N44E-Part 3 ..Newspaper analysis.
Herb Zinser translates newspapers / books and their possible messages.
Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.
Book/ newspaper publishers print some pieces to a puzzle ......
and the reader's optical nerve SOFTWARE database is asked
to figure out the other pieces ...... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT.
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and basic science high school and college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestion of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS"
we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways,
iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts,
process control system flowcharts,
biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2
Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have
the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought
that may get mapped to
the destination range of physical reality and biology ....
with human social and economic activities
on the geography surface of EARTH.

Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE
the embedded subset codes and concepts.
The Yellow Pages “Walking Fingers”: The Most Famous Symbol Never ...
May 9, 2012 - The symbol goes to court Yellow Pages Walking Fingers Symbol ... and other companies that offer the benefits of Yellow Pages advertising to ...
The slogan, "Let your fingers do the walking" - QuizzClub
A zinc finger
is a self-contained domain that formed through the stabilization of a zinc ion binded to a pair of cysteines and a pair of histidines. ... The discovery of the zinc finger revealed a new protein fold but also an important aspect of DNA recognition.
is a self-contained domain that formed through the stabilization of a zinc ion binded to a pair of cysteines and a pair of histidines. ... The discovery of the zinc finger revealed a new protein fold but also an important aspect of DNA recognition.
The Yellow Pages “Walking Fingers”: The Most Famous Symbol Never ...
May 9, 2012 - The symbol goes to court Yellow Pages Walking Fingers Symbol ... and other companies that offer the benefits of Yellow Pages advertising to ...
Jan 10, 2018 - Hafemeister Funeral Home and Cremation Service of Watertown is serving the ... Karl Henry Zinser was born on
Oct. 18, 1937, in Milwaukee, ...
Oct. 18, 1937, in Milwaukee, ...
Karl Zinser |
Zin code fingers of
O = October -->
O = Oxygen atomic mass 16 / LUNG breathing agents at
O = Octagon House Watertown with visit of
O = Agent O ..... ato.MIC MIC.helle Obama ..
atomic WOMAN (Wonder Woman TV series)
O = Oxygen base 16 orbital DATABASE
O = Obituaries ............bit tal --> Taliesin data base ....
..........bit ..data bit DATABASE
| hngnews.com
Jan 10, 2018 - Karl H. Zinser, 80, of Watertown passed away on Sunday, Jan. ... Karl Henry Zinser was born on Oct. 18, 1937 in Milwaukee to
Henry (Hydrogen energy agent) and
Meta (metabolism agent) ...
Henry (Hydrogen energy agent) and
Meta (metabolism agent) ...
Obituary codes explained by plane geometry /algebra
.... math equation funeral ---> fun + er + al ......
function errors / earth algebra
B-form--> Bethesda Farm --->
Bethesda Lutheran Home ... Holstein milk dairy farm ..
Test Z farms (Tetz farms)
with feeble minded farm workers
with feeble minded farm workers
Z-form --> Zinser farm with OS/JCL and
carbon organic chemistry ......
existential awareness ...
existential awareness ...
the Oscar Witt farm equation (OS + car + wi + tt)
Karl Zinser |
Zin code fingers
O = Oxygen base 16 orbital DATABASE
O = Obituaries ............bit tal --> Taliesin data base PLATFORM ....
..........bit ..data bit DATABASE
Taliesin data base PLATFORM ....
Taliesin data base PLATFORM ....
Taliesin data base PLATFORM .... horizontal math/ geometry planes
In mathematics, a plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely far. A plane is the two-dimensional analogue of a point (zero dimensions), a line (one dimension) and three-dimensional space.
Taliesin Preservation, Spring Green Picture: walk around the house
Taliesin Preservation
Taliesin Preservation
Taliesin Preservation
Talie sin Preservation .... battle zone of sin waves
...................................................... Wiscon.sin earth waves
Taliesin Preservation
Tali .. Frank Lloyd Wright WAR code word
Tali .
Taliban battle
.............. underground atomic geological layers
........................................................ logic ...layers
.............. underground atomic geological layers
........................................................ logic ...layers
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin -
Wisconsin Attraction ..... COVER-UP Scheme
Taliesin is the home, studio, school, and 800-acre estate of Frank Lloyd Wright. Located in the Driftless Region of southwestern Wisconsin near Spring Green.
Tours · House Tour · Buy Tickets · About
Bull-shit Tours that lie about the conflict with
the underground Netherworld language ..the BOOK of the DEAD
- Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin
Taliesin Preservation offers a variety of tours of the Taliesin estate in Spring Green, Wisconsin. These tours are designed for every level of interest.
Booking tours ...
Booking tours ...
Booking tours ... Book ... King tours ...
Egyptian Book of the Dead - Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife. The famous title was given the work by ...
Jump to Egyptian concepts of death and afterlife - The spells in the Book of the Dead depict Egyptian beliefs about the nature of death and the afterlife.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Egyptian Book of the Dead ...... springs up at Spring Green
.... to a surface level of conscious perception and explanation
The EARTH language ... geography equation of Taliesin
--> sin wave function INTERCEPTOR site
of the underground CLAY (C Layers .......
Coffin communication layers ) ......
Nikola Tesla wireless message systems
Nikola Tesla wireless message systems
Taliesin .... sin wave ..... Wisconsin land TO
Tallahassee ..... Paul Dirac atomic coffin database
Taliesin ... horizontal plane geometry surfaces
...that can carry/capture SIN wave oscillations
The Frank Lloyd Wright flat planes
can INTERCEPT / be a platform for sin DATA CARRIER waves
per book .... Sister Carrie (Carrier data waves of Wisconsin)
Sister Carrie ... on data carriers
(Radio waves, Nikola Tesla earth sin waves,
magnetic field waves, gravity field interaction with humans
- Wikipedia
Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser about a rural Wisconsin home ..... young country girl who moves to the big city of Chicago
where she starts realizing her own
Am (Atomic Mass)
American Dream
Taliesin ... horizontal plane geometry surfaces
...that can carry/capture SIN wave oscillations
for the EARTH LAB oscilloscope language site
OshkOsh Wisconsin --->
Os.....Os.................sin wave function
OscillOscope ..cope --> LINK
to the Copenhagen MODEL
.... the Schrodinger MODEL
of quantum / atomic social science
of quantum / atomic social science
languages of cotton clothes, food flavors,
.....sick problems / various formats and expressions
.....sick problems / various formats and expressions
WORK Data 579 - dirac earth electron language routes taliesin wisconsin Wright Anasazi Cliffs clifford lane Zin circuit to Africa..David Livingstone
explains key word concepts -->
Data 579 -
dirac electron shell
...earth electron language routes
taliesin Wisconsin
Frank Lloyd Wright --> WR
--> West Road right triangle brothers
and the Anaszi Cliffs /Clifford Lane
An electron shell is the outside part of an atom around the atomic nucleus. It is a group of atomic orbitals with the same value of the principal quantum number n. Electron shells have one or more electron subshells, or sublevels.
Electron shell - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Dirac
Paul ..... ac --> alternating cycle .....
data field .... quatum language emission language
from his base 16 Hexadecimal COFFIN .......
atomic orbital
.... even integer (2, 4, 6,8) orbital ... database
.................................................bit .. tal --> tallahassee SITE
Paul Dirac and Nikola Telsa
Paul Dirac and Nikola Telsa
Paul Dirac and Nikola Telsa
Paul Dirac and Nikola Telsa
Paul ..... ac --> alternating cycle / sin data wave/ oscillation .....
data field .... quatum language emission language
from his base 16 Hexadecimal COFFIN .......
atomic orbital
.... even integer (2, 4, 6,8) orbital ... database
.................................................bit .. tal --> tallahassee sin data ouput SITE
---> Route from .
orbital ... database
tal --> tallahassee sin data ouput SITE
at Roselawn ....
the underground CLAY (C layer --> Communications layer)
underground data pipeline of Nature's systems .....
the atomic/ electron/energy .... communications continuum
ROUTE code ... Tal sin
--> TO the earthy geography region ..
earth language identifiers
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
........sin ...............sin VIA
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
........sin ...............sin VIA the
....... cin .............. cin --> cincinnati
underground (data) railroad
...... CinCinnati spur .......
underground (data) railroad
...... CinCinnati spur .......
Underground Railroad (UGRR) | Adventure Cycling Route Network ...
https://www.adventurecycling.org › ... › Adventure Cycling Route Network
Adventure Cycling Route Network ...
A................ C........ Route Network ...There is a 16-mile spur
coffin --> co + ff + in
--> code ...hex'ff' .... interface ---> continue to to
Wisconsin .......
Tallahassee dir.AC / sin data .......
ROUTE code ... Tal sin
--> TO the earthy geography region ..
earth language identifiers
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
........sin ...............sin VIA
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
........sin ...............sin VIA the
....... cin .............. cin --> cincinnati
underground (data) railroad
...... CinCinnati spur ....... to
underground (data) railroad
...... CinCinnati spur ....... to
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
Taliesin ..Wisconsin
Taliesin | Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
Taliesin is the home, studio, school, and 800-acre agricultural estate of Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright built Taliesin on his favorite boyhood hill in the Wisconsin ...
