Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Jack Welch ..... EARTH atomic social / economic secrets
...... residents of General Electric VIA
EARTH geography electron surface and its
electron information output flow systems VIA the
Vin circuit of the grape vine -->
Welch's grape juice from Vin circuits
- Wikipedia
John Francis "Jack" Welch Jr. (born November 19, 1935) is an American business executive, author, and chemical engineer. He was chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. ... By 1968, Welch became the vice president and head of GE's plastics division, which at the time was a $26 million operation ...
100% Grape Juice ...... and electrical juice
Home town: Salem, Massachusetts, U.S
Residence: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S
Political party: Republican
Spouse(s): Carolyn B. Osburn (1959–1987); J...
100% Grape Juice ...... and electrical juice
... electric current parallels ....
100% Grape Juice. Welch's 100% Grape Juice delivers the bold, delicious taste of Concord grapes in every glass. Not to mention that it helps support a healthy ...
The Hidden Reality:

code --> U S Africa Command ... for
IBM base 16 AF --> Africa ......
COMPUTER EARTH command representative
pioneer medical missionary
with the London ..... IBM MIS Society,
an explorer in Computer Earth geography region
Hex'A' = 10 ... Hex 'F' = 15 --> AF.rica
His fame as an explorer and his obsession with learning the sources of the Nile River was founded on the belief that if he could solve that age-old mystery, his fame would give him the influence to end the East African Arab-Swahili slave trade. "The Nile sources," he told a friend, "are valuable only as a means of opening my mouth with power among men. It is this power which I hope to remedy an immense evil."[3]:289 His subsequent exploration of the central African watershed was the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of Africa
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
Aug 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory. Oddone ...
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab
Northwestern University -
| US News Best ...
Best Buy
Evans (atomic nucleus)
Northern Illinois University ...
| School of Ma (Mother pussy school)
Bethesda Lu (Logical unit) Home
and Nature's major farm educational
system that was destroyed
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors
in a rented building on
... When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their ...
Bethesda Lutheran Home -
BooK226B ... Murder on the Orient Express ... translated ...
bag made by Duluth
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street ... When more land was added
the facility began farming and
raising their own food. ... Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics.
The human bio-computer .... protein machine
Wisconsin Amish Farmer to Stand Trial
..... Selling Raw Milk -
May 12, 2013 - A Wisconsin Amish dairy farmer is set to go on trial for a strange offense: selling ... Hershberger grew up milking cows by hand on a small Amish dairy ...
Questions Raised by the Amish Raw Milk Trial -
... Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy ...
Mount Vernon Commemorates Purple Heart Day. Aug 18. Brunch with Mrs. Washington. Sep 9. George Washington Patriot Run. Sep 15–16. Colonial Market & ...
Hershey milk chocolate candy bar
Sy --> Solar System sunlight / THOUGHT photons descend
May 18, 2017 - Inti, the Sun God, was the second-most important god to the Inca culture after Viracocha, the Creator.
Sylvania - Incandescent
Sy --> Solar System sunlight / THOUGHT photons descend
Save big when you purchase Adventure Bundles and meal tickets! Hours. HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE WORLD is open all year round, but hours vary depending on the season.
Union Station (Chicago)
Rating: 4 - 830 reviews
When I watch films with turn of the century train stations, I think of this place. Usually when I take the Metra into the city it is a great reminder of how people used .
a) light reflected from the humanoid goes to the stone wall
b) the stone/ heavy atomic mass .... strong gravity field PULL
explains key word concepts -->
Data 637 -
betsy royals .... bethesda
Bose–Einstein statistics (BES) project destroyed
TWO-PHASE alternating-current (AC)
induction motor was built by Tesla in 1887.
TWO-PHASE alternating-current (Dirt AC) .....
EARTH geography alternating cycles of
explains key word concepts -->
Data 614 -
2 solutions
water molecule algebra solutions
solar system sunlight
harry quadracci murder/cover-up

code words-> Two solutions .......
for Harry Quadracci at Pine Lake .....
Sep 1, 2002 - Mr. Quadracci's body was found approximately 3 p.m. that day in about four and a half feet of water in Pine Lake near his home here, according ...
Jul 30, 2002 - Harry V. Quadracci's body was discovered Monday afternoon in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake, near his home in Chenequa. He was 66 years
near his home in Chenequa.
near his home in Chenequa.
near his home in .........equation .....
in 4-1/2 feet of water accidental murder /cover-up
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4

in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in / ....... square root sign ..... graphic arts code

code words-> Two solutions .......
for Harry Quadracci at Pine Lake .....
code words-> Two solutions .......
for Harry Quadracci ......
the liquid water molecule solution at
Pine Lake at Chenequa Wisconsin .....
................................ equation region
code words --> mountain -->
refers to a system / business / work institutions/ factory/
a MOUNTAIN of activity and work and thoughts
EARTH language code --> mountain rescue squad -->
well Pickled with --> water well (H20) and the H G Wells book .. the Invisible Manuscript and the year 1897 Village of IP (Iinternet Protocol blog PING)
Pickled (Pick & Save Grocery store in Watertown)
with ( wi = wisconsin postal code and the year 1948
code word Betsy -->
Bethesda (system mountain) --->
Betsy --> Bet system --> protein THOUGHT molecule ... probability / chance/ bet system at
On Wisconsin: EM field .... optical CONE feud closes
Northern Illinois University NODE battle code
- Wikipedia
code words -->
Evans meat hoskins
--> Evans atomic meat hole skins
--> Evans atomic bio-physics pussy
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
Data 535 -
marble building atoms ....
data collection and gravity
Marble is a metamorphic rock
* gravity field
Below, gravity data fields
All that you touch /
And all that you see /
All that you taste /
All you feel /
And all that you love /
And all that you ...
Album The Dark Side of the Moon.
Eclipse Lyrics:
Eclipse Lyrics:
Our Story
Arthurian legend
The leg ............ King Art --> arteries of blood
explains key word concepts -->
Marble 22 -
the Ragged Mountains
..Edgar Allen Poe -->P order entry
Above KEY words explained below,
marble -
The Col --> vertical column of
and Lewis Carroll thru the Looking Glass of 5000
Jun 25, 2008 - To many of his admirers,
sensitive K + channel
sensitive K + channel
sensitive K + channel
Robert A. Hawkins (May 17, 1988 – December 5, 2007) was the 19-year-old perpetrator of the Westroads Mall shooting.[26] He was born at the RAF Lakenheath station in Suffolk, England, U.K., to American parents Ronald Hawkins and Maribel "Molly" Rodriguez.[27]
Red blood cells DEMO in Red China
2014 - Trial of the bombastic Boston community lies/ schemes / language and history racketts/ arrogant bull-stories
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor aTom Barrett lying in a data record buffer pool of bio-computer blood
It started with an urgent plea for help late Saturday night as he walked to his car after a State Fair outing with his family.
