.
.. Wojciech Braszczok .... subset letter codes
Wo.... ech .............. ok
TWo.....echo ............ Okeechobee (Lake) Florida
..............echo ............ ...... echo
TWo.....echo ............ Okeechobee (Lake) Florida
..............echo ............ ...... echo
* Wife of Tribecca banker ......
Wife --> Wi + fe --> Wisconsin ferrous oxide iron atom
and its 26 English alphabet letters
at information Highway 26 in Watertown
Wife of Tribecca --> pointer --> Wi Tribeca --> Wisconsin Tribeca
Tribeca Gallery Café & Books | Café | Watertown, WI
Find that book you've been looking for or stop by for a cup of delicious coffee while you read your book at Tribeca Gallery Café & Books.
Bank of Montreal of Quebec Canada
...............................................Bec (Nature's earth
financial systems)
financial systems)
Thus the New York ..Tribecca BEC EVENT and its generated information pointers to
Bank of Montreal of Quebec Canada
...............................................Bec (Nature's earth financial systems)
and its Watertown Wisconsin bank secrets..... the bank as a participant in
Computer Earth geological LEVELS and Platforms.
BMO Bank of Montreal Quebec ... Earth's system software layers
that is the geological layers ..... known as
........................logical layers ..... communication layers as described in books
BMO Bank of Montreal Quebec ... Quebec BEC systemsBMO Bank of Montreal Que becBMO Bank of Montreal .... data Queue BEC systems of EARTH
Sign in to BMO Online Banking to access your BMO accounts and
online services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
BMO Harris Bank in Watertown, WI | Watertown Area Chamber of ...
Celebrating 200 Years In 1817, the Montreal Bank became Canada's first bank, and went on to play a critical role in the building of a nation, its financial systems, and the prosperity of its people. We invite you to explore some of the stories from the past 200 years that trace the growth of BMO Financial Group and our ...
BMO Harris Bank 205 N 2nd St, Watertown, WI 53094 -
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for BMO Harris Bank
at 205 N 2nd St, Watertown, WI.
Thus we see Wisconsin's legal / financial systems participation / recognition of
the 5th state of matter and its laws
In addition, more EARTH language BEC signals exist in Wisconsin's participation
in the BEC 5th State of matter ( an atomic social economic activity and management infomation state)
Land and Sartre existentialism ......
EARTH systems and its subset human organizations ...
Landmark Services Cooperative and
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
(Carl Jung collective GROUP MINDs of
Cottage Grove Wisconsin region)
Announces Darwin selection processes
May 30, 2007 - I'm wondering about the
phrase "to take an ounce of flesh" meaning ...
It's a pound of flesh and it comes from Shakespear's Merchant of Venice
phrase "to take an ounce of flesh" meaning ...
It's a pound of flesh and it comes from Shakespear's Merchant of Venice
Announces the selection of ounces/ pounds of
human MEAT / human protein machine FORMAT / with 500 heads ....
James Dell as New CEO ... 14, 2018 - “The board and I are delighted that Jim will lead Landmark into its next stage of growth.”
Jim grew up on a 500-head cow-calf
operation in Conde, South Dakota, cultivating 3,200 acres of row crops and small grains.
Jim grew up on a 500-head
Jim grew up on a 500-head
Jim grew up on a 500-head project of
Lernaean Hydra &
molecular software
- Wikipedia
The Lernaean Hydra or Hydra of Lerna more often known simply as the Hydra, was a ...
The hydra possessed many heads,
the exact number of which varies ...
Lernaean Hydra experiment at the
The hydra possessed many heads,
the exact number of which varies ...
Mythology: Greek mythology
Lernaean Hydra experiment at the
University of Wisconsin .....
grew up on a 500-head project
(using 500 students
in biochemistry classrooms)
(using 500 students
in biochemistry classrooms)
with 3 Lernaean Hydra leaders ....
Albert (Lehniner) Lehninger
molecular code..... Le+ringer
sub-conscious ............. ring leader
sub-conscious ............. ring leader
... David L. Nelson alias
molecular Lord Nelson
... atoMIC life form
..........MIChael M. Cox (code oxygen)
Clear writing and illustrations…
Clear explanations of difficult concepts…
Clear explanations of difficult concepts…
Clear explanations of difficult concepts
Clear explanations of difficult concepts
Clear explanations of ..... cult concepts
Clear communication of the ways
in biochemistry is currently understood
and practiced .....
in South Dakota and Wisconsin using
in biochemistry is currently understood
and practiced .....
in South Dakota and Wisconsin using
human molecular action figures to
generate SYSTEM information displays.
generate SYSTEM information displays.
Jim Dell
of Landmark Services SECRET Cooperative SOCIETY
who holds a degree in
ag business from Southwest State University in Marshall .... that is , ...
............sin electron sub-soil language systems ....
the sin energy/ signaling states ...... Conde, SD
component of the Bose-Einstein Conde.sate
that are covered by the Wiscon.SIN master sin wave
console as explained by Nature's selection of
Oshkosh --> Os --> Oscillation / sin wave site
Oshkosh --> Os --> Oscillation / sin wave site
per outlines suggested by the Nikola Tesla wireless model.
Landmark Services Cooperative Announces James Dell
Landmark Services Cooperative Announces James Dell
Land mark Services Cooperative Announces James Dell
Land ... mark my words (Earth language ) Services
Land / earth Services ................ Announces Mr. Dell's
additional identity CLUE ,,,, that the Wisconsin Dell's
geological layers of atomic/electron soil and rock ... are
..... logic layers of atomic/electron THOUGHT systems
.... the Wisconsin Dell's are
Nature's systems version of a printed circuit board.
Nature's systems version of a printed circuit board.
The Wisconsin Dell's layers of limestone rock are Nature's systems version
of a printed circuit board.
Thus we see the various laws and the various states of Wisconsin ...
John Locke | Natural Law, Natural Rights, and American ... sole purpose of the contract is to safeguard the rights of each citizen. This is the basic recipe for the political philosophy of liberalism—Locke's philosophy. Locke speaks of a state of nature where men are free, equal, and independent. He champions the social contract and government by cons
Social Contract Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy T HobbesJump to Thomas Hobbes - John Locke. For Hobbes, the necessity of an absolute authority, in the form of a Sovereign, followed from the of the State of Nature. ... While Locke uses Hobbes' methodological device of the State of Nature, as do virtually all social contract theorists, he uses it to a quite different end.
The other major echo sign of Nature
(sigNATURE code word) recognized by Wisconsin
is explained by Georgia O'Keeffe of Sun Prairie Wisconsin
American artist
Georgia O'Keeffe was an American artist. She was best known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism". Wikipedia
Born: November 15, 1887,
Sun Prairie, WI
Her early earth language life
O'Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][4] in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T in the town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.[5][6] Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida (Totto) O'Keeffe, were dairy farmers.
Her earth language messages that surfaced
from her unconscious / sub-conscious MIND
(as a dairy farm girl)
to a surface level of consciousness
her message format .... that being ... her visible paintings and her proper noun name and location codes.
Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers artwork Posters and Prints at Art ... your walls now with a stunning Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers print from the world's largest art gallery. Choose from thousands of Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers artworks with the option to print on canvas, acrylic, wood or museum quality paper. Choose a frame to complete your home today!
--> Sun Prairie link to the Sunshine state (Florida)
..........................................................echo message
.... thus her being .... a communications link between these 2 geological locations
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee /
..........................Kee --->............kee echo message .... in addition
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee .....................
......................... Kee...................Kee bee ----> message LINKS to
............. Kee....................................Bee ..................
Milwau.KEE and G.B. Lewis BEE.keeping of Watertown
..........................Kee --->............kee echo message .... in addition
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee .....................
......................... Kee...................Kee bee ----> message LINKS to
............. Kee....................................Bee ..................