Taliesin West Tickets & Tours ... Arizona | Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
Taliesin West Tickets & Tours ... Arizona
using the Rise /rose up ........
using the Rosen-Einstein-Podolsky
communications bridge --->
using the Rosen-Einstein-Podolsky
communications bridge --->
now located.... per Darwin software
.... selection parameters
.... the selection of conscious, serious thinking people .......
Taliesin West ---> the SYMBOL and CONCEPT machine .......
Taliesin at the West Road ...... Watertown Wisconsin
...... information Tickets & data Tours ...
with the West Road/ Clifford Lane farm area ......
The Anasazi - Manitou Cliff Dwellings
Modern scientists are not certain why the Ancient Ones left their cliff dwellings and stone pueblos, though most think they were either starved out or forced out.
Cliff Dwellings - Mesa Verde National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Cliff Palace · Balcony House · Long House · Spruce Tree House
Mesa Verde: Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi - Live Science
https://www.livescience.com › History
Jun 14, 2017 - A society of pueblo people built entire villages in the sides of cliffs in ... called the "Anasazi," a Navajo word that has been translated as "the ...
Riddles of the Anasazi | History | Smithsonian
Riddles of the Anasa zinser --> Zin earth electronTHOUGHT circuit
Karl H. Zinser | Obituaries | wdtimes.com
Jan 10, 2018 - Karl H. Zinser, 80, of
Watertown ...West Road , passed away on Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018, at his home.
A funeral service will be held on Saturday at 3 p.m. at ...
Zinser | Obituary
Zin .........bit array ...... injected into the earth geography surface ..
walking 2-legs / weight .... data entry into
the Earth geography electron platform using the
Zin THOUGHT circuit
the Earth geography electron platform using the
Zin THOUGHT circuit
humans walking 2-legs / weight .... data entry into
the Earth geography land surface .. as a keyboard
the Earth geography land surface .. as a keyboard
Thus data entry into the EARTH geological atom/electron layers
Thus data entry into the EARTH geological layers
Thus data entry into the EARTH ......logic layers
|Thus data entry into the EARTH soil .... logic layers
LIKE Nature's version of a printed circuit board
Nature's version of a printed circuit board at Wisconsin DELLS .....
per Nelson Mandela AFRICA code with
UW biochemistry secret agent David Nelson
per Nelson Mandela AFRICA code with
UW biochemistry secret agent David Nelson
..... his LINKS to
David Livingston AFRICA code
David L. Nelson | Emeritus |
EARTH LAB secrets Biochemistry | UW-Madison
Contact and research information for UW-Madison Biochemistry Emeritus Faculty member David L. Nelson.
Dave Nelson: researcher, teacher and
collector of secrets | Science | host ...
David Livingstone - Wikipedia
David Livingstone (/ˈlɪvɪŋstən/; 19 March 1813 – 1 May 1873) was a Scottish Christian Congregationalist, pioneer medical missionary[2] with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late-19th-century Victorian era. He had a mythical status that operated on a number of interconnected levels: Protestant missionary martyr, working-class "rags-to-riches" inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer, imperial reformer, anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial and colonial expansion.
His fame as an explorer and his obsession with learning the sources of the Nile River was founded on the belief that if he could solve that age-old mystery, his fame would give him the influence to end the East African Arab-Swahili slave trade. "The Nile sources," he told a friend, "are valuable only as a means of opening my mouth with power among men. It is this power which I hope to remedy an immense evil."[3] His subsequent exploration of the central African watershed was the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of Africa. At the same time, his missionary travels, "disappearance", and eventual death in Africa—and subsequent glorification as a posthumous national hero in 1874—led to the founding of several major central African Christian missionary initiatives carried forward in the era of the European "Scramble for Africa".[4]
His meeting with Henry Morton Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to
the popular quotation
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr ....vin ........... I p ...... resume?"
IP address year 1871 Africa code - Wikipedia
IP versions · IPv4 addresses · IP subnetworks · IP address assignment\\\
Internet Protocol (IP) ... year 1871 base 16 ..AF --> AFRICA
- Wikipedia
The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.
Internet protocol suite · IP header · IP routing · Internetworking
The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.
Internet protocol suite · IP header · IP routing · Internetworking
Internet Protocol (IP) Explained - Lifewire
https://www.lifewire.com › How To › Internet & Network › Key Concepts
What the Internet Protocol (IP) is and how it works. Learn more about IP when it comes to IP addresses and VoIP.
Geological layer - definition of COMPUTER EARTH ....
Geological layer by The Free Dictionary
......logi cal layer
one of several parallel layers
arranged one on top of another. 2. Geology A bed or layer of sedimentary rock that is visually distinguishable from adjacent beds or layers.
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Existences and language Universes and
the Deep Levels of earth intellectual geology layers
... - Amazon.com
Deeper Life Bible Church shooting ......
the underground atomic soil
.... earth language WARS - Wikipedia
Nigeria church attack in Kogi state 'kills 19' - BBC News - BBC.com
Deeper Life
Deeper Life
Deeper Life .......
the underground Nether language of the
DEAD .....
as explained by
Paul Dirac coffin DATABASE
What is Internet Protocol (IP)? - Definition from Techopedia
Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of interconnected networks, using the Internet Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP).
His meeting with Henry Morton Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to
the popular quotation
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"

A stack is the common set of programs used in a computer. The stack can refer to infrastructure only (see technology stack) or to the applications the company ...
explains key word concepts -->
Dirac s-orbital soil and farm iron plow ...
earth land sin waves

code words--> trace of oil at the foot
code words--> trace of soil at the foot ...farm land soil
code words--> trace of soil --> s-orbitals of atomic land
Soil Paul Dirac ... the s. p. d messenger of the
OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who is regarded as ..... commemorative marker in Westminster Abbey. In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
orfice/grave hole/ well
In 1984, Dirac living atoms became
ultra cold atoms ...... in Tallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Foundation is a science novel by American writer Isaac Asimov. It is the first published in .... To remove this obstacle, Hardin and his chief advisor, Yohan Lee, plan a "coup d'état" designed to remove the Board of Trustees from its ...
Shop our selection of Fountains in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. ... Fountain Cellar Multi Pots Outdoor Water Fountain with Flower Pot.
Foundation (Asimov novel) and Paul Dirac ...... Floor in Florida
Foundation is a science novel by American writer Isaac Asimov. It is the first published in .... To remove this obstacle, Hardin and his chief advisor, Yohan Lee, plan a "coup d'état" designed to remove the Board of Trustees from its ...
A vibration sent through the earth returns
Clues.... the information Route from Florida (floor) to
Tallahassee ....... georgia .. to Chicago to Wisconsin
code words ........
Lake Okee ...BEE --> to --> Georgia Okeeffe (Sun Prairie) and
Beekeeping site in
Watertown (G.B. Lewis year 1920 to 1955)
Russian-American author Ayn Rand, her first major literary success. The novel's protagonist, Howard Roark, is an ...
END of Dirac s-orbital soil and farm iron plow
END of explanation
the popular quotation
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livin g stone, I presume?"
"..... ...vin ........... I p ...... ?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Living ground stone of earth "
"..... ...vin ........... ...... ?"
Stack Definition - The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary
stack Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia
Differences between Stack and Heap - Net-Informations.Com
END of explanation
another example ..... LINKING
Taliesin SPRING GREEN (information spring /fountain)
to the Florida .... Fountain of Youth
Farm 01- Dirac s-orbital soil, farm iron plow, Fountain of youth Okeechobee
explains key word concepts -->
Dirac s-orbital soil and farm iron plow ...
earth land sin waves
code words--> trace of oil at the foot
code words--> trace of soil at the foot ...farm land soil
code words--> trace of soil --> s-orbitals of atomic land
Soil Paul Dirac ... the s. p. d messenger of the
GEOLOGY land / soil .....
the earth electron continuum
and its earth electron THOUGHT circuits
- Wikipedia
OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who is regarded as ..... commemorative marker in Westminster Abbey. In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist
..... quantum communications BATTLE in
OM region --> OMAHA
OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist
..... quantum communications BATTLE in
OM region --> OMAHA
In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida
In 1984 Dirac ...Dir + ac -->
land soil Dirt ... acres and farm land plowed ac = alternating cycles of plowed soil
land soil Dirt ... acres and farm land plowed ac = alternating cycles of plowed soil
In 1984,
George Orwell .....
George Orwell .....
geo + rg + e + or + well
Geology region earth ....
orfice/grave hole/ well
T --> Tallahassee data route to County Road T
in the Wisconsin sin wave function region
So --> Soil/ clay ... c layer / coffin communications layer
Greek symbol omega
.... pointer to Horseshoe Road
.... pointer to Horseshoe Road
In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida
In 1984 Dirac ...Dir + ac -->
land soil Dirt ... ac (alternating cycles) send data out from his coffin
land soil Dirt ... ac (alternating cycles) send data out from his coffin
In 1984, Dirac living atoms became
ultra cold atoms ...... in Tallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
...............see, Floor ideas ..... the Foundation of existence
Foundation (Asimov novel) - Wikipedia
Pages: 255 pp
Publication date: 1951
Series: Foundation Series
Publisher: Gnome Press
Foun --> water foundation of earth life and existence
Outdoor Fountains You'll Love | Wayfair
https://www.wayfair.com › Outdoor › Outdoor Décor › Garden Décor
Fountains - Outdoor Decor - The Home Depot
Foun --> water foundation of earth life and existence
Ponce de León and his Search for the Fountain of Youth ...