And it ended with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood with a broken hand after he rushed to confront a pipe-wielding suspect officials described as a "vicious thug."
By Sunday evening, the suspect was in custody, Barrett was recuperating at a hospital, and his heroics were being recounted on national cable and network news shows.
Barrett, first elected in 2004 and re-elected last year, was struck on the head and torso with the pipe and broke his hand, presumably when he punched the man. As he rested Sunday at Froedtert Hospital, where doctors stitched up cuts on his head and lip, authorities and witnesses explained what happened.
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth described Peters as a "desperate man" who had threatened to shoot himself and others. He had taken a cell phone from the woman who was trying to protect her 1-year-old granddaughter from Peters, the girl's father, police said.
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth and his sub-conscious mind
West Allis Police Chief .............. Jung ......
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth described
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth described
West Allis Police Chief atoMIC
............................................Michael Jung blut/ blood german language word
--> Carl Jung blood agent
The Wisconsin State Fair collective CROWDS ....... .....
and the condensation of the GROUP MIND un-consciousness /
Mayor Blood/brain barrier news conference VIA agent Barrett
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator and five-term US congressman, was first elected in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008 with 79% of the vote. Milwaukee, a former brewing capital, has a population of about 600,000. It is about 80 miles north of Chicago in the US mid-west.
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
ATom Barrett, a 55-year-old former .. leg
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
ATom Barrett, a 55
.................ret --> return codes of EARTH iron core /magnetic field systems
The Mayor's 55 year old iron interface
Reason codes for return code 04 - IBM
z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU ... The symbol for return code 04 is DOENVERR in macro IEFDORC .
Reason codes for return code 08 - IBM
z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU ... When a return codeof 08 is received, a hexadecimal reason code is returned.
Return control - IBM
The RETURN macro restores the control to the calling program and signals ... can restore a designated range of registers, provide a return code in register 15
Theme - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam ...
List of themes - Simple English Wikiquote
List of themes. From Wikiquote. Jump to: navigation, search. This is a list of quotations organized by theme: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...
List of heme groups - Simple English Wikiquote
List of themes. From Wikiquote. Jump to: navigation, search. This is a list of quotations organized by theme: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...
38th parallel
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy
United States Department of Energy
Dr. Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013. Dr. Chu was charged with helping implement President Obama's ...
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy
Psychohistory (theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychohistory is a theory / science in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe which combines ... The Prime Radiant projects the equations onto walls in some unexplained manner, but it does not cast shadows, thus allowing workers easy ...
Seldon Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
explains key word concepts -->
Milk 16 -
milk dump ,
Alice in Dairy Land / Looking Glass
Idi Amin .. idiot amino acids
World News. September 16, 2009 / 10:42 AM / 9 years ago. Europe's farmers dump milk to protest low prices. Catherine Hornby, Bate Felix. 3 Min Read.
Amish School ....
Artwork on focus
Blood arteries INTERNAL views, language, and picture views of
AND its OUTPUT data message on 64 comb
VIA René Magritte
The Symbolist Movement:
The Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible Visible. Symbolism is always confusing because we use the word to refer to the study of symbols or iconography ...
James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick in 1953,
Idi Amin - Military Leader, President Uganda
Apr 2, 2014 - Idi Amin was a Ugandan president born circa 1925 in Kokobo, West Nile Province, Uganda. He rose within the military from the 1940s through ...
Dada Movement ...movement of blood cells in the human body
... Influenced by other avant-garde movements - Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, and Expressionism - its output was wildly diverse, ranging from performance art to poetry, photography, sculpture, painting .
University of Georgia at Athens:
With this initiative,
The White House 'beer summit' on PUB education
White House beer summit -- photos of the meeting between President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and ...
code words--> Amik Doris Street .... .elevated expressway --> translated
Amiki --> ami + mik + i --> amino acid MILK interface
..... the PROTEIN thought MACHINE a bio-computer PLATFORM of existence and expression ways ......
code words--> Amik Doris Street .... .elevated expressway --> translated
Amiki --> ami + mik + i --> amino acid MILK interface
..... the PROTEIN thought MACHINE a bio-computer PLATFORM of existence and expression ways ......
such as Doris Day music /software ... that became embedded within
the protein molecule DATABASE and language network
Doris Day (born Doris Mary Kappelhoff; April 3, 1922) is an American actress, singer, and animal welfare activist. After she began her career as a big band singer in 1939, her popularity increased with her first hit recording "Sentimental Journey" (1945). After leaving Les Brown & His Band of Renown to embark on a solo career, she recorded more than 650 songs from 1947 to 1967, which made her one of the most popular and acclaimed singers of the 20th century.
Day's film career began with the 1948 film Romance on the High Seas, and its success sparked her twenty-year career as a motion picture actress. She starred in a series of successful films, including musicals, comedies, and dramas. She played the title role in Calamity Jane (1953), and starred in Alfred Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) with James Stewart.
Her most successful films were the bedroom comedies she made co-starring Rock Hudson and James Garner, such as Pillow Talk (1959) and Move Over, Darling (1963), respectively. She also co-starred in films with such leading men as Clark Gable, Cary Grant, David Niven, and Rod Taylor. After her final film in 1968, she went on to star in the CBS sitcom The Doris Day Show (1968–1973).
She was usually one of the top ten singers between 1951 and 1966.[vague] As an actress, she became the biggest female film star in the early 1960s,
Oct 8, 2013 - Milk Protein is a type of protein that is derived from filtered milk and Is formed from whey and casein proteins. Milk protein is generally treated in ...
Doris Day as an EARTH LAB
code words--> Amik Doris Street .... .elevated expressway ... street-level --> translated
...... street level math base and elevated exponents
milk THOUGHT protein machine ....
and the bio-chemistry bio-math PLATFORM upon which 2-legged 2-ears human exist with their family BS social stories
The Hidden Reality:
Parallel earthly expression Universes
and the Deep ... -
[The Hidden Reality is] Greene's impassioned argument 'for the capacity of ... Brian Greene received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University and his
Urban Dictionary:
Food For Thought
Learning new information that you never thought was important to think about. It enables you to have a greater intelligence in every aspect of life while feeding ...
Circuit 30 - vin circuits haming code
explains key word concepts -->
vin circuits ...... hamming code
Grape Vine
............ vine ...e
secret vin electron circuits
explains key word concepts -->
vin circuits ...... hamming code
Grape Vine
............ vine ...e
secret vin electron circuits
code --> U S Africa Command ... for
IBM base 16 AF --> Africa ......