Milwau.KEE and G.B. Lewis BEE.keeping of Watertown
Vintage 1920 Bee Keeping Catalog - G.B. Lewis Co. - Watertown, WI ... 1920 Bee Keeping Catalog - G.B. Lewis Co. - Watertown, WI - Bees - Honey.
Vintage 1920 Bee Keeping
Vintage 1920 Bee Kee ping
Vintage 1920 Bee Kee ...... Nature's computer blog ping
return code
................ Kee ..........Bee --> that being
.... Lake o.KEEcho.BEE ..... the sunshine state
........................Echo signature ... recognition feedback LINK
to the Wiscon.SIN SIN wave message continuum.
Thus Lake o.KEEcho.BEE ..... the earth language word feedback links
Kee --> Milwaukee
Bee Kee --> Bee-keeping in Watertown
Thus the question .. what are some of the underlying components that
Wisconsin sin states and Wisconsin atomic electron states use.
The earth geography equation code .....
earth --> e + ar + th
--> electron area thoughts (of bio-electron people in that area )
Thus the EARTH electron model Zin ..... states that 2-leg humans standing in the vertical
Z-axis automatically input data into the earth geography electron surface
.... as an electron data collection system.
.... as an electron data collection system.
In addition ....... people named V ..such as Vincent Lombardi (football) participate in this
Vin electron THOUGHT circuit system of Wisconsin ......
as outlined by Jim Dell of Landmark Farm Coop and the Wisconsin Dell's geological layers .... printed circuit structure.
Thus we see the various STATES of Wisconsin and its legal systems .....
that are explained by the
various science law schools at a university campus in Wisconsin ......
laws that are input to the Carl Jung collective group mind and
the James Joyce data stream of consciousness .... .
thus the need for the traditional law school (SC) to have a
knowledge and wisdom bridge ....
from the school's Sub-Conscious (SC) level to
the more REALITY based, conscious and aware .....
Symbol & Concept(SC) world ..... that advances beyond the
sub-conscious platform .... erroneously used society.
END of explanation
WORK Data 571 - slaves ocde--> system layers, Cinema Cin earth map and
Finnegans Wake
start war 1939 coffin wake funeral process
explains key word concepts -->
Data 571 -
slaves code -->
system layers and
Finnegans Wake
instructions 1939 -->
start World War 2 in year 1939
coffin wake funerals ....the Finnegans Wake process
What part of Africa did most slaves come from? - HISTORY
slayers --> s layers --> system layers
sla ves --> vector space
Versace --> ver ..sace --> vetcor space - Wikipedia
Founder: Gianni Versace
Revenue: : EU€669 million (2016); EU€635 mi...
Products: Textiles, Apparel
Headquarters: Milan, Italy
Vespers - Wikipedia
Vespers is a sunset evening prayer service in the Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Eastern Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran liturgies of the canonical hours. The word comes from the Greek ἑσπέρα ("hespera") and the Latin vesper, meaning "evening".
Vespers - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops › Prayer and Worship › Liturgy of the Hours
Vespers, also called Evening Prayer
Vespers, also called Evening Prayer
Vespers, also called Even ing P ray er
Vespers, also called Even integer P ray error
Cinema - Wikipedia
- Cinematography, The science or art of motion-picture photography..
- Film or movie, a series of still images that create the illusion of a moving image
- Film industry, the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking
- Filmmaking, the process of making a film
- Movie theater, a building in which films are shown
Cin e ma
Cin earth map .... VIA CinCinnati
and their community ... underground
COFFIN .....
.........FINANCIAL foundation
Cin earth map .... VIA CinCinnati
and their community ... underground
COFFIN .....
.........FINNEGAN's Wake (funeral wake)
Finnegans Wake - Wikipedia
Finnegans Wake is a work by Irish writer James Joyce. It is significant for its .... Finnegans Wake was published in book form, after seventeen years of ...
LC Class: PR6019.O9 F5 1999
Publisher: Faber and Faber
Author: James Joyce
Aut hor:
Autism horror manuscript:
Publication date: 4 May 1939
Publication consequences ...
World War II began on
September 1, 1939 to generate
WAKES (dead bodies and funerals)
LC Class: PR6019.O9 F5 1999
Publisher: Faber and Faber
Author: James Joyce
Aut hor:
Autism horror manuscript:
Publication date: 4 May 1939
Publication consequences ...
World War II began on
September 1, 1939 to generate
WAKES (dead bodies and funerals)
Timeline of World War II (1939 to 1945) - Wikipedia
Finnegans Wake is a work of fiction by Irish writer James Joyce. It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the English language.[1][2]
Written in Paris (Par + IS --> Parallel Information Systems ) over a
period of seventeen years and
published in 1939 (Potassium K-channel neurotransmitter ation codes)
, two years before the author's death, Finnegans Wake
was Joyce's final work of Joy/pleasure of death..
The entire book is written in a largely idiosyncratic language,
which blends standard English lexical items and neologistic multilingual puns andportmanteau words to unique effect.
Many critics believe the technique was Joyce's attempt to
recreate the experience of sleep (Coffin atomic database sleep per
Schrodinger year 1935 MODEL of Cat/coffin box ..... DEAD and ALIVE) and dreams.
[3] Owing to the work's linguistic experiments,
data Field stream of consciousness writing style, literary allusions,
free dream associations, and abandonment of narrative conventions, Finnegans Wake remains largely unread by the general public.
Despite the obstacles, readers and commentators have reached a broad consensus about the book's central (central nervous system) cast of characters and, to a lesser degree,
its plot (Pol Pot battle in Cambodia ..Cam Bod ...Cambridge University student body and their KHmer Rouge brain software problems), but key details remain elusive.[
6][7] The book discusses, in an unorthodox fashion,
the Earwicker family (EAR people of Wicker park Chicago),
comprising the
father HCE (HydroCarbon Earth platform of the
Linus Pauling organic chemistry blanket described by Charles Schultz PEANUTS comics),
the mother ALP (Mother Earth ALPHABETS of the ALP Mountains and
iron metal 26 proton letter prose),
and their three children
Chem --> Chemistry textbooks,
Written in Paris (Par + IS --> Parallel Information Systems ) over a
period of seventeen years and
published in 1939 (Potassium K-channel neurotransmitter ation codes)
, two years before the author's death, Finnegans Wake
was Joyce's final work of Joy/pleasure of death..
The entire book is written in a largely idiosyncratic language,
which blends standard English lexical items and neologistic multilingual puns andportmanteau words to unique effect.
Many critics believe the technique was Joyce's attempt to
recreate the experience of sleep (Coffin atomic database sleep per
Schrodinger year 1935 MODEL of Cat/coffin box ..... DEAD and ALIVE) and dreams.
[3] Owing to the work's linguistic experiments,
data Field stream of consciousness writing style, literary allusions,
free dream associations, and abandonment of narrative conventions, Finnegans Wake remains largely unread by the general public.
Despite the obstacles, readers and commentators have reached a broad consensus about the book's central (central nervous system) cast of characters and, to a lesser degree,
its plot (Pol Pot battle in Cambodia ..Cam Bod ...Cambridge University student body and their KHmer Rouge brain software problems), but key details remain elusive.[
6][7] The book discusses, in an unorthodox fashion,
the Earwicker family (EAR people of Wicker park Chicago),
comprising the
father HCE (HydroCarbon Earth platform of the
Linus Pauling organic chemistry blanket described by Charles Schultz PEANUTS comics),
the mother ALP (Mother Earth ALPHABETS of the ALP Mountains and
iron metal 26 proton letter prose),
and their three children
Chem --> Chemistry textbooks,
the Penman, Pen manuscripts/words .....
Shaun the Postman
.......un --> unconscious mind Carl Jung secret message ..
body-language and clothes and music ......
and Issy --> IS + SY --> IBM information systems with
SYSTEM 370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM with CICS online applications and
COBOL and Assembler batch programs.