Foundation (Asimov novel) and Paul Dirac ...... Floor in Florida
- Wikipedia
Pages: 255 pp
Publication date: 1951
Series: Foundation Series
Publisher: Gnome Press
Foun --> water foundation of earth life and existence
Lake Okeechobee - Wikipedia
Lake Okeechobee, also known as Florida's Inland Sea, is the largest freshwater lake in the state of Florida. It is the tenth largest natural freshwater lake in the ...
Water volume: 1 cu mi (5.2 km3) (estimated)
Surface elevation: 12 to 18 ft (3.74 to 5.49 m)
Average depth: 8 ft 10 in (2.7 m)
Max. length: 36 mi (57.5 km)
A Guide to the Lake Okeechobee Area | VISIT FLORIDA
A Guide to the Lake Okeechobee
A Guide to the .....key .....echo
Tesla's Earth quake (qua + ke ... quantum machine) Machine - The Excluded Middle
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ...
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the same ...
Clues.... the information Route from Florida (floor) to
Tallahassee ....... georgia .. to Chicago to Wisconsin
code words ........
Lake Okee ...BEE --> to --> Georgia Okeeffe (Sun Prairie) and
Beekeeping site in
Watertown (G.B. Lewis year 1920 to 1955)
The Fountainhead - Wikipedia
Russian-American author Ayn Rand, her first major literary success. The novel's protagonist, Howard Roark, is an ...
Pages: 753 (1st edition)
Publisher: Bobbs Merrill
Foun --> water foundation of earth life and existence ....
thus Florida names/codes LINK back to
Wisconsin ......
Georgia Okeeffe (Sun Prairie to Lake Okee Florida) and
Frank Lloyd Wright ..... data surfaces at Taliesin at Spring Green
..........L ..........right triangle ...... perpendicular ....
vertical vector
Frank Lloyd Wright ..... data surfaces at Taliesin at Spring Green
..........L ..........right triangle ...... perpendicular ....
vertical vector
END of Dirac s-orbital soil and farm iron plow
END of explanation
A walking, talking miracle:
Six years after surviving five-story fall, Paige ...
Jun 21, 2018 - They say the hardest fought victories are the best. It may be true. Last month when Paige Raque walked across the stage at the University of ...
Who's To Blame? The Penn State Plague ..cover-up ......
Missing: marriage | Must include: marriage
Who's To Blame? The Penn State Plague ..cover-up ......
decoy /distraction .... Multiple Criminal Charges To Be Filed
In Penn State schemes of lies and nonsense...
Dec 10, 2012.. PHOTOS: Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque ... As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Paige has made a miraculous recovery following fears that she
Albert Camus'
,,,,,,,,,,,, Campus social science disease ....
The Plague: a story for our, and all, times | Ed Vulliamy ...
Jan 5, 2015 - The fascist 'plague' that inspired the novel may have gone, but 55 years after his death, many other varieties of pestilence keep this book ...
The Plague: a story for our,
The Plague: a story for our,
The Plague: the Darwin selection of messenger
....... Paige
Oct 18, 2012 - Penn State cheerleader Paige Raque, pictured, who was badly injured after ... Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell 39 feet from an off-campus housing ..... 39,
The Plague: a story for our,
The Plague: a story for our,
The Plague: the Darwin selection of messenger
Flag semaphore ..... Sophomore Paige Raque
, - Wikipedia
Flag semaphore is the telegraphy system conveying information at a distance by means of visual signals with hand-held flags, rods, disks, paddles, ...
Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell
Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell
Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell -->
Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell
Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell
Sophomore Paige Raque, 19, fell -->
Paige Raque fully restored with help ....
Mar 15, 2013 - Is she dead?It's the question Kyle Zittel asked himself as he bolted down a Calder Commons stairwell on Oct. 13. He thought for sure that Paige ...
May 7, 2016 - Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside of their apartment on Wednesday. Raque graduated from Penn State's College of Health and ...
Missing: recovers | Must include: recovers
code RHS
--> RH Software factors in blood
Rh factor blood test - Mayo Clinic
Jun 14, 2018 - Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. ... Rh positive is the most common blood type. Having an Rh negative blood type is not an illness and usually does not affect your health.
Rh blood group system - Wikipedia
The Rh blood group system is one of forty-five known human blood group systems. It is the ... The terms Rh factor, Rh positive, and Rh negative refer to the Rh(D) antigen only. Antibodies to Rh antigens can be involved in hemolytic transfusion ...
Rh blood group system
Rh blood group system
Record Hexadecimal Base 16 ..... blood group system
Base 16 Hex'100' = 256 Data group LEVEL with
blood heme F(2) Iron-56 configuration ....
for atomic English language integrity
Rhesus (Rh) Factor | Cleveland Clinic
...Ze..us --> Zeus atomic coulomb factor
The Rhesus factor, or Rh factor, is a certain type of protein found on the outside of blood cells. People are either Rh-positive (they have the protein) or ...
The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland in your neck. It makes two hormones that are secreted into the blood: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones are necessary for all the cells in your body to work normally.
Your Thyroid Gland of
................. ENGland ...... British Thyroid Foundation
I am the Lord thy God - Wikipedia
I am the LORD thy God is the opening phrase of the Ten Commandments, which are widely understood as moral imperatives by ancient legal historians and ...
The first commandment: "I am the Lord thy God! Thou shalt have no ...
He who is able to read these words aright will doubtless already see in them the sentence for many who do not observe this most exalted of all the ...
in other words
The first commandment:
"Iron atomic mass 56 .... the Lord thyroid God!
Thou shalt have no ...
..........Salt treaty / sodum chloride treaty
He who is able to read these words aright will doubtless already see in them the sentence for many who do not observe this most exalted of all the ...
What is an Atom / atomic particle like Iron? | Parts of an Atom - Live Science
Aug 8, 2017 - Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. ... We now know that atoms are made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons — which are composed of even smaller particles such as quarks. ... Quarks came together to form protons and neutrons, and ..
Iron Deficiency and atomic science book deficiency,
Thyroid Disease caused by
I am the Lord thy God (Iron-56 atomic mass),
and Fatigue - Verywell Health
Mar 17, 2019 - Low iron levels can cause fatigue and hair loss in thyroid patients. Here are signs of low iron and how to resolve them with food and ...
Missing: galn | Must include: galn
I am the Lord thy God - Wikipedia
I am the LORD thy God is the opening phrase of the Ten Commandments, which are widely understood as moral imperatives by ancient legal historians and ...
Electronic Data Systems of the
Oxygen atomic computer BASE 16 - Wikipedia
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) was an American multinational information technology equipment and services company headquartered
in Plano, Texas.
in Plano, Texas.
Headquarters: Plano, Texas, USA
Founder: H. Ross Perot
Number of employees: 136,000
Revenue: US$22.1 billion (2007)
Plano, Texas
Plano, Texas
Plan O --> Oxygen atomic mass 16
Texas BS people .....
headquartered --->
....... quarter of red meat beef carcass
....... quarter of red meat beef carcass
An average beef animal weighs about 1200 pounds
and has a hanging hot carcass weight (HCW) of about 750 pounds.
and has a hanging hot carcass weight (HCW) of about 750 pounds.
Ordering Quarters, Halves, Whole Beef - NewGrass Farm, LLC
What happens when we take your order for a quarter/half or whole beef? ... The hanging weight is the weight of the carcass, before it is processed into individual ...
Purchasing a Whole, Half, or Quarter Beef From Blue Rooster Farm ... Hanging Weight– also known as dressed weight or carcass weight – is what you get when ...
What happens when we take your order for a
human BIOLOGY business head-quarters
........ with male and female human MEAT that lives on the beef protein platform ...... thus 2-legged humans are just protein THOUGHT molecule extensions
of the 4-legged beef ,....... thus .... are you ...... a quarter/ half or whole beef?
When we take your order for a quarter/half or whole beef, we try to give you a date when it will go to the meat processor.
When the steer goes to the processor (COMPUTER EARTH data processing department) we will call you to get your instructions for how you want your beef cut.
The beef will then dry-age in a climate controlled cooler for 7-10 days before being cut. The reason it is dry aged, is that dry-aging helps tenderize the meat.
Cutting, packaging and freezing takes another 2-3 days, so your order will be ready for pickup about two weeks after the date the animal went to the processor.
You will pick up the meat at the processor, and at that time, we ask that you pay them for processing and also write a separate check to NewGrass Farm for the beef.
the animal went to the processor.
the animal went to the processor.
the animal went to the processor ..... the human animal processor
human BIOLOGY business head-quarters
........ with male and female human MEAT that lives on the beef protein platform ...... thus 2-legged humans are just protein THOUGHT molecule extensions
of the 4-legged beef ,....... thus .... are you ...... a quarter/ half or whole beef?