COMPUTER EARTH command representative
David Livingstone - Wikipedia
David Livingstone
David ..... circuit agent
pioneer medical missionary
London Mis (Missionary) Society,
an explorer in the
an explorer in the
base 16 HEX/curse region of
with the London ..... IBM MIS Society,
an explorer in Computer Earth geography region
Hex'A' = 10 ... Hex 'F' = 15 --> AF.rica
His fame as an explorer and his obsession with learning the sources of the Nile River was founded on the belief that if he could solve that age-old mystery, his fame would give him the influence to end the East African Arab-Swahili slave trade. "The Nile sources," he told a friend, "are valuable only as a means of opening my mouth with power among men. It is this power which I hope to remedy an immense evil."[3]:289 His subsequent exploration of the central African watershed was the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of Africa
the popular quotation "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
"Dr Livingstone, I p address ..... human bio-computer extension and its resume?"
nternet Protocol (IP) Explained - Lifewire › How To › Internet & Network › Key Concepts
May 13, 2018 - What the Internet Protocol (IP) is and how it works. Learn more about IP when it comes to IP addresses and VoIP.
What is Internet Protocol (IP)? - Definition from Techopedia
Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of interconnected networks, using the Internet Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP).
Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of interconnected networks, using the Internet Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP).
Odd number - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An odd number is an integer which is not a multiple of two. If it is divided by two the result is a fraction. One is the first odd positive number. The next four bigger odd numbers are three, five, seven, and nine.
Odd integer - Art of Problem Solving
An odd integer is an integer which is not a multiple of (or equivalently one more than a multiple of ). The odd integers are Every odd integer can be written in the form for some unique other integer . The product of any two odd integers is odd, but the sum and difference of any two odd integers are even
Pier ODDone ....
........... DD explains the concept of
........... DD explains the concept of
living DD atomic existential ... electron circuits in the Chicago/Batavia area that may experience self-awareness .... electron circuits in the Chicago/Batavia area that may experience self-awareness ....
in the format of a human bio-electron structure
Odd integer - Art of Problem Solving
Odd integer - Art of Problem Solving at Federal prison by Chicago
Pier Oddone to retire as
Fermilab intellectual prison director
Pier Odd explains one, three, five, seven implies decimal equivalent 1,3,5,7 - Wikipedia
Pier J Oddone
Pier J Oddone
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab
Vin BRAIN electron THOUGHT circuit director for
the Ayn Rand project
- UChicago incomplete news
Aug 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory. Oddone ..
Inside his General Electric brain
We the Living - Wikipedia
We the Living is the debut novel of the Russian American novelist Ayn Rand. It is a story of life in post-revolutionary Russia and was Rand's first statement ...
We the Living
We the Living
We ....e --->
Could someone please explain Vin and Vout? - CandlePowerForums
Dec 12, 2008 - 5 posts - 4 authors
I have very little knowledge of electronics - just looking to understand more. Cheers. ... Vin and Vout are typically associated with driver circuits.
Vout are typically associated with driver circuits.
Vout are typically associated with driver circuits.
V output are typically associated with driver circuits .... thus the
Z-transform into a humanoid format driver circuit with
EARTH LAB specimen label Jack Welsh
EARTH LAB specimen label Jack Welsh
Map of Evanston - Northwestern University
Here is a Map of Evanston. ... Welcome to becoming a member of the Evanston/ Chicago and NU Off-Campus communities! Off-Campus Life 601 University ...
Jump to Evanston - Northwestern's Evanston campus, where the undergraduate ... South Campus is home to the University's humanities buildings, ...
What began as farmland and swampland in the 1850s became the Northwestern campus and the city of Evanston, Ill. Northwestern University is a Division I ...
Location: Evanston, Illinois, U.S
Religious affiliation: Nonsectarian (formerly Un...
Students: 21,208 (Fall 2016)
Mascot: Willie the Wildcat
Northwestern University -
Hollywood mentality Profile,
BS Rankings and Data
What began as farmland and swampland in the 1850s became the Northwestern campus and the city of Evanston, Ill. Northwestern University is a Division I ...
| US News Best ...
Best Buy electronic circuits for the human brain
Best Buy
..... electron circuit IMPLANTS for your brain
- Wikipedia
Best Buy Co., Inc. is an American multinational consumer electronics retailer headquartered in .... Later that year, Best Buy acquired the British Columbia, Canada-based electronics-chain Future Shop Ltd., marking its entrance to the ..
Evans Field House - NIU - Recreation and Wellness
Come check out the remodeled fitness room which is now equipped with a full line of Cybex selectorized machines and a full line of free weights, including a ...
Missing: nil | Must include: nil
Evans Field House
Evans Field House
Evans (atomic nucleus)
( Einsteins data field ) ...... Field (theory) House (test site)
Chick Evans Field House provides additional recreation facilities for students, including: four multipurpose courts for basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, and floor hockey; a 3-lane, 1/7 mile jogging and walking track; and a cardio and strength training room. 1050 Lucinda Ave ...
Missing: nil | Must include: nil
Evans Field House Battle FIELD at Cole hall
Northern Illinois University ...
Quantum hall shooting at Cole Hall
Northern Illinois
Northern Illinois
Northern Ill / sick noise University
and Nature's systems clean-up message
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring 17 more people, before fatally shooting himself.
The shooting happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. Central Standard Time.
Organic Molecules of Life
Organic Molecules of Life. Life is based on carbon; organic chemistry studies compounds in which carbon is a central element. The properties of carbon make it the backbone of the organic molecules which form living matter. Carbon is a such a versatile element because it can form four covalent bonds.
The simplest organic molecules, hydrocarbons, contain only hydrogen atoms bonded to a carbon backbone. The carbon backbone ranges from one carbon atom in methane, or natural gas, to thousands of carbon atoms, such as in polyethylene, a commonly used plastic.
Apr 26, 2018 - Organic compounds are those upon which life depends, and they all contain carbon. In fact, the definition of an organic compound is one that contains carbon. ... The fun starts when carbon bonds with combinations of carbon atoms and those of other elements, particularly hydrogen and ...
Welch --> Welsh --> spellings different
and phonetics sound the same
and phonetics sound the same
Alan Turing | The University of Man ... mantisssa bio-math life forms at Manchester
| School of Ma (Mother pussy school)
Mat (society wrestling mat) Mathematics
Alan Turing is considered to be the father of modern computing and artificial ... Deputy Director of the Computing Laboratory at the University of Manchester, and ...