END of explanation
END of explanation
above word ---> aware -->
year 2018 and molecule awareness and
molecule self-awareness /conscious molecule
inside the BASIC science educated brain
with knowledge and concept amplifiers
Below, a grape Vine ......
Vin earth circuit with
grape vine ...electron roots going into
the earth atomic ground
code word ---> he dish
--> hebrew/jewish ........ bio-radio dish/hat
--> hebrew/jewish ........ bio-radio dish/hat
-------> sin waves
Cousin William -->
Cousin Wi --> Wisconsin postal code
Cou sin
County /farm land ... sin region /plowed land
letters u
and ....n .. are opposites .....
thus the alphabet version of a sin wave
u n u n u n u n u n u n u n u n
and ....n .. are opposites .....
thus the alphabet version of a sin wave
u n u n u n u n u n u n u n u n ....
.....nun murders in Mississippi
and the cover-up by Milwaukee,
.............sin wave function cover-up
Mississippi man gets life in killing of Wisconsin nun - Milwaukee ...
Jun 21, 2018 - Mississippi man sentenced to life in prison in rape and killing of two nuns, ... Held talked about treating patients in Holmes County, where more ...
Jun 21, 2018 - Mississippi man pleads guilty in killing of two nuns, including nun with ... Holmes County Circuit Judge Jannie Lewis gave the 48-year-old ... Held was a member of the School Sisters of St. Francis, based in Milwaukee.
Aug 25, 2016 - Two Catholic nuns were found stabbed to death at their home in Holmes County, Miss. and police believe the two - including one Sister with ...
Mississippi man
Mississippi man ... IBM Mgt info systems (MIS)
Mis ..... ppi ...... parallel processing instruction manual
letters u
and ....n .. are opposites .....
thus the alphabet version of a sin wave
u n u n u n u n u n u n u n u n ....
un .......
secret languages of the United Nations
top code word--> Long Ga --> Gavin Long
Gavin Darklighter ...
Gavin Long Star Wars X-wing algebra battle
explains key word concepts -->
Gavin Darklighter ...
Gavin Long Star Wars X-wing algebra battle
Code --> Darklighter's eyes .........
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | Poetry Foundation
Longfellow's celebrity in his own time, however, has yielded to changing literary tastes and to reactions against the genteel tradition of authorship he ...
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Wikipedia
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American poet .... Shortly after the book's publication, Longfellow attempted to join the literary circle in New York and asked George Pope Morris for an editorial role at ...
Spouses: Mary Storer Potter; Frances Elizabeth ...
Occupation: Poet; Professor
Alma mater: Bowdoin College
Longfellow sees subset words--> Long + fell low
--> sees optical wars ..... Gavin Long AND Paige Raque fell 39 feet
Gavin Darklighter | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Longfellow sees subset words--> Long + fell low
--> sees optical wars ..... Paige Raque fell
Penn State cheerleader rebounds after brain Fellini movie injury ...
May 7, 2016 - Raque graduated from Penn State's College of Health and Human ... Paige Raque did what seemed impossible after she fell 39 feet out of a fifth-floor ..The Sharon Tate Murder Scene: Why the Crime Was Particularly ...
Aug 9, 2015 - The actress Sharon Tate first made news as the star of movies like The Fearless Vampire Killers, which TIME mocked as "blood on the ..
Sharon Tate
Share electron states ..... WAR
10.10: Electron States ..... electron STATES of MIND
influenced by Sharon Tate
- Chemistry LibreTexts › ... › 10: Theories of Electronic Molecular Structure
Dec 5, 2016 - The electronic configuration of an atom or molecule is a concept imposed by the orbital approximation. While a single determinant ..
END of explanation
Elizabeth II - Wikipedia
Elizabeth II is Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms . Elizabeth was born in London as the first child of the Duke and Duchess of ...
Reign: 6 February 1952 – present
Mother: Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Elizabeth II -
Elizabeth II -
........beth II --> Roman numeral 2
........bethesda LU Home at H2O ...... Watertown
Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
The establishment of the Bethesda Lutheran Home at Watertown
was a significant event ... 11 08 Last Friday the board of
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and ...
was a significant event ... 11 08 Last Friday the board of
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and ...
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its
doors in a rented building on Margaret Street and was
called The Faith House. There were five clients ...
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its
doors in a rented building on Margaret Street and was
called The Faith House. There were five clients ...
doors in a rented building on Margaret Street and was
called The Faith House. There were five clients ...
Bethesda Lutheran Communities - Wikipedia
Bethesda Lutheran Communities is a non-profit human service organization serving people ... The organization was originally named "The Society for the Training and Care of the Feeble-minded and Epileptic". The five people originally ... In 1977 the first Bethesda group home was established in Maryville, Missouri.
Organic Chemistry, 12th Edition 12, T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B ...
WORK Data 209 - T. W. Graham Solomons
molecule social chemistry DEMO
Representational Theories of
Solomons MOLECULEs and their
atomic /molecular social chemistry Consciousness
(Stanford Encyclopedia on thought evolution) ...
by W Lycan - 2000 - Cited by 130 - Related articles
May 22, 2000 - Representational Theories of Consciousness. The idea of representation has been central in discussions of intentionality for many years. But only more recently has it begun playing a wider role in the philosophy of mind, particularly in theories of consciousness.▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
explains key word concepts -->
The University of Wisconsin X-Wing Solo Command report
from the STAR WARS region:
Madison, Sun Prairie to Milwaukee.
Agents Solo and Runt provide valuable Science War data.
Brian Solomon .... Elena Berg
Zsinj -->
Z sin j ...........code for regionZsinj -->
Solomon ...
Solo Z .....wisconSIN j = janesville and the GM automobile factoryIRON FIST link
Z --> alphabet 26 letters .... A thru Z symbolized by Highway 26 Janesville to Watertown
The Official Star Wars Fact File lists Iron Fist's original name as Brawler, while Cracken's Threat Dossier and The New Essential Guide to Characters list it as ...
Modern propaganda wars use television and print to influence the minds of civilian populations in the United States and elsewhere. Aldous Huxley forewarned us about the possibilities with book: BRAVE NEW WORLD The George Orwell book 1984 battle of Oceania took place at Northern Illinois University, Cole Hall, Oceanography class room. The various school shootings are known by university philosophy departments, political science departments, and governments as the actualization of KARL Marx class warefare.
To understand these events and complex messages, Nature and its various systems that interact with humans and human institutions ......arranged for an informative EVENT in the Madison, Wisconsin region.
All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare
Let's look at the modern WORLD and the modern script ......and its input to out brain symbolic computer.
We are bio-computers.....the ancient Roman Empire was built using the human bio-computer and the brainr data processing abilities. The group, collective bio-computer was like a modern day copper-wire system 370 main frame computer. The people in ROME gathered/ assembled at their sports stadium called the

Thus .......let's look at a book and a situation in the Madison region. Remember that music, books, etc provide input data to the brain computer that may some manner become instructions to the subliminal mind ...and later on....... .may result in visible overt behavior.
Let's outline the script ...a small subset of the book's words......that help describe the process...that William Shakespeare wrote about --> we are the players ........the Madison and Sun Praire theater performance by atomic bio-physics humanoids that were selected by the Darwin selection process of symbols and proper nouns , symbolic life, and their human representatives.
The atomic English language of the 26 proton alphabet letters of ferrous oxide atom VIA iron hemoglobin protein structrures LINKED to organic chemistry molecular humanoids with high school algebra. function of f(x) ..............presents:
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION ( planet Earth) is an interesting location for various social engineering experiments and studies. A distant, theoretical researcher in the Milky Way Galaxy ...if viewing the Solar System ...would see activity on the surface of EARTH. That hypothetical amateur scientist would view the planet as a laboratory .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum . With symbolic tools and concepts ....such as the Theory of Everything (which includes human thoughts and actions ) and Grand Unified Theory ........a researcher could outline some events that occur on EARTH .....using symbolic information and Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and applications.
Where might we start?