When we take your order for a quarter/half or whole beef, we try to give you a date when it will go to the meat processor.
When the steer goes to the processor (COMPUTER EARTH data processing department) we will call you to get your instructions for how you want your beef cut.
Hexadecimal to Decimal converter
using EDS computer bio-computer programmers
Base 16 Hex'BEEF' = 48879
The beef will then dry-age in a climate controlled cooler for 7-10 days before being cut. The reason it is dry aged, is that dry-aging helps tenderize the meat.
Cutting, packaging and freezing takes another 2-3 days, so your order will be ready for pickup about two weeks after the date the animal went to the processor.
You will pick up the meat at the processor, and at that time, we ask that you pay them for processing and also write a separate check to NewGrass Farm for the beef.
the animal went to the processor.
the animal went to the processor.
the animal went to the processor ..... the human animal processor
What is a Circuit Court Judge? – Online Paralegal Degree Center
The United States is a large country with a vast criminal justice system. It is impossible for any one court to handle all the cases that arise. ... These courts are presided over by circuit court judges, who travel around their district to impart justice on various matters that are overseen by that circuit court.
Husband - Wikipedia
A husband is a male in a marital relationship. The rights and obligations of a husband regarding his spouse and others, and his status in the community and in law, vary between cultures and have varied over time. ... In marriages where both spouses are men, both may be referred to as husband.
Related terms · Western culture · Religion
Husband definition is - a male partner in a marriage. How to use husband in a sentence.
(husband sig Freud .....
.................signal processing) - Wikipedia
Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower frequencies in a continuous band of ... In radio communications, for example, bandwidth is the frequency range occupied by a modulated carrier signal. An FM radio receiver's tuner ...
Radio frequency - Wikipedia
Radio frequency (RF) is the oscillation rate of an alternating electric current or voltage or of a .... Electromagnetic spectrum · EMF measurement · Frequency allocation · Frequency bandwidth · Frequency modulation ("FM"); Plastic welding ...
code name Kevin --> K + ev + Vin
---> K-channel neurotransmitter bio-radio LINK
to the female pregnant
.................................antenna ,,, the ancient insect radio broadcast of insect social science behavior
Above picture ... an earth harmonica configuration
San Quentin State Prison ......
Harmonic wave .....
Harmonic wave .....
Radio frequency
Radio frequency prison ...
Radio quen
code name Kevin --> K + ev + Vin
---> K-channel neurotransmitter bio-radio LINK
to the female pregnant
.................................antenna ,,, the ancient insect radio broadcast of insect social science behavior
Above picture ... an earth harmonica configuration
San Quentin State Prison ......
.................. States of Mind .....
music quent errors
...... frequent usage destroys brain of many people
- Wikipedia
San Quentin State Prison (SQ) is a
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation state prison for men , located north of San Francisco in the ...
Harmonic wave .....
Harmonic wave .....
Harmoni c w ave .....
Harm......cow avenue
Harm......cow avenue
... brain music prison
A harmonic of such a wave is a wave with a frequency that is a positive integer multiple of the frequency of the original wave, known as the fundamental frequency. The original wave is also called the 1st harmonic, the following harmonics are known as higher harmonics.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting | Facts & Timeline ...
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, also called Newtown shootings of 2012, mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, that left 28 people dead and 2 injured. After murdering his mother at their home, Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy ...
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot ...
Deaths: 28 (27 at the school including the perp...
Location: Sandy Hook Elementary School; Ne...
Non-fatal injuries: 2
Date: December 14, 2012; 6 years ago; 9:35 a....
Cutoff frequency of connect cut .....
connecticut families of errors / school bs
- Wikipedia
Radio communications In this context, the term cutoff frequency means the frequency below which a radio wave fails to penetrate a layer of the ionosphere at the incidence angle required for transmission between two specified points by reflection from the layer.
New Gland States .... Connect cut ....
cut the pregnancy bull-shit real estate rackets ......
human bull-shit citizenship
Hus.Band DEMO of his bio-radio ...
Dr. Who ......
Max Planck Time Highway
Time battle
explains key word concepts -->
Rosseau philosopher and the
murder of Junior Seau
code 26 --> iron 26 protons
the football grid iron .....
protein machine THOUGHT ERRORS

JUNEAU - A jury trial is scheduled this summer for a Watertown man accused of helping a friend who murdered ... Zachary S. Zaborek, 19, 705 Crestview Drive,.
that omit the living language
brain bio-computer program .....with programmed instructions ..... to create a data generating EVENT on George Orwell Oceania and Rousseau philosophy ......
THUS the
self- inflicted gunshot wound at his Oceanside home
Study --
has been found in dozens of
deceased former players, three independent ...
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, first shown at Dali's solo exhibition at M. Knoedler & Co., New York, in 1943, records Dali's shifting ...
All About Mind Reading. "Mindsight" or "empathic accuracy" is the seemingly magical ability to map someone's mental terrain from their words, emotions, and ...
Invention ....how to copy invention ideas
Example of Earth geography surface .... Kolmogorov space
WITH Georgia O'Keeffe and earth land electron systems with
Lee DeForest ..etc ......
system information string .... excerpt from another blog post
Rating: 4.1 - 24 reviews
Reviews from Boise Cascade Office Products employees about Boise Cascade Office Productsculture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job ...
Company profile & key executives for
Boise Cascade Office Products Corp (BCOP: -) including description, corporate address, management ... Itasca, IL 60143.
Above, bra waves are used
to control male bra /brain waves
Rating: 8.2/10 - 4,239 votes
Created by Erle Stanley Gardner. With Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William Hopper, Ray Collins. The cases of a master criminal defense attorney, handling the ...
The First Days of Spring ..... the romance process ,,,,
Thus the First Days of Spring ... and
X-men .. algebra men ....
Math/ algebra ..
math equation death of Quadracci,
explains key word concepts -->
Data 298 -
accident 4 give ness ...
insurance equations
math equation of Quadracci
math equation of Quadrac --->
accident 4 give ness ...
ac ......... 4 ... Quadractic equation
math equation of Quadracci
math equation of ..... drac
math equation of ...... dracula
Aug 1, 2017 - Galileo supported the Copernican theory, which supports a sun-centered solar system. ... Italian scientist and scholar Galileo made pioneering observations that laid the foundation for modern physics and astronomy. ... Galileo Galilei (February 15, 1564 to January 8, 1642) was an Italian
Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents' house was in north London, but during the second world war, Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies.
born on 8 January 1942
born on 8 January 1942
born on 8 January ...42 --> base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England,
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England,
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Ox -->
Standard auto coverage protects against damage and fulfills your state's insurance requirements while coverage options give you added protection. ... Standard coverage starts at the minimum limits required by your state's laws and protects others and their property if you cause and accident. ... Accident Forgiveness.
Quadracci ......
Jul 30, 2002 - ... Harry Quadracci, founder and president of printing company Quad/Graphics Inc., died of an "accidental drowning," according to a company statement released Tuesday afternoon. Harry V. Quadracci's body was discovered Monday afternoon
in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake, near his home in Chenequa.
Ac........... Four .......... Insurance
Apr 25, 2011 - "Accident forgiveness" is one of the car insurance discounts that not everyone may be familiar with or fully understand. Most major insurers - including Allstate, GEICO, The Hartford, Liberty Mutual, Nationwide, Progressive and State Farm, among others -- offer it to their best customers.
Dracula and
Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy. The novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and of the ...
turing machines and platform shoes,
explains key word concepts -->
Strip clubs are venues that regularly provide adult entertainment, predominantly in the form of striptease or other erotic or exotic dances. Strip clubs typically ...
Protons 26 Fe = Ferrous oxide alphabet
Our guide will help you buy gentlemen's club passes and find the best Las Vegas strip clubs with descriptions, photos, video and more.
A computer platform is a system that consists of a hardware device and an operating system that an application, program or process runs upon. An example of a computer platform is a desktop computer with Microsoft Windows installed on it. A desktop is a hardware device and Windows is an operating system.
DSW, Inc.
DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse - Designer Shoes. .... G by GUESS Lizia Glitter Platform Pump ... Kelly & Katie Delany Patterned Patent Platform Pump ...
A computing platform is, in the most general sense, whatever a pre-existing piece of computer software or code object is designed to run within, obeying its ...
The head and the tape; States; Atomic operations; The instruction table; An example; Universal Turing machines; Computable numbers; Uncomputable numbers ..
1984. George Orwell. Play. Watch the 1984 Video SparkNote · Context · Plot Overview · Character List · Analysis of ... Buy the print 1984 SparkNote on BN. com ...
SparkNotes: 1984: Virginia TECH English department ....
A short summary of George Orwell's 1984. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of 1984.
crucial plot points
crucial plot points
crucial plot points
Coordinates: 37°13′37″N 80°25′19″W / 37.227°N 80.422°W / 37.227; - 80.422. The Virginia Tech shooting occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of ...
On this day in 2007, in one of the deadliest shootings in U.S. history, 32 students and teachers die after being gunned down on the campus ofVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University by Seung Hui Cho, a student at the school who later dies from a self-inflicted gunshot ...