The Alan Turing Memorial, situated in Sackville Park in Manchester, England, is in memory of Alan Turing, a pioneer of modern computing. Turing is believed to .
Basic Direct Access Method - IBM
Basic Direct Access Method. BDAM arranges records in any sequence your program indicates, and retrieves records by actual or relative address. If you do not know the exact location of a record, you can specify a point in the data set where a search for the record is to begin.
Bethesda 20 cows code .... Z57 ..Data 538 - bethesda lu home 20 cows and 20 amino and 20/20 eyes
Bethesda Lu (Logical unit) Home
and Nature's major farm educational
system that was destroyed
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
in a rented building on
... When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their ...
PROMISE by 20 amino acids of Nature's human protein social engineering machine of
20 ACRES and
20 milk protein cows
20 ACRES and
20 milk protein cows
The Bethesda Lutheran Home was an outgrowth of the charitable works of the Lutheran-related Children's Friend of Kindefreund Societies. The group chose Watertown for the site of the home because of a promise of 20 acres of free land at the southwestern edge of town. However, the first home for Bethesda was at rented quarters at 222-226 Margaret St. The home was located here between 1903 and 1906.
Bethesda Lutheran Home -
Watertown Historical Society history of
protein molecule social science systems
The establishment of the Bethesda Lutheran Home at Watertown was a ... When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their own food [the ... Home for the Feeble Minded were held Sunday, are to be cut down and the land .....
They keep twenty (20) amino acid milk cows
which supplies the table with cream and butter, ...
They keep twenty (20) amino acid milk cows
which supplies the table with cream and butter, ...
The establishment of the Bethesda Lutheran Home at Watertown was a significant event for the community. While the 20 acres of free land probably helped sway the decision to locate the home at Watertown, the fact that there was a considerable German settlement there and
a significant group of
Lu = Logical unit
Lu = Lutherans
was probably also a factor in the decision. The Bethesda Home represents the efforts of the private sector to provide facilities for the poor and disadvantaged, facilities that augment state-run institutions in Wisconsin.
a significant group of
Lu = Logical unit
Lu = Lutherans
was probably also a factor in the decision. The Bethesda Home represents the efforts of the private sector to provide facilities for the poor and disadvantaged, facilities that augment state-run institutions in Wisconsin.
The Bethesda Lu Home was an outgrowth of the charitable works of the
Lutheran-related Children's Friend of
Kindefreund Societies.
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Bessie lived at Pabst farms and
Bethesda / Tetz dairy farms ..... This simple two-line statement is already full of abstractions. Starting its ...
Feeble Minded protein muscles get educated
the education of
Lutheran-related Children's Friend of
Kindefreund Societies.
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Lutheran-related Children's Friend
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on ......
... When more land was added the facility began working hard by farming and raising their ...
Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
The establishment of the Bethesda Lutheran Home at Watertown was a ...
the facility began farming and raising their own food [the name Bethesda did not ...
the facility began farming and raising their own food [the name Bethesda did not ...
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
Nov 9, 2013 - When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their own ... In 1980 three buildings at Bethesda Lutheran Home have been ...
The Process of Abstracting according to S. I.... - Lapidarium notes
The Process of Abstracting according to S. I. Hayakawa “ “The concept, so defined, ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. Bessie ...
The Ladder of Abstraction - iMed
Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal,
Bessie the the Holstein dairy milk cow.
Bessie the the Holstein dairy milk cow.
Bessie lived at Pabst farms and
Bethesda / Tetz dairy farms ..... This simple two-line statement is already full of abstractions. Starting its ...
Feeble Minded protein muscles get educated
via ...................... rote / repeated farm work exercises with
da = data devices of Nature's systems ..... that is
da = dairy milk cows ..... per S.I Hayakawa systems ...
The milk dairy farm ..... education site.
Bethesda destruction of the test Z site .....
TetZ farms and Nature's milk protein THOUGHT molecule system and
the education of
feeble minded farm worker PROTEINS at the MILK dairy farm .....
in Watertown Wisconsin.
END of Bethesda Lutheran Home
Milk 07 - Hershey milk chocolate as Nature's system MILITARY milk molecules
explains key word concepts -->
explains key word concepts -->
BooK226B ... Murder on the Orient Express ... translated ...
Karen Simek killed in milk protein WARS over
the destruction of the Bethesda TETZ dairy farm as explained
by Vernon Hersheberger Amish amino acids
and Hershey MILK chocolate candy bar sugar THOUGHT molecules
Woman's tote bag could be key to solving homicide case - WISN-TV
Feb 7, 2017 - Authorities believe Karen Simek was carrying a bag from Duluth Trading Company when she was attacked last Tuesday during a robbery near ...
Police: Suspect may have stolen tote bag carried by ... -
Feb 6, 2017 - A tote bag belonging to the victim, 53-year-old Karen Simek, ... canvas travel or tote bag made by Duluth Trading Company with a front zipper ...
Police make new plea for witnesses, clues in fatal shooting of Karen ...
Jun 29, 2017 - Simek was shot and killed during a robbery in the neighborhood near 12th ... A tote bag belonging to Simek is also believed to have been taken by the ... The bag is a green women's canvas travel or tote bag made by Duluth ...
bag made by Du luth
bag made by Du ..... lutheran HOME errors in Watertown
Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
Lu (logical Unit) .... Lutheran Home for
Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
the facility began farming and
raising their own food. ... Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics.
bag made by Duluth
ba ag made by Du luth --> message codes
base agriculture / dairy farm .... milk proteins at
Bethesda/ Tetz Holstein dairy farms with
feeble minded workers
LINK to the
Hindu milk protein .... protein continuum PLATFORM
Hindu Holy COW ..............
Hindu Holy COW ..............
thus the Hindu Holy Cow and the Holstein cow
protein food system PLATFORM
that underlies human existence ....
and human needs for protein food sources
and human needs for protein food sources
Belgian farmers dump on September 16, 20 Pictures | Getty Images
Sep 16, 2009 - Belgian farmers dump on September 16, 2009 some three million liters of milk in a field in Ciney, southern Belgium, to protest against ...French farmers dump liters of milk into fields on September 16, 2009 in ...
Sep 16, 2009 - French farmers dump liters of milk into fields on September 16, 2009 in Nordausques, northern France as anger mounted over falling prices.
The human bio-computer .... protein machine
..... dump / abend / failure
Wisconsin Amish Farmer to Stand Trial
for ............ Ami -->Amino acid /milk protein software
WARS (per Europe milk .... molecule software DUMP)
..... Selling Raw Milk -
The Daily Beast of chicken reporters
Questions Raised by the Amish Raw Milk Trial -
Modern Farmer of incomplete explanations by lazy reporters
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy ...