STAR Wars ...perhaps, a description of the Carl Jung atomic/molecular collective unconsciousness ...of groups of atomic/organic molecule people on EARTH.
What might Nature suggest to help understand Carl Jung ?
Nature......guides us to JUNG SEE (DS) in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin and
suggests we see the logic CLUEs around us.
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION .....Solar System .....SUN .....
Then logic step
Thus ......if the universe and its astronomy star war news were to be printed ...a common sense geography location would be a place like SUN Prairie ...allowing nearby University of Wisconsin, Madison astronomers easy access to printed empircal data of the war ...the STAR WARS as reported by newspapers and paperback books. Consider the above picture a surrealistic painting of Madison and Sun Prairie and its various intellectual architectures.
What human event occurred in Madison region to attract attention?
The above book cover refers to the "Star wars " and the "EMPIRE:
Translate this .....for the moment into:
Star --> the Sun Prairie STAR newspaper geography region
EMPIRE --> EM = ElectroMagnetic television/ radio region involving the same geography region as the newspaper
Now, lets look at the Wisconsin State Journal article correlation to the paperback book.
a) Dane County --> implies we ought use the DANE university analysis approach of the Niels Bohr Instutite.
b) assistant city CLEK refers to J.CLERK Maxwell equations of em life = em --> employees like Nature's Darwinian selected EM agent --> Elena Berg. Thus we see Nature stating that c = 186,000 = the velo.CITY of light ......has an optical city within the photon/EM optical data stream.
Thus Madison is comprised of 2 different cities:
1) the geography city of Madison
2) the eye/optical nerve ...symbolic city of nouns, verbs, equations pictures in the brain optical computer and the eyeBALL --> BALL --> Basic Assembler Language of Light ...which includes human people...whose MIND is linked only to the optical city ...and they can't relate to the geography city.
Thus humans evolved into various optical sub-species ....according to eye/ brain orientation.
Steven Ballmer has yet to explain what his optical nerve CITY is up to...and his societal relationship to electron physics optical emissions and the Balmer series....and various manipulation commands that may exist with his subconscious MIND knowledge of the continuum.
Thus we see the battle signals ....regarding optical battle for control of the brain optical nerve of students and professors and citizens at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Madison citizens and Wisconsin State government staff and officials.
L. Ron Hubbard warned us about the HUBBLE optical wars near Hubble(ton), Wisconsin ..with his book " Battlefield EARTH"
Let's continue to look for more CLUES to verify the hypothesis...that these books are sending us messages about some optical nerve war regarding the English Language ...such as the shooting with the Virginia TECH English department failure to understand atomic English language standards and the limits of television language nonsense that is approved by universities.
Applied Chemistry --> social chemistry experiment with Shakespearean molecular actor:
SOLO COMMAND -- -> mission ..LINK to STAR newspaper for Star wars project
The first candidate to announce for Madison's 10th aldermanic district was Brian Solomon. A former president of the Monroe-Dudgeon Neighborhood Association, the 38-year-old hopeful is director of the Wisconsin Job Service and serves on the city's Equal Opportunities Commission
Let's look at Nature's signals ....of the atomic /molecular English alphabet letters.
Nature expressions are VIA organic behavior structures in humanoid format
Now, here addressing starts with location 1
Alphabet value --> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Address location-->1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Now notice the position 3 --> C
.........................position 8 ---> H
Thus age 38 --> points to CH --> CH.emistry agent
Name...Brain Solomon --> points to Solomon's organic chemistry textbook..politics of molecules.
Thus we see math lab and the evolution of math to the math life of humans....
The IRON Fist relates to the Falk Iron Gear explosion in Milwaukee in December 2006.
Year 2006 implies 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters.
New Republic refers to Isaac Newton and the gravity wave interaction with brain atomic mass and brain thoughts...thus creating gravity thought waves and gravity life formats.
The Republic was a book by the brain cells known as the:
PLato Military information systems report = Republic.
......atoM .....the ancient Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology group
PLO --> PLatO philosophy at Vasser college that was expressed in visible, overt format in the Middle East by Yasser Arafat ...... hence, a supersymmetry bio-physics display in the Sinai geo-political region .
Words ...
Solo. But Z sin j ...........code for region
Solomon Z .....wisconSIN j = janesville and the GM automobile factory IRON FIST link
Z --> alphabet 26 letters .... A thru Z symbolized by Highway 26 Janesville to Watertown
the X-wing fighters.....refers to subset word ..
..hex fighters...Base 16 hexadecimal fighters near Hexadecimal Highway 16 of Wisconsin.
combat task force .....refers to FermiLAB physics
......bat task force --> batavia, illinois secret projects .... message output VIA book
Thus we see William Shakespeare
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"
in modern UW terms .....
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the P layers ( Processing layers of Nature and its social engineering experiments and its social process control systems with feedback ERROR signals).
Let's look at more data pages from the book.
Do some data pages give CLUES about social process?
Which CLUES may pertain to the Madison experiment.
page 90 ....
Who might be Runt?
Words--> because we're too deep
Let's look at the Madison data script/ the scene ....and using Senator Proxmire of Wisconsin and his secret theory proximity and approximation statistical estimators ......and try to understand.
Thus we see the University English department and District Attorney office may have arranged the William Shakespeare modern script the Star Wars scene.
Thus ..given the script ...we have the players this case the Madison theatrical role of " DEEP " undercover agent code Runt.
Bio-computer optical System 370 SNA VTAM RU --> Runt = Request Unit for Rusch. Notice ...the news article mentions that her brain has atomic bio-physics electron shell abilities....hence, the physics identifier of first name Shelly. That states that her primordial existence starts with atomic electrons....and then she evolved into an adult humanoid electron social science messenger. .
Thus we see the human electronic brain configurations of organic chemistry molecules...VIA Nature's theoretical chemistry department about Solomon's tetxbook.
Above, DA refers to the brain electron circuit known as a Differential Amplifier.
University of Wisconsin electronic engineers are familiar with the copper wire version ...and have the symbolic version inside their brain.
Below, signal to the BIG TEN university and DISTRICT 10 that is near the STAR newspaper
...identifier for the universe and the Solar System 370 war region...which includes the Hubble WARS supersymmetry / parallel processing war region of Hubbleton, Wisconsin.
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
Thus we have many CLUES to an interesting social science puzzle of Nature...regarding the influence of literature and textbooks upon group thoughts and individual thoughts..
There is a question raised by Shakespeare's words " The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
WHO is the director?
The chemistry department?
The English department?
The Computer Science department?
Society has had 400 years to answer that question.
Society has had over 150 years to answer " The Tale of 2 Cities".
Now, we had the "Tale of 2 Towers" of September 11, 2001.
Thus what secret society exists of millions of participants ...that write incomplete explanations of events AND have no interest in helping explain more of the details.... at the deeper levels of atomic consciousness .....that rises thru several levels of human subconscious thought to become visible and overt at the surface level of life and behavior. Thus seen, an analyst may be able to trace backwards to the atomic source code .....such as the Base 16 oxygen atom processor used by the human bio-computer LU = Logical Unit = LUNG.
Thanks to Grand Unified Theory and the Theory of Everything for providing a conceptual framework for the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology studies in atomic political science and atomic social sciences ..such as the Wisconsin region. In a way, Nature is the director of our lives and would like our cooperation with the Social Contract as earlier outlined by JOHN Locke and others.
A human group in a sports stadium has its group bio-computer optical processing system.
For example the Green Bay Packers footBall group does PACKED decimal processing for the nearby city of bio-computer OS/ JCL called OS.hkosh. Their bio-computer brain programming errors result in many crimes and economic problem. University computer science departments and large corporation data processing departments oversee societal bio-computer systems .....a responsibility they have neglected since the citizens could care less. Thus Nature is taking over...and the Madison demo is a message to Univeristy of Wisconsin from the UNIVERSE.