In George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’, the world is ruled by three superstates: ... Oceania’s ideology is Ingsoc (English Socialism), Eurasia’s Neo-Bolshevism and Eastasia’s is the Obliteration of the Self (one imagines some kind of buddhist-inspired fascism.
... Eurasia is orange and Eastasia is green on the fictitious 1984 world map; the " disputed area" rests roughly between the dotted lines.Oceania,
Ocean ----> Oceanside California death of Junior Seau
Gynecology or gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and the breasts. Literally, outside medicine, it means "the science of women". Its counterpart is andrology, which deals with medical issues specific to the male reproductive system.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2016.04.014. Publication stage: In Press Accepted Manuscript. American Journal of Obstetrics &Gynecology. AbstractPDF .
Our focus is to care for the whole patient, with particular emphasis on the female reproductive system, including routine primary and preventive care, pregnancy and delivery, menopause, and medical or surgical management of all gynecological problems.
An Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS) is a type of data set used by theVSAM computer data storage system. Records are accessed based on their sequential ...
By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections ...
In George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’
code words --> Long gravel -->
pointer to Longboat Key Sarasota Florida .....
Far Horizons Resort ...
gravel ... grammar vector elements of
Jack Kahn Jr (Yale English major)
code words --> famous west wall .....
Fam + ous (Farm House) West Road .... Wall Street Journal newspaper ...reading about world affairs / political science
by Karl Henry Zinser
code--> every surface / objects --> atomic surfaces collect data from human information carriers and
may also give data to people
For those visits to the refrigerator
For those visits to the refrigerator
grid iron football agent explains that

above words ..stonework --> stone work ..atomic stone languages
explains key word concepts -->
Rockerfeller Center and
stone / rock atoms ..... such as a limestone house ....
limestone atoms / electron layers collect data from
the human data containers within ....
human skin that radiates information data fields
that are received by the stone/limestone wall atoms
... the atoms absorb the data
also absorb harmonic sound wave DATA .....
the pressure waves of human talk
and music instruments
( using IBM BAL language
..... ver.BAL ..... Basic Assembler Language) .....
thus the pressure wave .....
data package (like a 95 mile an hour baseball)
HITS the marble/limestone atomic wall and
the data is injected into the atomic data storage system
Above code
--> twenty minute --> twenty min -->
twenty amino acids (human container) ....

above words --> carved cinquefoils
--> word pointer codes
--> cin + que Foils/stops -->
Ray Tensing foils /stops the secret
Cincinnati & QueBEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate) software problem ......
of human bio-computer Samuel DuBose
Satyendra Nath Bose and Samuel DuBose .......
sub-continent of India Asia
India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
Sing Sing prison for mathematical-physics sin wave functions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sing Sing Correctional Facility is a maximum security prison operated by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision in the ...
The 90 degrees phase difference ...... a factor in the creation of crime.
Jump to University of Cincinnati Police Department - The University of Cincinnati Police Department is certified by the state of Ohio and has full police ...
Sep 14, 2015 - That's the conclusion of an independent investigation into the July 19 traffic stop that ended with a University of Cincinnati police officer shooting DuBose in the head. The report on the incident says Officer Ray Tensing used poor judgment and improper police tactics prior to .
says Officer Ray Tensing
says Officer Ray Ten sin g
says Officer Ray Tensor space/time sin waves group
University of Cincinnati Agrees to Pay Samuel DuBose's Family $4.8M ...
Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
Jul 22, 2015 - Cincinnati police have finished investigating the fatal shooting of Samuel Dubose , an apparently unarmed black man, by a University of ..
The velocity of Boston Marathon runner in the atomic number 26 ....... mile expression race of ferrous oxide IRON atoms inside thre blood of human vehicles
Tom DeLay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Dale DeLay is a former member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Texas's 22nd congressional district from 1985 until 2006.
Tom DeLay campaign finance trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tom DeLay, a Republican U.S. Representative from Texas from 1979–83, and from 1985–2006 and the House Majority Leader from 2003–05, was convicted in 2010 of money laundering and conspiracy charges related to illegal campaign finance activities aimed at helping Republican candidates for Texas state office in the 2002 ...
Shooting of Samuel DuBose
Samuel DuBose ...
penetrate a layer
penetrate a layer
penetrate a layer .....
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including six adult staff members and 20 children between six and seven years old
including six
adult staff members and 20 children
adult staff members and 20 children
a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,c --> alternating cycle battle
Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children
with number 100 of numeric B100D pulse cycles ....
with number 100 of numeric B100D pulse cycles ....
giving equation 20 + 100 = 120
20 (defective families LITMUS test) children
between six and seven years old
(number 7 the brain neutral LITMUS test) and
(number 7 the brain neutral LITMUS test) and
number 6 ---> the milk protein machine wars played out in Connect ideas / connecticut ...beef cuts of Mr.Penis Meat
New Gland States .... Connect cut ....
cut the pregnancy bull-shit real estate rackets ......
human bull-shit citizenship
Hus.Band DEMO of his bio-radio ...
.......Bandwidth | Definition of Bandwidth by Merriam-Webster
Bandwidth definition is - a range within a band of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies; especially : a range of radio frequencies which is occupied by a ...
Bandwidth is the capacity of a wired or wireless network communications link to transmit the maximum amount of data from one point to another over a computer ...
Dr. Who ......
Max Planck Time Highway
Time battle
Orwell 05 - Rosseau philosopher and Junior Seau
explains key word concepts -->
Rosseau philosopher and the
murder of Junior Seau
age 43 .....
the Planck Time war casualty
the Planck Time war casualty
code 26 --> iron 26 protons
the football grid iron .....
protein machine THOUGHT ERRORS
Trial set in murder aftermath | Regional news | wiscnews.com
Jul 27, 2009 - JUNEAU — The 20-year-old Watertown man accused of counseling and ... Zachary S. Zaborek could face up to 3 1/2 years in prison and a ...
Trial set for man accused of aiding murderer | Regional news ...
Trial set in murder aftermath
Trial set in murder ........math --> Z-axis plane geometry / algebra trial
. of agent Za --> Zachary S. Zaborek,
Adam Lanza (za ..... Z-axis ) details revealed in unsealed
FBI incomplete explanation documents
that omit the living language
... outlined by C P Snow, Alan Sokal, and others - CNN
Oct 25, 2017 - (CNN) A woman who befriended Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza online said he was "singularly focused and obsessed with mass murders ...Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia
Non-fatal injuries: 2
Date: December 14, 2012; 5 years ago; 9:35 a....
Location: Sandy Hook Elementary School; Ne...
Weapons: Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle with ten ...
Events · Investigation · Perpetrator · Responses
where Lauren Rousseau, a substitute teacher,
where Lauren Rousseau, a substitute teacher,
where ..............Rousseau, a substitute teacher
Sc = School and Nature's systems .....the
Sc = Sub-conscious mind standards, word integrity, and thought quality control ,
Sc = School and Nature's systems .....the
Sc = Sub-conscious mind standards, word integrity, and thought quality control ,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Wikipedia
School: Social contract; Romanticism
Era: 18th-century philosophy; (Modern philoso...
Main interests: Political philosophy, music, edu...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau ..... and school, community propaganda schemes
A Map of George Orwell's "1984" | Big Think
Explain the war between Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia in 1984 ...
https://www.enotes.com › Homework Help › 1984
Junior Seau's bio-computer murder / cover-up - The San Diego Union-Tribune
brain bio-computer program .....with programmed instructions ..... to create a data generating EVENT on George Orwell Oceania and Rousseau philosophy ......
THUS the
Study --
Junior Seau's brain shows chronic
...... Rousseau SOTWARE brain damage found in ...
has been found in dozens of
deceased former players, three independent ...
deceased former players
deceased former p layers
deceased former processing layers
Junior Seau, a former Chargers linebacker, died at 43
Junior Seau, a former Chargers linebacker, died at 43
Junior Seau, a former Chargers linebacker, died at 43
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ...
Missing: geoploitical | Must include: geoploitical
Mind reading - Wikipedia
Mind reading may refer to: Telepathy, the transfer of information between individuals by means other than the five senses; The illusion of telepathy in the ...
Mind Reading | Psychology Today
Invention ....how to copy invention ideas
from engineers / RD scientists
VIA mind reading ...... and then file a patent
on the copied information
Example of Earth geography surface .... Kolmogorov space
WITH Georgia O'Keeffe and earth land electron systems with
Lee DeForest ..etc ......
system information string .... excerpt from another blog post
Working at Boise Cascade Office Products in Itasca, IL: Employee ...
Boise Cascade Office Products Corp: Company Profile - Bloomberg
Boise Cascade Office Products Corp (BCOP:
Boise Cascade
Boise Cascade ... agent for earth electron systems ........
End explanation
Above, bra waves are used
to control male bra /brain waves
Perry Mason (TV Series 1957–1966) - IMDb
Dec 21, 2006 - In addition to its Waterloo headquarters, Perry Judd's has printing plants in Baraboo; Spencer, Iowa; and Strasburg, Va.; and a prepress ...