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Ami da ...
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Ami da ...
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amino acid ... differential amplifier ....... messenger agent
Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy ...
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Ami da ...
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Ami da ...
. Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amino acid ... differential amplifier ....... messenger agent
... Nature's systems ... data generating EVENTS to create databases ...........
feedback control systems and error messages
feedback control systems and error messages
Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy
Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Am --> American molecule
agent .... representing
Vernon -->
George Washington's Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon Commemorates Purple Heart Day. Aug 18. Brunch with Mrs. Washington. Sep 9. George Washington Patriot Run. Sep 15–16. Colonial Market & ...
Vernon Hershberger, 41, is an Amish dairy
--------> Hershey milk chocolate candy bar
the sugar THOUGHT molecule agent
--------> Hershey milk chocolate candy bar
the sugar THOUGHT molecule agent
Attractions | Hershey, PA
Discover all the attractions and events you can only enjoy in Hershey, PA! Ride roller coasters and water slides, take in a hockey game or float with some ...
Hershey's Chocolate World | Hershey, PA
Discover all things chocolatey and fun at Hershey's Chocolate World Attraction! Embark on a journey to learn and see how chocolate is made on a free tour ride, ...
Hershey, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia,_Pennsylvania
Demographics · Transportation · Climate · Points of interest
Hershey, Pennsylvania -
Hershey milk chocolate candy bar
...... molecule expression system
VIA 2-legged human action figures
.....with code Pennsylvania -
.........................pen + sylvania ............
Sylvania - Incandescent Light Bulbs - Light Bulbs - The Home Depot › Lighting › Light Bulbs › Sylvania
Shop our selection of Sylvania, Incandescent Light Bulbs in the Lighting Department at The Home Depot.
Sy --> Solar System sunlight / THOUGHT photons descend
to solve earth REALITY ... perception problems
Inti | Inca Sun god |
Inti, also called Apu-punchau, in Inca religion, the sun god; he was believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti was at the head of the state cult, and his worship ...
An Introduction to Inti and the Inca Sun God - ThoughtCo › ... › Latin American History › South AmericaMay 18, 2017 - Inti, the Sun God, was the second-most important god to the Inca culture after Viracocha, the Creator.
Sylvania - Incandescent
Sylvania - Incandescent
Sylvania - Incandescent
Sy ........... Inca descent
Sy --> Solar System sunlight / THOUGHT photons descend
to solve earth REALITY ... perception problems
Plan a Visit |
HERSHEY'S molecule living languages
..... Symbol and Concept MACHINE evolution ....
CHOCOLATE WORLD ..... Darwin selection of the
brightest persons of the Hershey customer list
....... to explain the system
Save big when you purchase Adventure Bundles and meal tickets
Save big when you purchase Adventure Bundles and meal tickets
Save big when you purchase intellectual Adventure Bundles
and serious meal / food for thought tickets
and serious meal / food for thought tickets
Save big
Save big
Save big --> Zbig national security advisor messages
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Wikipedia
Zbigniew Kazimierz "Zbig" Brzezinski
was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist.
He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from ...
President: Jimmy Carter
Political party: Democratic
Relatives: Matthew Brzezinski (nephew)
Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, ..
May 26, 2017 - Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish strategic theorist who was national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter in the tumultuous years of the ...Chicago Union Station - algebra set theory ,,,, application site
Chicago Union Station is a major railroad station that opened in 1925 in Chicago, Illinois, replacing an earlier station built in 1881. It is the only remaining ...
Union Station (Chicago)
- 2018 All You Need to Know Before You Go ...
Union Station:
Union Station:
Union Station:
Union Station:
Union Station:
Union Station rock/stone atoms of
marble, granite, limestone ......
the building (a Data Collection station)
collects data from the 2-legged human
bio-computer entities ...... data carriers that pass thru the building .....
per year 1900 book ....
Sister Carrie ( carrier signal systems)
the data transfer VIA several methods
a) light reflected from the humanoid goes to the stone wall
to perform algebra set theory .... human photon data set UNION with the algebra master site UNION STATE
b) the stone/ heavy atomic mass .... strong gravity field PULL
...... pulls gravity data fields
c) 2-legs human walking (weight of person) on the stone/rock floor apply pressure to the floor atoms (as a keyboard) ...thus data entry
The human weight / pressure applies piezoelectric .....
thus the Union Station floor atoms get activated
like a data entry keyboard
like a data entry keyboard
Skull ....... S k u 11 --> Set k union eleven - Wikipedia
The skull is a bony structure that forms the head in vertebrates. It supports the structures of the face and provides a protective cavity for the brain. The skull is ...
Development · Clinical significance · Society and culture · Other animals
END of Hershey milk chocolate explanation
code Betsy --> Bethesda LU Home systems --> Betsy Royals newspaper codes
WORK Data 637 - news betsy royals bethesda
explains key word concepts -->
Data 637 -
betsy royals .... bethesda
about code word--> Betsy Royals --> Bet Sy
--> Probability/ chance / bet system of existence...such as
--> Probability/ chance / bet system of existence...such as
Bethesda LU (Logical Unit) Lutheran Home
in Watertown and the TEST Z (estimator)
at TETZ milk protein dairy farms
with feeble minded worker ..... that is ....
human protein machines whose
protein muscles are educated by
with feeble minded worker ..... that is ....
human protein machines whose
protein muscles are educated by
...rote / repeated work exercises
..... using farm work REALITY experiences
..... using farm work REALITY experiences
and the BES (Bose -Einstein Statistics) system
of S.I. Hayakawa ,...Bessie the Cow method
..... using farm work REALITY experiences
and the BES (Bose -Einstein Statistics) system
of S.I. Hayakawa .... Bes --> bessie the Cow method
Bose–Einstein statistics (BES) project destroyed
at Watertown, Wisconsin - Wikipedia–Einstein_statistics
In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially BES) is one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states, at thermodynamic equilibrium.
Nikola Tesla's AC Induction Motor is one of the 10 greatest discoveries of all ...
In 1892, Tesla delivered his famous lecture before the Institution of Electrical ... Nikola Tesla invented the induction motor with rotating magnetic field that made ...
The first Nikola Tesla alternating current induction motor | Tesla Universe
The first alternating current induction motor, perfected by Dr. Tesla prior to the year 1884, in which year he came to America to take up his life work. Although the ...
Original two-phase AC induction motor of Nikola Tesla | Tesla Universe
TWO-PHASE alternating-current (AC) induction motor was built by Tesla in 1887. ... he created a rotating magnetic field that induced an opposing electric field in ...
TWO-PHASE alternating-current (AC)
induction motor was built by Tesla in 1887.