Thus the UNIVERSE's Darwinian optimization selection of SUN Prairie. Hubble(ton), Cambridge and Watertown (Keck) as a special message processing region ...hence the events occur and generate messages in the Wisconsin State Journal newspaper.
More study needs to be done by professors. Nature seems to have a new social process control systems that we ought become familiar. Thus Nature is the new MASTER MIND ....with many components ..such as symbolic life or solid state physics or biochemistry or secret music commands. However, nature wishes a partnership with those intellectuals that can rise above the biased thinking and incomplete reports .....and that acknowledge the existence of the world-wide SCIENCE WARS.
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
One of 14 seats contested in the spring 2007 elections for the Madison Common Council.
Thus year 2007 elections are in Book 7.
The Madison 14 seats and year 2007 imply
14 atomic mass of nitrogen atom and its 7 electrons.
Nitrogen implies nitrogenous bases of DNA nucleotides ---> tides DNA signal from the Navy man. Thus the 4 DNA nucleotides of the INTERNAL bio-structure of Chris Ogden spent 4 years in the EXTERNAL world of the tides war service......the NAVY.
Chris Ogden, 59, has lived and worked in the district for 30 years and is a lifelong resident of Madison except for four years in the Navy during the Vietnam War. He is the owner of Happy's Heating and Air Conditioning in the Dunn's Marsh neighborhood.
Thus ...Carl Jung and the sunlight photon/electromagnetic collective unconsiousness and its information elements and thoughts (of Nature) ...... appropriately selected the Solar System geography location of SUN Prairie and Jung Seeds.
Sun photons ----> see ......ds = define space --> seeds ......and then JUNG SEEDS vegetables and the supersymmetry JUNG sees Man and his Symbols, collective unconsciousness, etc.
Is there a connection. Probably.
Let's assume that Carl Jung only ate vegetables in his life. Then he and his thoughts and writings could be considered Nature's vegetables thoughts and philsophy...with Carl Jung as the vehicle messenger for Nature.
YOU are what you eat !
So, what does
SUN Praire say?.
SUN --> S + un = Spectrum unconsciousness
Thus the sunlight thru
JUNG see.ds begins its long journey to a higher level of consciousness ...such as might appear on the pages of a Solomon organic chemistry textbook.
JUNG see.ds .......provides
............see ..pointers to the deeper levels of reality ...such as our life and our relationship to the
11-dimensions of string theory. The mathematical-physics mechanism Nature uses is a botany called a vegetable = ve + get + table --> vector get table ........concepts familiar to copper wire computer engineers.
J.W. JUNG 100 and word circulates (external circulation)
...................B 100 D ....................circulation (internal parallel)
Year 1906...and his parallel namesake: Carl Jung...........
In 1906, he published Studies in Word Association and later sent a copy of this book to Sigmund Freud, after which a close friendship between these two men followed for some six years (see section on Relationship with Freud). In 1912 Jung published Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (known in English as Psychology of the Unconscious) resulting in a theoretical divergence between him and Freud.
Studies in Word Association
To understand these events and complex messages, Nature and its various systems that interact with humans and human institutions ......arranged for an informative EVENT in the Madison, Wisconsin region.
All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare
- All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one ... William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 - 23 April 1616 / Warwickshire) .... We tend to live out a drama within our own lives.
All The World's A Stage by William Shakespeare Classic Famous ... the world's a stage, / And all the men and women merely players; / They have their exits and their entrances, / And one man in his time plays many parts, ...What does the quote "All the world's a stage, And all the men and ... › ... › As You Like It QuestionsCached rApr 17, 2007 – We may call it different stages. the first role to be played is of an .... William Shakespeare is d greatest writer and dramatist d world has seen!
Let's look at the modern WORLD and the modern script ......and its input to out brain symbolic computer.
We are bio-computers.....the ancient Roman Empire was built using the human bio-computer and the brainr data processing abilities. The group, collective bio-computer was like a modern day copper-wire system 370 main frame computer. The people in ROME gathered/ assembled at their sports stadium called the
At the colosseum... the people looked at each other .....their eyes received optical input data on other faces, clothing fashion styles, hair styles, cosmetics, etc.
This group of data was input to the human eye/optical nerve and its optical data processing system ........the assembled people became a biological computer language called assembler.
The same process continues today in Madison .
Bio-computer humans from around the geography state of Wisconsin...gather for the ancient ritual of the assembly bio-computer process .........known as the Wisconsin State assembly legislature gathering of bio-computers.
For example, Nature has a special agent with special bio-computer RD logic chip in his subliminal mind ....Jeff Wood, I-Chippewa Falls, was convicted
- Thus we see his top secret code identifier I-Chip --> Intergrated Circuit Chip with top-secret
advanced brain computer d p = data processing tools --> d p = drug paraphernalia.Why is this? Ask Seymour Cray and his super bio-computer optical processor using the
cray.cray = c + ray = 186,000 velo.CITY of light ..symbol CITY ....ray.Thus we have the modern RAY GUN using human optical data streams or television or movies.The importance of William Shakespeare's literature and his statement ....LINKED with the year 1453 printing press of GIUTENBURG ......was that the printing press and his literature enabled NATURE and the Central Nervous System 370 bio-computer to embark upon a major project...the development of the optical nerve and the abstract brain symbolic computer.
Thus .......let's look at a book and a situation in the Madison region. Remember that music, books, etc provide input data to the brain computer that may some manner become instructions to the subliminal mind ...and later on....... .may result in visible overt behavior.
Let's outline the script ...a small subset of the book's words......that help describe the process...that William Shakespeare wrote about --> we are the players ........the Madison and Sun Praire theater performance by atomic bio-physics humanoids that were selected by the Darwin selection process of symbols and proper nouns , symbolic life, and their human representatives.
The atomic English language of the 26 proton alphabet letters of ferrous oxide atom VIA iron hemoglobin protein structrures LINKED to organic chemistry molecular humanoids with high school algebra. function of f(x) ..............presents:
Where might we start?
STAR Wars ...perhaps, a description of the Carl Jung atomic/molecular collective unconsciousness ...of groups of atomic/organic molecule people on EARTH.
What might Nature suggest to help understand Carl Jung ?
Nature......guides us to JUNG SEE (DS) in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin and
suggests we see the logic CLUEs around us.
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION .....Solar System .....SUN .....
Sun Prairie
Sun regional news, opinion, sports, events, and photographs
Then logic step
Star - Sun Prairie, WI
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin and regional news, opinion, sports, events, and photographs
Thus ......if the universe and its astronomy star war news were to be printed ...a common sense geography location would be a place like SUN Prairie ...allowing nearby University of Wisconsin, Madison astronomers easy access to printed empircal data of the war ...the STAR WARS as reported by newspapers and paperback books. Consider the above picture a surrealistic painting of Madison and Sun Prairie and its various intellectual architectures.
What human event occurred in Madison region to attract attention?
The above book cover refers to the "Star wars " and the "EMPIRE:
Translate this .....for the moment into:
Star --> the Sun Prairie STAR newspaper geography region
EMPIRE --> EM = ElectroMagnetic television/ radio region involving the same geography region as the newspaper
Now, lets look at the Wisconsin State Journal article correlation to the paperback book.
a) Dane County --> implies we ought use the DANE university analysis approach of the Niels Bohr Instutite.
b) assistant city CLEK refers to J.CLERK Maxwell equations of em life = em --> employees like Nature's Darwinian selected EM agent --> Elena Berg. Thus we see Nature stating that c = 186,000 = the velo.CITY of light ......has an optical city within the photon/EM optical data stream.
Thus Madison is comprised of 2 different cities:
1) the geography city of Madison
2) the eye/optical nerve ...symbolic city of nouns, verbs, equations pictures in the brain optical computer and the eyeBALL --> BALL --> Basic Assembler Language of Light ...which includes human people...whose MIND is linked only to the optical city ...and they can't relate to the geography city.
Thus humans evolved into various optical sub-species ....according to eye/ brain orientation.