Missing: mason | Must include: mason
Nov 20, 2003 - Printer Perry Judd's Inc. will close its Waterloo plant, leaving 585 people without jobs. Perry Judd's announced late last month in a filing with the ...
Missing: mason | Must include: mason
Jul 11, 2013 - What once was the heartbeat of the community may soon lay in rubble as demolition crews prepare to tear down the former Perry Printing plant ...
BlooD printing firm ......
Missing: mason | Must include: mason
Waterloo printing firm
Waterloo printing firm
loo printing firm
BlooD printing firm ......
EXTERNAL magazine circulation becomes
INTERNAL blood languages, pictures
..... family and social engineering errors create ...
instructions for bullets in magazine bullets for guns
... thus the EXTERNAL feedback message
to society about pregnancy ERRORS
The Jerry Springer Show - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jerry_Springer_Show
The Jerry Springer Show (also known as Jerry Springer) is an American syndicated tabloid talk show hosted by Jerry Springer. The program taped at the Rich Forum in Stamford, Connecticut, which is alternately known as the Stamford Media Center and is distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution.
Related shows: The Steve Wilkos Show
No. of seasons: 27
No. of episodes: 3,891+
Original release: September 30, 1991 –; July 26, ...
The Jerry Springer and Salvador Dali Show (TV Series 1991
The ...........Spring Show (TV Series 1991
The First Days of Spring - Wikipedia
The First Days of Spring (1929) is a painting by the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí. This is probably the most famous example of Dalí's early surrealist work. The setting for this image is an expansive, smooth gray plane. It is elevated on the right and steps down to a lower level at the left.
The First Days of Spring -
The First Days of Spring -
The First Days of Spring ..... the romance process ,,,,
a biology START system .....
that created Jerry Springer and others ....
Thus the First Days of Spring ... and
Darwin molecular selection
by Jerry March organic molecules --> Jerry
Jerry March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions ... - Amazon.com
March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure [ Michael B. Smith, Jerry March] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying ...
Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure
Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure
Organic social Chemistry: human molecules ....Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure
Many-Body Problems and Quantum Field Theory -
"Many-Body Problems and Quantum Field Theory" introduces the concepts and methods of the topics on a level suitable for graduate students and researchers. The formalism is developed in close conjunction with the description of a number of physical systems: cohesion and dielectric ...
Jerry Springer explains his cover-up
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X-men .. algebra men ....
Math/ algebra ..
math equation death of Quadracci,
explains key word concepts -->
Data 298 -
accident 4 give ness ...
insurance equations
math equation of Quadracci
math equation of Quadrac --->
accident 4 give ness ...
ac ......... 4 ... Quadractic equation
math equation of Quadracci
math equation of ..... drac
math equation of ...... dracula
Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia
Galileo Galilei was an Italian polymath. Galileo is a central figure in the transition from natural philosophy to modern science and in the transformation of the scientific Renaissance into a scientific revolution. Galileo's championing of heliocentrism and Copernicanism was controversial during his lifetime, when most ...
Galileo - University System of Georgia
No information is available for this page.
Galileo Biography - Biography.com - A&E's Biography
Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England, to Frank (1905–1986) and Isobel Hawking (née Walker; 1915–2013).
About Stephen - Stephen Hawking
born on 8 January 1942
born on 8 January 1942
born on 8 January ...42 --> base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England,
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England,
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Ox -->
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Quadractic equation death of
Quadracci ......
an `ac ..accidental drowning in 4 feet ' - Milwaukee - Milwaukee ...
in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake, near his home in Chenequa.
Ac........... Four .......... Insurance
for Chenequa, Wisconsin ....
.............. equation WAR zone
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'Accident Forgiveness'
Dracula and
human bio-computer BLOOD software programs
for your BODY-
Country: United Kingdom
Publisher: Archibald Constable and Company ...
END of explanation
10: What are Vowels? - ABC FAST Phonics
Five of the 26 alphabet letters are vowels: A, E, I, O, and U.
the vowel a, e. i, o, u
--> with i, o = input/output properties
---> I,O, U --> financial obligation to the living ENGLISH language and its selected representatives ,,,,,
the Vowels battle site
--> V battle at Virginia TECH
--> V battle at Virginia TECH
ZZZ-65 Data 235 - VIrginia TECH battle
turing machines and platform shoes,
Earth magnetic tape, 1984 cho born ... junior seau DNA july 4
explains key word concepts -->
ZZZ-65 Data 235 -
turing machines and platform shoes,
Earth magnetic tape,
1984 cho born ...
turing machines and platform shoes,
Earth magnetic tape,
1984 cho born ...
junior seau
DNA 4th of July
Strip club usage of Fe = Ferrous oxide .... atomic Female magnetic field interfaces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How to Become a University Professor with a READ-Write HEAD - Academic Invest
Salary levels can vary considerably for university professors, depending on a variety of factors, such as their personal qualifications, academic qualifications
Professor with a READ-Write HEAD
Pro fe ..... with a READ-Write HEAD
Protons 26 Fe = Ferrous oxide alphabet
humanoid bio-computer
with a READ-Write HEAD
Las Vegas Strip Clubs with Prices, Deals & Reviews | Vegas ...
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Computer Platforms:
Definition, Types & Examples - Video ...
study.com/academy/.../computer-platforms-definition-types-examples.ht...A computer platform is a system that consists of a hardware device and an operating system that an application, program or process runs upon. An example of a computer platform is a desktop computer with Microsoft Windows installed on it. A desktop is a hardware device and Windows is an operating system.
Platform Heels & Pumps Womens Shoes | DSW.com
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DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse - Designer Shoes. .... G by GUESS Lizia Glitter Platform Pump ... Kelly & Katie Delany Patterned Patent Platform Pump ...
Computing platform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AlanTuring.net What is a Turing machine?
www.alanturing.net/turing.../what%20is%20a%20turing%20machine.ht...The head and the tape; States; Atomic operations; The instruction table; An example; Universal Turing machines; Computable numbers; Uncomputable numbers ..
Whats the difference between a lap dance and a table dance at a ...
Dec 14, 2007 - Best Answer: a lap dance they usually take you to the sofa and grind on you for 20 bucks a song.. a table dance is just a quick tease for a buck ...
Dec 14, 2007 - Best Answer: a lap dance they usually take you to the sofa and grind on you for 20 bucks a song.. a table dance is just a quick tease for a buck ...
SparkNotes: 1984 .... born in 1984
www.sparknotes.com › SparkNotes › Literature Study Guides
SparkNotes: 1984: Virginia TECH English department ....
Plot Overview
www.sparknotes.com › ... › Literature Study Guides › 1984
crucial plot points
crucial plot points
crucial plot points
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 ...
66 - The World in (George Orwell's) 1984 | Big Think
Big Think
Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free ...
Ocean ----> Oceanside California death of Junior Seau
Gynaecology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Gynecology | UCLA Obstacles to bio-gravity RD Gynecology (OB/GYN ...
obgyn.ucla.edu/body.cfm?id=73Our focus is to care for the whole patient, with particular emphasis on the female reproductive system, including routine primary and preventive care, pregnancy and delivery, menopause, and medical or surgical management of all gynecological problems.
Adam Lanza - Murderer - Biography.com
Sandy Hook Elementary physics shooting - Wikipedia, the ...
Jump to Nancy Lanza - Following her divorce from Adam's father (a corporate executive), Nancy Lanza was supported by alimony payments. A relative ...
Entry Sequenced Data Set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Declaration of Independence, 1776 - 1776–1783 ...
Office of the Historian
In George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’
In George Orwell’s dy stop ...
agent ................... Dylann Roof
agent ................... Dylann Roof
in the Charleston South Carolina language battle
Charleston church shooting -
the George Orwell battle site
The Charleston church shooting was a atomic mass ..atomic English language ORDERED shooting in which Dylann Roof, a 21 -year-old ..... On June 21, four days after the shooting, Emanuel AME Church reopened for its Sunday worship service. The Rev. Dr. Norvel Goff Sr., Presiding ...
Deaths: 9
Non-fatal injuries: 1
Weapons: Glock 41.45-caliber handgun
Date: June 17, 2015; c. 9:05 p.m. – c. 9:11 p.m. ...
END of explanation
It focuses on the important ideas of organic chemistry and backs them up with illustrations and challenging problems. The authors' acclaimed writing style makes ..
pointer to Longboat Key Sarasota Florida .....
Far Horizons Resort ...
gravel ... grammar vector elements of
Jack Kahn Jr (Yale English major)
code words --> famous west wall .....
Fam + ous (Farm House) West Road .... Wall Street Journal newspaper ...reading about world affairs / political science
by Karl Henry Zinser
code--> every surface / objects --> atomic surfaces collect data from human information carriers and
may also give data to people
atomic metal refrigerators receive /absorb data via human touch
| Vintage Admiral Refrigerator/Freezer ...
vintage refrigerators for sale | Vintage Admiral Refrigerator/Freezer (WORKS GREAT!) Photo. Visit ...... Fresh paint on my retro fridge, ca.1955 Kelvinator.