TWO-PHASE alternating-current (Dirt AC) .....
EARTH geography alternating cycles of
Daylight night
.... daytime darkness
........... sunlight night
--> pointer to algebra ...
quadractic equation
quadractic equation
Betty Quadracci of the
Betsy Royals groups (Bethesda LU home, Miller Auto parts ,,,calculus integration by parts LINK
to the triple integral city SSS --> SuSSex
Quad Graphs printing with plane geometry, algebra, and quadractic equation with
Harry (Hypothesis array) Quadracci
...... in the
EARTH geography land/ ground ..... as a platform for the
EARTH geography land/ ground ..... as a platform for the
mathematical-physics continuum
and its expressions in the
Milwaukee to Madison region
explains key word concepts -->
Data 614 -
2 solutions
water molecule algebra solutions
solar system sunlight
harry quadracci murder/cover-up
code words-> Two solutions .......
for Harry Quadracci at Pine Lake .....
Quadracci, 66, Found Dead In Lake - Printing Impressions
Quadracci death an `accidental drowning' - Milwaukee - Milwaukee ...
near his home in Chenequa.
near his home in Chenequa.
near his home in .........equation .....
in 4-1/2 feet of water accidental murder /cover-up
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in 4-1/2 feet of water
in / ....... square root sign ..... graphic arts code
code words-> Two solutions .......
for Harry Quadracci at Pine Lake .....
code words-> Two solutions .......
for Harry Quadracci ......
the liquid water molecule solution at
Pine Lake at Chenequa Wisconsin .....
................................ equation region
Thus Chenequa ... Pine Lake water molecules &
and Pine Lake (round implies a roulette wheel)
Bet = Betty Quadracci
Bet = Betty Quadracci
language proper noun/concept LINK
language proper noun/concept LINK
to Watertown molecules and Bet --> Bethesda
END of explanation
code words --> mountain -->
refers to a system / business / work institutions/ factory/
farm system .......
a Carl Jung collective group of people working ....
a MOUNTAIN of activity and work and thoughts
EARTH language code --> mountain rescue squad -->
Information pointer code to words -->
well Pickled with --> water well (H20) and the H G Wells book .. the Invisible Manuscript and the year 1897 Village of IP (Iinternet Protocol blog PING)
Pickled (Pick & Save Grocery store in Watertown)
with ( wi = wisconsin postal code and the year 1948
Oscar Witt farm on the West Road)
code word Betsy -->
Bethesda (system mountain) --->
Betsy --> Bet system --> protein THOUGHT molecule ... probability / chance/ bet system at
Bethesha LU (logical Unit) Lutheran Home ....
Holstein milk dairy farm at Watertown Wisconsin
Fe = ferrous oxide/iron 26 proton alphabet agents
Fe = ferrous oxide/iron 26 proton alphabet agents
Fe = Feeble minded farm workers as human PROTEIN MACHINE
explains key word concepts -->
Farm - Pier Oddone and
protein docking and Bethesda dairy farm,
Mullins ice cream cones
protein docking and Bethesda dairy farm,
Mullins ice cream cones
Keywords --> cold eyes ..scream --> subset letters --> cold cream
--> cold ice cream CONES and the eyes CONES
war played out at Mullins ice cream cone store in Watertown Wisconsin
On Wisconsin: EM field .... optical CONE feud closes
Mullen's ice cream CONE ..... Dairy Bar in Watertown; new ...
Oct 2, 2016 - Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen's Dairy Bar and Eatery in Watertown, looks over remnants of the business that was founded in 1932. A feud with ...
On Wisconsin: EM field .... WAR at EMMET Township/ Watertown and the murder of Travis Zoellick by an bio-optical-subroutine programs approved by universities and the FED government
Travis Zoellick (20) with 20/20 vision intercepts optical ERRORS
Oct 8, 2008 - Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and Tammy LaFave (21) and Zachary Zaborek (19) are accused of aiding him.
Travis Zoellick
Trap vision Z vectors in the EM field
..the Isaac Asimov equation ............
E (Z, t) application --> Emmet (Zoellick, Travis)
Northern Illinois University NODE battle code
--> Northern DeKalb
- Wikipedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. Central Standard Time.[3]
END of explanation
code words -->
Evans meat hoskins
--> Evans atomic meat hole skins
--> Evans atomic bio-physics pussy
Northwestern University - Wikipedia
Northwestern University (NU) is a private research
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
United States, with other campuses located in Chicago and Doha, Qatar ...
Location: Evanston, Illinois, U.S
Religious affiliation: Nonsectarian (formerly Un...
Students: 21,208 (Fall 2016)
Mascot: Willie the Wildcat
About: Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Founded in 1859, the school that would become known as the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law was the first law school established in the city of Chicago.
The JD program at Northwestern Law empowers our graduates to adapt to and master the challenges of the changing world better than those of any other law ...
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law is located at the eastern edge of ... several shuttles for students, faculty and staff on the Evanston and Chicago campuses.
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
university based in Evan ston, Illinois,
university based in Evans stone/atomic rocks
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
university based in Evanston, Illinois,
university based in Evan ston, Illinois,
university based in Evans stone/atomic rocks
explains key word concepts -->
Data 535 -
marble building atoms ....
data collection and gravity
code --> Thirteen tiers --> 13 tiers/ hierarchy / levels of existence and society
code --> Thirteen .. letters---> A to M --> spells ATOM
code --> Thirteen tier marble (Geology marble atoms
and bank/office building lobbies of marble /granite)
and bank/office building lobbies of marble /granite)
Marble - Wikipedia
Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite. Marble may be foliated. In geology the term "marble" refers to metamorphosed limestone, but its use in stonemasonry more broadly encompasses unmetamorphosed limestone.
Curbed LA
The old Southern California Edison building sits right next to the US Bank Tower, the second tallest skyscraper in Los Angeles. It's much stouter, but it's ...
Marble is a metamorphic rock
Marble is a metamorphic rock
Marble is a
metamorphic roc --> regions of convergence .....
metamorphic roc --> regions of convergence .....
metabolism (living atom rock) that acquires
its social and business THOUGHT life from its
its social and business THOUGHT life from its
interaction with humans VIA
* gravity field
* magnetic field
* reflected light
* sound waves
* touch
Below, gravity data fields
Pink Floyd – Eclipse Lyrics | Genius Lyrics › P › Pink Floyd
Eclipse Lyrics:
All that you touch /
And all that you see /
All that you taste /
All you feel /
And all that you love /
And all that you ...
Album The Dark Side of the Moon.
They were responsible for the stained-glass dome over the marble staircase that led to the Irving Bank. And it was they who put together the marble, ...