Steven Ballmer has yet to explain what his optical nerve CITY is up to...and his societal relationship to electron physics optical emissions and the Balmer series....and various manipulation commands that may exist with his subconscious MIND knowledge of the continuum.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer predicts our computers will "know ... 24, 2011 – Now that's like having the perfect boyfriend... or a personal assistant Read more by Ysolt Usigan on CBS News' Tech Talk.
Thus we see the battle signals ....regarding optical battle for control of the brain optical nerve of students and professors and citizens at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Madison citizens and Wisconsin State government staff and officials.
L. Ron Hubbard warned us about the HUBBLE optical wars near Hubble(ton), Wisconsin ..with his book " Battlefield EARTH"
Let's continue to look for more CLUES to verify the hypothesis...that these books are sending us messages about some optical nerve war regarding the English Language ...such as the shooting with the Virginia TECH English department failure to understand atomic English language standards and the limits of television language nonsense that is approved by universities.
Nature's chain of command
Theoretical Chemistry Institute
Theoretical Chemistry Institute
Theoretical Chemistry .........uterus Thinkers
| UW Madison - Department of ...
Applied Chemistry --> social chemistry experiment with Shakespearean molecular actor:
SOLO COMMAND -- -> mission ..LINK to STAR newspaper for Star wars project
Alder Brian L. Solomon
In election year 2007, Solomon was age 38.The first candidate to announce for Madison's 10th aldermanic district was Brian Solomon. A former president of the Monroe-Dudgeon Neighborhood Association, the 38-year-old hopeful is director of the Wisconsin Job Service and serves on the city's Equal Opportunities Commission
Let's look at Nature's signals ....of the atomic /molecular English alphabet letters.
Nature expressions are VIA organic behavior structures in humanoid format
Now, here addressing starts with location 1
Alphabet value --> A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Address location-->1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Now notice the position 3 --> C
.........................position 8 ---> H
Thus age 38 --> points to CH --> CH.emistry agent
Name...Brain Solomon --> points to Solomon's organic chemistry textbook..politics of molecules.
Thus we see math lab and the evolution of math to the math life of humans....
The IRON Fist relates to the Falk Iron Gear explosion in Milwaukee in December 2006.
Year 2006 implies 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters.
New Republic refers to Isaac Newton and the gravity wave interaction with brain atomic mass and brain thoughts...thus creating gravity thought waves and gravity life formats.
The Republic was a book by the brain cells known as the:
PLato Military information systems report = Republic.
......atoM .....the ancient Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology group
PLO --> PLatO philosophy at Vasser college that was expressed in visible, overt format in the Middle East by Yasser Arafat ...... hence, a supersymmetry bio-physics display in the Sinai geo-political region .
Words ...
Solo. But Z sin j ...........code for region
Solomon Z .....wisconSIN j = janesville and the GM automobile factory IRON FIST link
Z --> alphabet 26 letters .... A thru Z symbolized by Highway 26 Janesville to Watertown
the X-wing fighters.....refers to subset word ..
..hex fighters...Base 16 hexadecimal fighters near Hexadecimal Highway 16 of Wisconsin.
combat task force .....refers to FermiLAB physics
......bat task force --> batavia, illinois secret projects .... message output VIA book
Thus we see William Shakespeare
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"
in modern UW terms .....
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the P layers ( Processing layers of Nature and its social engineering experiments and its social process control systems with feedback ERROR signals).
Let's look at more data pages from the book.
Do some data pages give CLUES about social process?
Which CLUES may pertain to the Madison experiment.
page 90 ....
Who might be Runt?
Words--> because we're too deep
Let's look at the Madison data script/ the scene ....and using Senator Proxmire of Wisconsin and his secret theory proximity and approximation statistical estimators ......and try to understand.
Thus we see the University English department and District Attorney office may have arranged the William Shakespeare modern script the Star Wars scene.
Thus ..given the script ...we have the players this case the Madison theatrical role of " DEEP " undercover agent code Runt.
Bio-computer optical System 370 SNA VTAM RU --> Runt = Request Unit for Rusch. Notice ...the news article mentions that her brain has atomic bio-physics electron shell abilities....hence, the physics identifier of first name Shelly. That states that her primordial existence starts with atomic electrons....and then she evolved into an adult humanoid electron social science messenger. .
Above, DA refers to the brain electron circuit known as a Differential Amplifier.
University of Wisconsin electronic engineers are familiar with the copper wire version ...and have the symbolic version inside their brain.
Below, signal to the BIG TEN university and DISTRICT 10 that is near the STAR newspaper
...identifier for the universe and the Solar System 370 war region...which includes the Hubble WARS supersymmetry / parallel processing war region of Hubbleton, Wisconsin.
The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics ... - › ... › American Government › - The Hubble Space Telescope is the largest, most complex, and most ... This is one of the best case studies of how NOT to do good systems engineering! ....connect The Hubble Wars - Eric J. Chaisson New York
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
Thus we have many CLUES to an interesting social science puzzle of Nature...regarding the influence of literature and textbooks upon group thoughts and individual thoughts..
There is a question raised by Shakespeare's words " The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
WHO is the director?
The chemistry department?
The English department?
The Computer Science department?
Society has had 400 years to answer that question.
Society has had over 150 years to answer " The Tale of 2 Cities".
Now, we had the "Tale of 2 Towers" of September 11, 2001.
Thus what secret society exists of millions of participants ...that write incomplete explanations of events AND have no interest in helping explain more of the details.... at the deeper levels of atomic consciousness .....that rises thru several levels of human subconscious thought to become visible and overt at the surface level of life and behavior. Thus seen, an analyst may be able to trace backwards to the atomic source code .....such as the Base 16 oxygen atom processor used by the human bio-computer LU = Logical Unit = LUNG.
Thanks to Grand Unified Theory and the Theory of Everything for providing a conceptual framework for the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology studies in atomic political science and atomic social sciences ..such as the Wisconsin region. In a way, Nature is the director of our lives and would like our cooperation with the Social Contract as earlier outlined by JOHN Locke and others.
A human group in a sports stadium has its group bio-computer optical processing system.
For example the Green Bay Packers footBall group does PACKED decimal processing for the nearby city of bio-computer OS/ JCL called OS.hkosh. Their bio-computer brain programming errors result in many crimes and economic problem. University computer science departments and large corporation data processing departments oversee societal bio-computer systems .....a responsibility they have neglected since the citizens could care less. Thus Nature is taking over...and the Madison demo is a message to Univeristy of Wisconsin from the UNIVERSE.
Thus the UNIVERSE's Darwinian optimization selection of SUN Prairie. Hubble(ton), Cambridge and Watertown (Keck) as a special message processing region ...hence the events occur and generate messages in the Wisconsin State Journal newspaper.
More study needs to be done by professors. Nature seems to have a new social process control systems that we ought become familiar. Thus Nature is the new MASTER MIND ....with many components ..such as symbolic life or solid state physics or biochemistry or secret music commands. However, nature wishes a partnership with those intellectuals that can rise above the biased thinking and incomplete reports .....and that acknowledge the existence of the world-wide SCIENCE WARS.
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
One of 14 seats contested in the spring 2007 elections for the Madison Common Council.
Thus year 2007 elections are in Book 7.
The Madison 14 seats and year 2007 imply
14 atomic mass of nitrogen atom and its 7 electrons.
Nitrogen implies nitrogenous bases of DNA nucleotides ---> tides DNA signal from the Navy man. Thus the 4 DNA nucleotides of the INTERNAL bio-structure of Chris Ogden spent 4 years in the EXTERNAL world of the tides war service......the NAVY.
Chris Ogden, 59, has lived and worked in the district for 30 years and is a lifelong resident of Madison except for four years in the Navy during the Vietnam War. He is the owner of Happy's Heating and Air Conditioning in the Dunn's Marsh neighborhood.