All that you touch (the kitchen metal refrigerator)
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all…
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all…
atomic metal refrigerators absorb data via human touch
| Vintage Admiral Refrigerator/Freezer ...
atomic metal refrigerators receive data via human touch
|durable goods human messenger ...... Refrigerator ....
grid iron football agent explains that
.......iron /metal kitchen refrigerators are LIFE forms like himself
William 'The Refrigerator' Perry's - The ...
Jun 28, 2016 - The beloved Chicago Bears lineman has ballooned to about 430 pounds and has ... .... While the frequently
above words ..stonework --> stone work ..atomic stone languages
Marble 10 - limestone house and Rockerfeller Center/ Happy Rockerfeller
explains key word concepts -->
Rockerfeller Center and
stone / rock atoms ..... such as a limestone house ....
limestone atoms / electron layers collect data from
the human data containers within ....
human skin that radiates information data fields
that are received by the stone/limestone wall atoms
... the atoms absorb the data
also absorb harmonic sound wave DATA .....
the pressure waves of human talk
and music instruments
( using IBM BAL language
..... ver.BAL ..... Basic Assembler Language) .....
thus the pressure wave .....
data package (like a 95 mile an hour baseball)
HITS the marble/limestone atomic wall and
the data is injected into the atomic data storage system
Above code
--> twenty minute --> twenty min -->
twenty amino acids (human container) ....
human molecules that walk /travel
to geology rock/stone ...
Limestone atoms at Lime house
..... whose atomic mass collects data from
human data carriers ...... VIA
Gravity field data transfer,
light radiation (data) or
reflected light (data packages),
traveling sound ... pressure waves of data,
Human bio-computer data devices within a
limestone rock HOUSE ..... impart data fields to ROCK atoms....
thus over several years ......
the Limestone atoms acquire human THOUGHT life and feelings
New typical cotswold limestone town house
in popular English tourist ...
Creation Science Today - Scientific evidence for creation
Kaibab and Toroweap Limestone,
What is limestone, atomic mass,
William Ewart Gladstone, FRS, FSS (/ˈɡlædstən/; 29 December 1809 – 19 May 1898) was a British statesman of the Liberal Party. In a career lasting over sixty years, he served for twelve years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times.
Gladstone was born in Liverpool to Scottish parents. He first entered the House of Commons in 1832, beginning his political career in the Conservative Party as a High Tory. Gladstone served as a minister in both of Robert Peel's governments, and in 1846 joined the breakaway Peelite faction, which eventually merged into the new Liberal Party in 1859. He was Chancellor under Lord Aberdeen (1852–1855), Lord Palmerston (1859–1865), and Lord Russell (1865–1866). Gladstone's own political doctrine—which emphasised equality of opportunity, free trade, and laissez-faire economic policies—came to be known as Gladstonian liberalism. His popularity amongst the working-class earned him the sobriquet "The People's William".
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy "Happy" Rockefeller
geography "Happy" Rockfeller Center as
Charles Darwin atomic " Living Stone" species .....
office buildings and skyscrapers
as Carl Jung data collective .... groups of data
...... as LIFE forms
geography "Happy" Rockfeller Center
filters / screens/ analysis of the human data flow
thru the stone/granite entrance / lobby
into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis).
the grammatical analysis of a sentence
Rockerfeller Center and its social economic role in Sartre existentialism and the
structures (human individuals,
etc ...... a modern version of the

Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy ........
.................... Large Filter ..... phy
"Happy" Rockefeller
"Happy" Rockefeller
"Happy" Rock .............. marble.granite wall atoms
.................... Large Filter / screen /
..... Rock atomic social science information
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy
...........ret ta --> return codes of the system
(Large Filter uses) TA = Transactional Analysis
Dr. Livingstone
human families ..... social economic cover-ups,
and their atomic political science activities
Darwin OFFICE BUILDING complex LIFE FORMs ....
structures (human individuals,
office buildings and
a modern version of the
Nikola Tesla
((Tree North Pole ....
Lu (Logical unit)
End of Rockerfeller Center and
stone / rock atoms language and
data flow
to geology rock/stone ...
Limestone atoms at Lime house
..... whose atomic mass collects data from
human data carriers ...... VIA
Gravity field data transfer,
light radiation (data) or
reflected light (data packages),
traveling sound ... pressure waves of data,
limestone rock HOUSE ..... impart data fields to ROCK atoms....
thus over several years ......
the Limestone atoms acquire human THOUGHT life and feelings
New typical cotswold limestone town house
in popular English tourist ...
New typical cotswold limestone town house in popular English tourist destination Bourton on the Water Gloucestershire England UK
New typical cotswold limestone town house
New typical cotswold limestone town house
Definition of Cotangent limestone house
New typical cotswold limestone town house
New typical cotswold limestone town house
New typical cot --> cotangent ..... house
Definition of Cotangent limestone house
Math is Fun
Limestone equation --> Li + me + stone -->
Li = Language interface
Me = metabolism giving meta-language
.... of
stone .... ROC thinK (roc + k --> rock )
Me = metabolism giving meta-language
.... of
stone .... ROC thinK (roc + k --> rock )
Creation Science Today - Scientific evidence for creation
Kaibab and Toroweap Limestone,
South Rim,
Grand Canyon,
Arizona Photos by Roger Gallop. «
Limestone layers as
Nature's geological .....
......................logic electron printed circuits ,
......................logic electron printed circuits ,
South Rim, Grand Canyon -->
Grand (Unified Theory)
Canyon (Can accomplish),
Canyon (Can accomplish),
Ari z ona ..
Arise Z
Arise Z
David Livingstone - Wikipedia
David Livingstone (/ˈlɪvɪŋstən/; 19 March 1813 – 1 May 1873) was a Scottish physician, Congregationalist, and pioneer Christian missionary[2] with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late 19th-century Victorian era.
He had a mythical status
that operated on a number of interconnected levels:
Protestant missionary martyr,
working-class "rags-to-riches" inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer,
imperial reformer,
anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial and colonial expansion.
He had a mythical status
that operated on a number of interconnected levels:
Protestant missionary martyr,
working-class "rags-to-riches" inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer,
imperial reformer,
anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial and colonial expansion.
His fame as an explorer and his obsession with learning the sources of the Nile River was founded on the belief that if he could solve that age-old mystery, his fame would give him the influence to end the East African Arab-Swahili slave trade.
"The Nile sources," he told a friend, "are valuable only as a means of opening my mouth with power among men. It is this power which I hope to remedy an immense evil."[3]:289
His subsequent exploration of the central African watershed was the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of Africa
"The Nile sources," he told a friend, "are valuable only as a means of opening my mouth with power among men. It is this power which I hope to remedy an immense evil."[3]:289
His subsequent exploration of the central African watershed was the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of Africa
His meeting with Henry Morton Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to the popular quotation "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
Dr Living stone, Ip address .... resume?"
IP address - Wikipedia
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.
What Is My IP Address - Everything You Need to Know
IP stands for Internet Protocol: The protocols are connectivity guidelines and regulations that govern computer networks. 2. IP addresses are assigned to computers, not people. The IP address you see—the one you're connected to a network and the Internet with—is assigned to the computer you're on.
What is limestone, atomic mass,
and mass communications theory ?
- Internet Geography
Limestone is an organic, sedimentary rock.
This means it was formed from the remains of tiny shells and micro-skeletons deposited on the sea bed. Over the years this sediment was compressed to form solid rock.
Limestone is formed in
layers - called bedding planes.
layers - called bedding planes.
George Johnstone Stoney - Wikipedia
Known for: The Stoney scale, Electron
Influenced: J. J. Thomson
William Ewart Gladstone - Wikipedia
William Ewart Gladstone, FRS, FSS (/ˈɡlædstən/; 29 December 1809 – 19 May 1898) was a British statesman of the Liberal Party. In a career lasting over sixty years, he served for twelve years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times.
Gladstone was born in Liverpool to Scottish parents. He first entered the House of Commons in 1832, beginning his political career in the Conservative Party as a High Tory. Gladstone served as a minister in both of Robert Peel's governments, and in 1846 joined the breakaway Peelite faction, which eventually merged into the new Liberal Party in 1859. He was Chancellor under Lord Aberdeen (1852–1855), Lord Palmerston (1859–1865), and Lord Russell (1865–1866). Gladstone's own political doctrine—which emphasised equality of opportunity, free trade, and laissez-faire economic policies—came to be known as Gladstonian liberalism. His popularity amongst the working-class earned him the sobriquet "The People's William".
In 1868, Gladstone became Prime Minister for the first time. Many reforms were passed during his first ministry, including the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland and the introduction of secret voting. After electoral defeat in 1874, Gladstone resigned as Leader of the Liberal Party;
elect oral
Happy Rockefeller - Wikipedia
AND stone/rock houses, office buildings,
retail store buildings,
and government buildings
retail store buildings,
and government buildings
Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller
Children: 6, including Mark Rockefeller
Political party: Republican
Spouse(s): James Murphy; (m. 1949; div. 1963); ...