The Dark Side of the Moon.
The Dark Side of the Moon.
The Dark Side of the Moon.
Pink Floyd – Eclipse Lyrics | Genius Lyrics › P › Pink Floyd
Eclipse Lyrics:
All that you touch /
And all that you see /
All that you taste /
All that you taste /
All you feel /
And all that you love /
And all that you ...
And all that you ...
Eclipse Lyrics:
Eclipse Lyrics:
Eclipse Lyrics:
Eclipse Lyrics:
Eclipse Lyrics:
END of explanation
Our Story
... Harry the Pub ......
... Harry the publishers & printers using
DR. Ink --> drink drink ...we need more ink .....
BUT we fail to think clearly ......
in the world of language bull-shit and bragging
| Quadracci Family in Printing | Quad/Graphics
Company Founder Harry V. Quadracci grew up in print. His father got his start running a small printing press behind the family's Italian grocery in Racine, ...
Jul 31, 2002 - Harry V. Quadracci, president and founder of Quad Graphics, a major printer of American magazines, was found dead on Monday in Pine Lake ...
Harry V. Quadracci (January 10, 1936 – July 29, 2002) founded Quad/Graphics with his wife ... dollars to Waukesha County Technical College and named a newer area of the school the Harry V. Quadracci Printing and Graphics Center.
Missing: printer | Must include: printer
Roundtable - Barron's
Jan 20, 2018 - The number of publicly listed companies in the U.S. has fallen roughly by half in the past 20 years. You might think combing through a shorter ...
Jul 13, 2018 - Barron's 2018 Mid-Year Roundtable update features investment picks from Gundlach, Gabelli, Witmer, Wick.
King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table | History, Legend and ...
King Arthur's Knights is a Website providing information on Arthurian Legend, Tradition and Literature.
King Arthur
King Arthur
King Art .... and blood arteries software languages
Round Table, in Arthurian legend, the table of Arthur, Britain's legendary king, which was first mentioned in Wace of Jersey's Roman de Brut (1155). This told of King Arthur's having a round table made so that none of his barons, when seated at it, could claim precedence over the others.
Go to this site providing information about the facts, history of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Fast and accurate facts about the King Arthur and ...
words--> King & HintZ --> letters--> KHZ
owners .... Ed King & Arthur Hintz
....................... King ......Arthur site .....
....................... King ......Arthur site .....
the humans carry.... King Arthur blood software
and its required INTEGRITY
owners .... Ed King & Arthur Hintz (KHZ)
....................... King ......Arthur site .....
....................... King ......Arthur site .....
and the younger
employee Karl Henry Zinser (KHZ) is the next generation for Mother Nature's information systems
employee Karl Henry Zinser (KHZ) is the next generation for Mother Nature's information systems
Arthurian legend
art..............leg/hips/buttocks ....
arteries of blood order the attack upon the leg/legal system and buttock/BS language community of Boston ...
thus the Boston Marathon 26 mile race attacked ....
The legends of King Arthur - The British Library
The legends of King Arthur
The leg ............ King Art --> arteries of blood
..... the WORD of HONOR
Boston newspaper incomplete explanations
Jan 31, 2018 - Damsels in distress. Doomed and forbidden love.
Epic battles and quests in pursuit of strange creatures. This is the world of Arthurian legend ...
Epic battles
Epic battles
E pic --> Earth picture battles ......
COMPUTE EARTH ..... human legs walking/running ......
inject data into EARTH soil/ground .... atoms/electrons
COMPUTE EARTH ..... human legs walking/running ......
FORTRAN | computer language |
FORTRAN: FORTRAN, computer-programming language created in 1957 by John Backus that shortened the process of programming and made computer ...
FORTRAN was developed in the 1950-s by a team of IBM programmers and released in 1957. It is a language special developed to let the computer execute ..
above code words--> the mountain -->
Marble 22 - the Ragged Mountains ..Edgar Allen poe ..order entry
explains key word concepts -->
Marble 22 -
the Ragged Mountains
..Edgar Allen Poe -->P order entry
Above KEY words explained below,
marble -
located in Manhattan and the Goya
Colossus message about living stone atomic buildings
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms ....
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms collect data/thoughts form
the human data stream that flows thru the lobby .....
thus over 20 / 30 years the building becomes
the accumulated knowledge of 1 million people;
in addition, the Carl Jung collective GROUP of
Woolworth nationwide department stores .....
is the basis for a the Carl Jung atomic collective
sub-consciousness GROUP MIND composed of
20 million customers in years 1910 thru 1950 .....
thus the accumulated thoughts, ideas, and experiences
are ROUTED to the Woolworth primary database site
.... the ROCK building SOFTWARE language equation
... ROC K
... ROC of thinK = region of convergence of thinKers
Consequently, the skyscraper building becomes
an intellectual life form in itself ,,,...
a Darwin species of life ....
a composite of stone/rock atoms
with English language
and people's accumulated thoughts, behaviors,
emotions, work and social experiences
Above ... stone / concrete gargoyle .....
Frank Woolworth, the building’s patron and namesake.
Frank Woolworth
Frank Wool worth
..rank Wo .......wo
Frank Two ....Two --> catch 22 book messages
Woolworth Building Lobby Gargoyle .....
and its I/O information path (Input and Output) ....
thus the building and its
living stone language DATABASE ....
gargoyle OUTPUT data route
--> gar + goyle ---> g area + goyle -->
-> grammar and gar (kinder.gar.ten)
--> information garden ROUTE
to goyle /doyle ...... (picture artist and word artist)
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Governor Doyle)
Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) -
Colossus ( system mountain .... office skyscraper ....
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828)
is regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over the ...
Woolworth Colossus Building Expert
Colossus message about living stone atomic buildings
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms ....
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms collect data/thoughts form
the human data stream that flows thru the lobby .....
thus over 20 / 30 years the building becomes
the accumulated knowledge of 1 million people;
in addition, the Carl Jung collective GROUP of
Woolworth nationwide department stores .....
is the basis for a the Carl Jung atomic collective
sub-consciousness GROUP MIND composed of
20 million customers in years 1910 thru 1950 .....
thus the accumulated thoughts, ideas, and experiences
are ROUTED to the Woolworth primary database site
.... the ROCK building SOFTWARE language equation
... ROC K
... ROC of thinK = region of convergence of thinKers
Consequently, the skyscraper building becomes
an intellectual life form in itself ,,,...
a Darwin species of life ....
a composite of stone/rock atoms
with English language
and people's accumulated thoughts, behaviors,
emotions, work and social experiences
Above ... stone / concrete gargoyle .....