Thus ...Carl Jung and the sunlight photon/electromagnetic collective unconsiousness and its information elements and thoughts (of Nature) ...... appropriately selected the Solar System geography location of SUN Prairie and Jung Seeds.
Sun photons ----> see ......ds = define space --> seeds ......and then JUNG SEEDS vegetables and the supersymmetry JUNG sees Man and his Symbols, collective unconsciousness, etc.
Is there a connection. Probably.
Let's assume that Carl Jung only ate vegetables in his life. Then he and his thoughts and writings could be considered Nature's vegetables thoughts and philsophy...with Carl Jung as the vehicle messenger for Nature.
YOU are what you eat !
So, what does
SUN Praire say?.
SUN --> S + un = Spectrum unconsciousness
Thus the sunlight thru
JUNG see.ds begins its long journey to a higher level of consciousness ...such as might appear on the pages of a Solomon organic chemistry textbook.
JUNG see.ds .......provides
............see ..pointers to the deeper levels of reality ...such as our life and our relationship to the
11-dimensions of string theory. The mathematical-physics mechanism Nature uses is a botany called a vegetable = ve + get + table --> vector get table ........concepts familiar to copper wire computer engineers.
PASSINGS : J. W. Jung; Mail-Order Seed Firm Founder - Los... 19, 1988 – J. W. Jung, 100, founder of one of the nation's biggest mail-order seed companies. Jung Seed Co., founded in 1906, circulates as many as 3 ...
J.W. JUNG 100 and word circulates (external circulation)
...................B 100 D ....................circulation (internal parallel)
Year 1906...and his parallel namesake: Carl Jung...........
In 1906, he published Studies in Word Association and later sent a copy of this book to Sigmund Freud, after which a close friendship between these two men followed for some six years (see section on Relationship with Freud). In 1912 Jung published Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (known in English as Psychology of the Unconscious) resulting in a theoretical divergence between him and Freud.
Studies in Word Association
END of explanation
Illinois - Wikipedia
Illinois is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States. It is the 6th-most populous U.S. state and 25th-largest state in terms of land area, and is often ...
Population: Ranked 6th
Largest city: Chicago
U.S. House delegation: 11 Democrats; 7 Repu...
Area: Ranked 25th
10 Facts that You Don't Know About "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh
"I have done another landscape with olive trees, and a new study of the 'starry sky'", was van Gogh's way of describing the painting in his letter the Theo.
The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. .... After reporting that he had painted a starry sky in June, Van Gogh next mentioned the painting in a letter to Theo on or about 20 September 1889, ...
Medium: Oil on canvas
Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York City
Year: 1889
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
The Starry Night
The Starry Night
The Starry Night astronomy performance in Washington DC
with the Washington Post newspaper BS explanations
Ken Starr - Wikipedia
Kenneth Winston Starr (born July 21, 1946) is an American lawyer who has also been a United States circuit judge and U.S. solicitor general. He is the former ...
President: George H. W. Bush
Deputy: John Roberts
Political party: Democratic (before 1975); Rep...
Education: George Washington University (BA); ...
Sep 11, 2018 - NEW YORK — It's the Sunday before the 20th anniversary of the Starr Report (“. . . she and the President kissed, and he touched her bare .
the Starr Report ......
the Starr Report ......
the St .... arr --> Symbol tables .. arrays of information .....
George Bernard Shaw - Wikipedia
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950), known at his insistence simply as Bernard Shaw, was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and ...
Nationality: British (1856–1950); Irish (dual nat...
Spouse: Charlotte Payne-Townshend; (m. 1898; ...
Resting place: Shaw's Corner, Ayot St Lawrence
Occupation: Playwright, critic, polemicist, politi...
George Bernard Shaw. Biographical. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was born in Dublin, the son of a civil servant. His education was irregular, due to his ...
WORK Data 620 - Golda Meir & PLO ... plow sin wave ... DirAC --> dir + AC --> Dirt acres .. farm dirt + acres of plowed sin wave land
explains key word concepts -->
WORK Data 620 -
plo sinai peninsula and parallel
plow sin wave of Wisconsin
Golda Meir of
..............sin waves
Sine wave - Wikipedia
Sine wave
Sin earth wave ....... of Wiscon.SIN PLOW land --> LINK to
Sinai Peninsula ...................................... PLO West bank codes
Palestine Liberation Organization - Wikipedia
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO; Arabic: منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية, Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīniyyah (help. · info)) is an organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle, with much of its violence aimed at Israeli civilians.
Ideology: Palestinian nationalism
Founded: 28 May 1964
Chairman: Mahmoud Abbas
West Bank - Wikipedia
The West Bank is a landlocked territory near the Mediterranean coast of Western Asia, the bulk of it now under Israeli control, or else under joint ...
ISO 3166 code: PS; IL
ISO 3166 code: PS; IL
The Plo:
The Rise and Fall of the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
The Plo West Road:
The Rise and Fall of the Palestine Liberation Organization
Organi zation
Organi z axis nation
Area C (West Bank)
Area C (West Bank)
Area C (West Bank)
Area C (Hebrew: שטח C) is an administrative division of the West Bank, set out in the Oslo II Accord. Area C constitutes about 61 percent of the West Bank territory.[1]:vii Jewish population in Area C is administered by Judea and Samaria Area administration, whereas Palestinian population is directly administered by Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and indirectly by the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah.[citation needed] The Palestinian Authority is responsible for medical and educational services to Palestinians in Area C, however infrastructure construction is done by Israel.[2] Area C, excluding East Jerusalem, is home to 385,900 Israeli settlers[3] and approximately 300,000 Palestinians.[4]
Area C (West Bank)
Area C (West Bank)
AC (West Bank)
AC (West Hemisphere ... Bank)
DirAC --> dir + AC --> Dirt acres
--> EARTH geography surface ....
farm dirt + acres of plowed sin wave land
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul A.M. Dirac atomic coffin DATABASE - Biographical -
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was born on 8th August, 1902, at Bristol, England, his father being Swiss and his mother English. He was educated at the Merchant ..
Paul A.M. Dirac atomic coffin DATABASE
the Golda Meir underground signal system of the
Netherworld with spokesperson Benjamin Net.
Netherworld - Wikipedia
a Nikola Tesla underground EARTH Vibration wireless .....
atomic language region thought to be beneath the surface of the world in many religions and mythologies. In film and television:.
Missing: underground
Tesla's Earth quake/signaling message Machine - The Excluded Middle
above code words--> Fifth Earl
--> 5th Earth language .......
social expression system of earth atoms and molecule
--> 5th Earth language .......
social expression system of earth atoms and molecule
WORK Data 423 - empire state bldg and 5th avenue ..5th state
explains key word concepts -->
Data 423 -
empire state bldg and
5th avenue .. the 5th state of communications and expression
The Empire State Building - Visit New York's Observation Deck
The Empire State Building
The Em ......State Building
representing Solar Syst.em
..........................................em-field influences and thoughts upon EARTH and its human people .....
Electromagnetic (EM) thought and energy radiation
- Wikipedia
Empire State Building
The Empire State Building is a 102-story[b] Art Deco skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Designed by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon and completed in 1931, the building has a roof height of 1,250 feet (380 m) and stands a total of 1,454 feet (443.2 m) tall, including its antenna. Its name is derived from "Empire State", the nickname of New York. As of 2017 the building is the 5th-tallest completed skyscraper in the United States and the 28th-tallest in the world. It is also the 6th-tallest freestanding structure in the Americas.
The site of the Empire State Building, located on the west side of Fifth Avenue between West 33rdand 34th Streets, was originally part of an early 18th century farm.
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, United States. It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem to Washington Square North at Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. It is considered one of the most expensive and elegant streets in the world.[3][4]
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth State of matter is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan -->
Los Alamos Laboratory—the creation of which was known as Project Y—was formally established on January 1, 1943. The complex is where the first Manhattan ..