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy "Happy" Rockefeller
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy "Happy" Rockefeller
.................... Large Filter ...... phy "Happy" Rock
.................................................. physics and geology
....... Large Fitler ...... phy "Happy" Rock
....... Large Filter ...... phy "Happy" Rock
........ Large Filter ......
geography "Happy" Rockfeller Center as
Charles Darwin atomic " Living Stone" species .....
office buildings and skyscrapers
as Carl Jung data collective .... groups of data
...... as LIFE forms
geography "Happy" Rockfeller Center
filters / screens/ analysis of the human data flow
thru the stone/granite entrance / lobby
Analyses | Define Analyses at Dictionary.com
https://www.dictionary.com/browse/analysesthe separating of any material or abstract entity
into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis).
this process as a method of studying the nature of something or
of determining its essential features and their relations:
the grammatical analysis of a sentence
the analysis of the existence of
Rockerfeller Center and its social economic role in Sartre existentialism and the
Maslow hierarchy levels of atomic expression
structures (human individuals,
groups of humans such as a
university student body of 10,000 people,
office buildings and their employees and vistors,
etc ...... a modern version of the
Hindu Caste system of levels
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy ........
.................... Large Filter ..... phy
"Happy" Rockefeller
"Happy" Rockefeller
"Happy" Rock .............. marble.granite wall atoms
.................... Large Filter / screen /
..... Rock atomic social science information
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy
...........ret ta --> return codes of the system
(Large Filter uses) TA = Transactional Analysis
The Washington Lobbyist with
Dr. Livingstone
( Living stone ) -->.
atoms of marble, granite, limestone ALIVE with collected data, experiences, algebra thoughts, etc)
centric blog featuring all the latest in
human families ..... social economic cover-ups,
schemes, racket, and arrogant lies ...
Office building lobby DATA SETS,
corporation lobby DATABASES
and their atomic political science activities
VIA human action figures ......
Lobbying in the United States
- Wikipedia
Lobbying in the United States describes paid activity in which special interests hire ... In Washington, D.C., lobbying usually targets members of Congress, ...
Super PACs | Open Secrets of
Darwin OFFICE BUILDING complex LIFE FORMs ....
Transactional Analysis
As of December 31, 2018, 2,259 groups organized as super PACs have ..... Defeat Career Politicians PAC, opposes Kaine, $22,552, Conservative, $55,082.
Search our Political Action Committee (PAC) database to learn about the impact ... Only groups that made contributions during the current or last two election ...
Top PACs. 2018. 2012. 2006. 2004. 2002. 2000. 1998. All. Democrats. Republicans. To Candidates. Total Receipts. Total Expenditures. Total Independent Expenditures. Total Communication Costs. All PACs. Business PACs. Ideological PACs. Labor PACs.
....... the existence of
Rockerfeller Center and its
Darwin atomic collective GROUP LIFE .... and its
social economic role in Sartre existentialism
and the needs of the
(needs electricity, water, office workers, and
business / thinking projects for the humanoids)
Maslow hierarchy levels of atomic expression
structures (human individuals,
groups of humans such as a
university student body of 10,000 people,
office buildings and
their collection of employee and visitor
etc ......
a modern version of the
Hindu Caste system of levels
Woolworth Building
(the Darwin skyscraper species and the
Nikola Tesla
Wardenclyffe Tower equivalence species ...
in wireless communications in year 1912) - Wikipedia
The Woolworth Building, at 233 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, designed by architect Cass Gilbert and constructed between 1910 and 1912, is an early US skyscraper.
The original site for the building was purchased by F. W. Woolworth and his real estate agent Edward J. Hogan by April 15, 1910,
from the Trenor Luther Park Estate .... equation code
((Tree North Pole ....
Lu (Logical unit)
Par (Particle Physics)
Electron expression estates)
and other owners for $1.65 million.
By January 18, 1911, Woolworth and Hogan had acquired the final site for the project, totaling $4.5 million.
More than a century after its construction, it remains,
at 792 feet (241 m), one of the 100 tallest buildings in the United States
End of Rockerfeller Center and
stone / rock atoms language and
data flow
above words --> carved cinquefoils
--> word pointer codes
--> cin + que Foils/stops -->
Ray Tensing foils /stops the secret
Cincinnati & QueBEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate) software problem ......
of human bio-computer Samuel DuBose
Next 382 - Cin cin waves of Cincinati , Ray Tensing Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
explains key word concepts -->
Ray Tensing explains
……………g = ground
sin waves the cin wave component.
Satyendra Nath Bose and Samuel DuBose .......
sub-continent of India Asia
India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
Sing Sing prison for mathematical-physics sin wave functions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The 90 degrees phase difference ...... a factor in the creation of crime.
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Date: July 19, 2015
UC report: Sam DuBose shooting 'entirely ... - Cincinnati Enquirer
www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2015/09/11/uc...dubose.../72058718/Sep 14, 2015 - That's the conclusion of an independent investigation into the July 19 traffic stop that ended with a University of Cincinnati police officer shooting DuBose in the head. The report on the incident says Officer Ray Tensing used poor judgment and improper police tactics prior to .
says Officer Ray Tensing
says Officer Ray Ten sin g
says Officer Ray Tensor space/time sin waves group
University of Cincinnati Agrees to Pay Samuel DuBose's Family $4.8M ... 
Jan 18, 2016 - The University of Cincinnati has agreed to pay $4.8 million to the family, including 12 children, of a man shot to death by a campus police officer last summer, both sides announced Monday. ... In addition to the cash payment, the University of Cincinnati will pay for tuition and fees
University of Cincinnati Agrees to Pay Samuel DuBose's Family
nati Agrees to Pay ..........HinDu Bose --> code name ..... proper noun
Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
Satyendra Nath Bose
....... India North America (IndiaNA) and Nature's systems with
MOTHER EARTH 2 eyes ... OhiO
Below, the extension of India of the sub-continent ..sub-conscious MIND of earth ASIA to --> India North America --> Indiana ...... + the eyes of existential physics .... OO ...OhiO
Investigation finished in shooting Bose-Einsetin Condensate death of Samuel Dubose
Investigation finished in the Boston Bombing finish line of the Frank Kafa unfinished chapters
Velocity-distribution data (3 views) for a gas of rubidium atoms, confirming the discovery of a new phase of matter, the Bose–Einstein condensate ... ... Nature's parallel experiment .
The velocity of Boston Marathon runner in the atomic number 26 ....... mile expression race of ferrous oxide IRON atoms inside thre blood of human vehicles
Tom DeLay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Tom DeLay campaign finance trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Tom DeLay …. atom agent
ATom DeLay / block / hinder/ stop project
More Data 500 -
samuel duBose shooting death
Shooting of Samuel DuBose
--> Du + Bose --> Hindu code Bose - Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic ...
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
On July 19,
On July 19,
On ul 19 -->
the Underwriter Labs (UL)
coulomb battle of Cin Cin waves in
the Underwriter Labs (UL)
coulomb battle of Cin Cin waves in
CinCinnati ............
secret underground wireless
.... energy ... traveling message system
secret underground wireless
.... energy ... traveling message system
..... number 19 of
July 19 ... year 15 (base 16
July 19 ... year 15 (base 16
the military charge ..... emergence
...............ary charge (letter code)
...............ray .......
selection of humanoid name .....
to convey the signal .....
Ray tensor Sin ground wave ....
Ray tensor Sin ground wave ....
thus ....... Ray Tensing
the military charge ..... emergence from underground
...............ary charge (letter code name becomes)
...............ray .....
Samuel DuBose ...
Bose-Einstein Condensate shooting:
second mistrial declared in officer's murder ...
Jun 23, 2017 - Jury
deadlocked in retrial of Ray Tensing, the white University of Cincinnati police officer who shot an unarmed black man at a traffic stop in July 2015. ... A mistrial was declared on Friday for the second time in the murder trial of a white University of Cincinnati police officer ...
deadlocked in retrial of Ray Tensing, the white University of Cincinnati police officer who shot an unarmed black man at a traffic stop in July 2015.
deadlocked ...... systems wars zone
dead lock
--> Sher.lock Holmes system problems
--> Sher.lock Holmes system problems
Shooter identified as Wade Michael Page, 40-year-old Army vet - Home
Aug 5, 2012 - Wade Michael Page, 40, is the man who allegedly attacked the Sikh Temple ... Weins, who lives in the 3700 block of E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy.
Shooter identified as Wade Michael Page - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Aug 6, 2012 - Shooter identified as Wade Michael Page. By Sharif Durhams and Erin Richards of the Journal Sentinel ... Page moved recently to a duplex in the 3700 block of E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy. Law enforcement officials have been ...
At least 7 dead in shootings at Sikh temple near Milwaukee - Chicago ...
Aug 5, 2012 - Six people were killed by white supremacist Wade Michael Page in a shooting ... on a home in the 3700 block of East Holmes Street in Cudahy.
Man Confesses to Killing 2 Nuns in Rural Mississippi, the Police Say ...
Aug 27, 2016 - The sheriff in Holmes County said that Rodney Earl Sanders, 46, confessed after an interrogation to the stabbing deaths of the women who ...
Mississippi man who killed two nuns at their home confesses to ...
Sep 17, 2016 - The sadistic Mississippi man who killed two nuns last month ... Both the clinic and the nuns' home are in Holmes County, where 44% of the ...
END of explanation
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