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, first shown at Dali's solo exhibition at M. Knoedler & Co., New York, in 1943, records Dali's shifting ...
first shown at Dali's solo exhibition
first shown at Dali's solo exhibition
first shown at Dali's solomon exhibition
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan
in New York City, United States.
It stretches from West 143rd Street .......
It stretches from West 143rd Street .......
It stretches from West 143rd Street .......
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth State of matter is a major thoroughfare
Logical units (LU) - IBM
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan -->
Manhattan Project - Facts & Summary -
Manhattan Project
Manhattan Project information thoroughfare .....
Timeline of the Manhattan Project - Wikipedia
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ...
first shown at Dali's solo exhibition
first shown at Dali's solo exhibition
first shown at Dali's solomon exhibition
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan
in New York City, United States.
It stretches from West 143rd Street .......
It stretches from West 143rd Street .......
It stretches from West 143rd Street .......
END of explanation
William Shakespeare - Wikipedia
William Shakespeare (bapt. 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as both the greatest writer in the English ...
Era: Elizabethan; Jacobean
Occupation: Playwright; poet; actor
Resting place: Church of the Holy Trinity, Stratf...
Baptised: 26 April 1564
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Will am Shakespeare
Will am S --> Sunlight ... spectrum /human eyes /optics
Will /effort/determination to think .... atomic mass
Ab --- abstract algebra and abstract thought processes
PROJECT at Pabst Farms
4-legged Holstein milk dairy / protein data cows and
4-legged thinking Horses
O = Oxygen base 16 at Highway 16 at
O = Oconomowoc Wisconsin ..... Pabst Farms region
of Oconomow, Summit
COMPUTER EARTH system 370)
and Delafield with agent
Woman gets 25-year sentence in the
rigged information TRIAL
for her role in the Darwin evolution war with
919 Charles (Darwin) Street in Watertown ....
Jun 12, 2009 - Tammi LaFave, 21,
of Delafield, whose only other legal offense had been a citation for not wearing a seat belt, was given a 25-year sentence ...
of Delafield, whose only other legal offense had been a citation for not wearing a seat belt, was given a 25-year sentence ...
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Home
Oct 8, 2008 - According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. ... was obsessed with obtaining a
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on ...
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on ...
The Ed Sullivan Show - Wikipedia
The Ed Sullivan Show was an American television variety show that ran on CBS from June 20, 1948, to June 6, 1971, and was hosted by New York ...
No. of episodes: 1,068
Original release: June 20, 1948 – June 6, 1971
Taxidermy and the IRS Tax system (IRS = Infra-red spectrum .....
skin heat emission languages .....
human THOUGHT life forms from the bedroom)
- Wikipedia
Taxidermy is the preserving of an animal's body via mounting (over an armature) or stuffing, for the purpose of display or study. Animals are often, but not always, portrayed in a lifelike state.
Attention to detail and love of wildlife shows in every mount. Let Lasting Impressions bring your memory to life. Copyright Lasting Impressions Taxidermy.
explains key word concepts
--> coffin databases
Below, is a wormhole VCOFFIN model outline
of the Paul Dirac quantum physics language ......
his underground atomic COFFIN database in Tallahassee Florida. .....
with the language CONCEPTS needed to see the message processing situation.
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and basic science high school and college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
A book may contain some word clues -->
information pointers to other situations and expression systems
information pointers to other situations and expression systems
Coffin … a database … burial ship | Define Coffin at
the box or case in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial; casket. … the part of a horse’s foot containing the coffin bone. … Funeral sense in English is 1520s; before that it was the literal Latin one and had also a meaning of “pie crust” (late 14c.).
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
who is regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century..... commemorative marker in Westminster Abbey.
In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida,
and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
In !984 ..... upon death , his body atoms entered the Base 16 complement dimension ... relative to the
COMPUTER EARTH frame of reference year ....
year 2000 and its Y2K earthly space/time equation
.... explained with the
George Orwell time repair manual ...
book 1984 plus IBM base 16 hexadecimal complement number
--> giving Nature's systems year 2000 boundary of
human existence and intellectual moral values
George Orwell time repair manual ...
book 1984 plus IBM base 16 hexadecimal complement number
--> giving Nature's systems year 2000 boundary of
human existence and intellectual moral values
..... a brain year 2000 THOUGHT boundary
that you have failed to cross over.
that you have failed to cross over.
Dirac made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. Among other discoveries, he formulated the Dirac equation which describes the behaviour of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. Dirac shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory".[8] He also made significant contributions to the reconciliation of general relativity with quantum mechanics.
FSU Students, Professors Keep Famous Physicist’s Legacy Alive | WFSU
Oct 25, 2016 – Underneath the live oak trees of
Tallahassee’s Roselawn Cemetery, some FSU physics students are hard at work, scrubbing the tombstone of one of the greatest physicists of all time. These students made the trek from campus to visit the grave of Paul Dirac, who is credited with fundamentally shaping the …
Tallahassee’s Roselawn Cemetery, some FSU physics students are hard at work, scrubbing the tombstone of one of the greatest physicists of all time. These students made the trek from campus to visit the grave of Paul Dirac, who is credited with fundamentally shaping the …
Definition of coffin. :
a Erwin Schrodinger box
or chest for burying a corpse — compare casket.
a Erwin Schrodinger box
or chest for burying a corpse — compare casket.
Paul Dirac in his Roselawn Cemetery ….. quantum DATABASE office at Florida State University |
In Collections. Paul A.M. Dirac Collection. This service is a partnership between Florida Virtual Campus and The Florida State University Libraries. All Rights Reserved. Contact us with Questions or Comments | Research Repository Legal Agreements.
The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul … › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee Florida Real Estate
Sep 25, 2011 – A senior FSU Physicist said, “To have Paul Dirac here, would be like the English faculty recruiting Shakespeare.” In 1971, Physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac joined the Faculty at Florida State University. Winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize for Physics, Dr. Dirac was a founder of the Theory of Quantum …
The coffin contains the
Paul Dirac body of knowledge .....
in the format of .....
atomic electron orbitals
............................ bit ---> data bits
Paul Dirac body of knowledge .....
in the format of .....
atomic electron orbitals
............................ bit ---> data bits
The coffin contains the
Paul Dirac body of knowledge .....
in the format of .....
atomic electron orbitals ... that are aligned
earth language ....... tal
Paul Dirac body of knowledge .....
in the format of .....
atomic electron orbitals ... that are aligned
earth language ....... tal
-------------------------> tallahassee .... an earth geography city NAME ......... see/look /
collect data and
then think, study and analyze ....
collect data and
then think, study and analyze ....
VIA basic physics and chemistry lab class experiments and their work-book problems.
Tal ......
..alignment of alphabet letters
The coffin contains the
Paul Dirac body of knowledge .....
in the format of .....
atomic electron orbitals ... that are aligned
earth language ....... tal
-------------------------->tallahassee city NAME
Frank Lloyd Wright's .. Taliesin
- .....................................sin Attraction
-......................... Wisconsin sin functions
... platform of expression and existence
Paul Dirac body of knowledge .....
in the format of .....
atomic electron orbitals ... that are aligned
earth language ....... tal
-------------------------->tallahassee city NAME
Frank Lloyd Wright's .. Taliesin
- .....................................sin Attraction
-......................... Wisconsin sin functions
... platform of expression and existence
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin
............................ Wisconsin Attraction
..........................................sin carrier signal ... data Attraction
Taliesin is the home, studio, school, and 800-acre estate of Frank Lloyd Wright. Located in the Driftless Region of southwestern Wisconsin near Spring Green.
Taliesin is the home, studio, school, and 800-acre agricultural estate of Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright built Taliesin on his favorite boyhood hill in the Wisconsin ...
END of Paul Dirac coffin and
Nature's TAL sin wave data cycle LINKING
Tallahassee and Taliesin DATABASES
Nature's TAL sin wave data cycle LINKING
Tallahassee and Taliesin DATABASES
END of explanation
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