Frank Woolworth, the building’s patron and namesake.
Frank Woolworth
Frank Wool worth
..rank Wo .......wo
Frank Two ....Two --> catch 22 book messages
Woolworth Building Lobby Gargoyle .....
and its I/O information path (Input and Output) ....
thus the building and its
living stone language DATABASE ....
gargoyle OUTPUT data route
--> gar + goyle ---> g area + goyle -->
-> grammar and gar (kinder.gar.ten)
--> information garden ROUTE
to goyle /doyle ...... (picture artist and word artist)
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Governor Doyle)
Francisco de Goya
.............code Goya
Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) -
Metropolitan Museum of Art (arteries of blood messages)
and blood arteries social economic secret languages
and financial systems
Colossus ( system mountain .... office skyscraper ....
Carl Jung collective group ....
a retail store chain with 1000 stores nationwide),
Analysis, Interpretation - Visual-Arts Cork
The Colossus by Goya (1808-12): Interpretation of Spanish Romantic Mythological Painting El Coloso.
Artist: Goya (1746-1828)
Movement: Romanticism
is regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over the ...
Woolworth Building - Wikipedia
The Woolworth Building, at 233 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, designed by architect Cass Gilbert and constructed between 1910 and 1912, is an early ...
Woolworth Colossus Building Expert
and its
EXTERNAL Colossus display .... Woolworth BLDG
its construction, it remains, at 792 feet (241 m), one of the 100 tallest buildings in the United States as well as one of the 30 tallest buildings in New York City
The Woolworth Building was designed in the neo-Gothic style by the architect Cass Gilbert. Originally designed to be 420 feet (130 m) high, the building was eventually elevated to 792 feet (241 m).[10] When completed in 1913, the Woolworth Building was 60 stories tall and had over 5,000 windows.[11]
The Colossus
The Colossus
The Col --> vertical column of
stone atoms / cement /
ferrous oxide iron 26 alphabet letters/
and Lewis Carroll thru the Looking Glass of 5000
......MICosoft Windows (year 1912 version)
Jun 25, 2008 - To many of his admirers,
Francisco de Goya's
.............code Go .....
Colossus is one of the Spanish ... France by Britain, Spain and Portugal between 1808 and 1814.
Murder of Hannah Graham - Wikipedia
Hannah Elizabeth Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia ...
Cause of death: Homicidal violence of undeter...
Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
Disappeared: September 13, 2014; Downtown ...
Status: Remains recovered October 18, 2014
British American student
British American student
Blood types B A
END of explanation
END of explanation
Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal.
Police chief jung young bloods ,
38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
explains key word concepts -->
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Police: Nine killed in shooting at Omaha mall, including ...
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins killed nine people (including himself) and wounded four, two of them critically.[
Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins
Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins
Nineteen-year-old R..............H ..............Rh factors in Blood ..
microbiology agent Robert Hawkins
microbiology agent Robert Hawkins
Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins
Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins
Nineteen-year-old = 19 -->
sensitive K + channel
sensitive K + channel
sensitive K + channel
Glutamate as a Neurotransmitter in the Brain: Review of ... as a Neurotransmitter in the Brain: Review of Physiology and Pathology 1. ... one Ca ++ sensitive K + channel that is opened by mGluR1 activation leading to ...
16 oxygen orbitals message for address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
16 0...........0 --> code --> 1600
Robert A. Hawkins
Robert A. Hawkins
Robert A. Hawkins .... messages for
Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Korean War (in South Korean Hangul: ... (1950–1952) and Deng Hua (1952–1953) 1 October 1950, the day that UN troops crossed the 38th parallel, ...
SparkNotes: The Korean War (1950-1953): Timeline
Korean War Campaigns - U.S. Army Center of Military History
At 0400, Sunday, 25 June 1950 (Korean Time), ... During the summer of 1952 the air war over Korea intensified. In addition to striking at supply centers, ...
General Clark was commander of UN forces in Korea
General Clark was commander of UN forces in Korea
General Clark was commander of the Carl Jung collective UNconscious forces in Korea
Carl Jung - Collective Unconscious
Collective unconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective unconscious (German: kollektives Unbewusstes), a term coined by Carl Jung, refers to structures of the unconscious mind which are shared among beings of ...
Korean War (1950–1953) - Infoplease › … › 1900–1999 (A.D.) World HistoryKorean War (1950–1953) 1950 North Korean Communist forces invade South Korea ... Chinese Communists enter war (Oct. 26), force UN retreat toward 38th parallel (Dec.).
United Nations Command - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On 1 September 1950 the United Nations Command had a strength of 180,000 in Korea: 92,000 were South Koreans, the balance being Americans and the 1,600-man …United Nations Command
United Nations Command
United Nations Command
........ed Na ..... extended DNA Command
20th Century Timeline 1900 - 1999 - Money › Timelines of Invention and TechnologyOct 31, 2015 · Video embedded · Technology, science, and inventions have progressed at an accelerated rate during the hundred years of the 20th century, more so than any other century.1900–1999 (A.D.) World History - Infoplease
1900–1999 (A.D.) World History. 1900 – 1909 World History. 1910 ... 1999 World History. World War I (1914–1918) The Holocaust (1933–1945) World War II (1939 ...
- History of menstruation ...START blood flow at Century age 14
(birth of Century year 1900 ...... age 14 implies year 1914 )
World War I (1914–1918) ...... Menstruation: MedlinePlus - National Library of Medicine
Jun 20, 2016 · If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus. It passes out of the body through the vagina. Periods usually start ..... average age 14 and continue until menopause at about age 39 to 45How Can You Feel Good With Early Menopause - Women to Women › Menopause and PerimenopauseHow Can You Feel Good With Early Menopause. Next ... between the ages of 39 and 45, ... who go through menopause before age 46 are twice as likely to suffer from ...
See also the United States Naval Chronology
See also the United States Naval Chronology
See also the United States Naval / belly button BEDROOM men ..Chronology
World War II ...... men pause ...blood flow ..Menopause
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWorld War II; Clockwise from top left: ... World War II (WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, ...
- …
1914 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
June 28 – Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria: 19-year-old Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Duchess Sophie, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, triggering the July Crisis and World War I.- Events ·
- Births ·
- Deaths ·
- Nobel Prizes
2014 - Trial of the bombastic Boston community lies/ schemes / language and history racketts/ arrogant bull-stories
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor aTom Barrett lying in a data record buffer pool of bio-computer blood
It started with an urgent plea for help late Saturday night as he walked to his car after a State Fair outing with his family.
And it ended with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood with a broken hand after he rushed to confront a pipe-wielding suspect officials described as a "vicious thug."
By Sunday evening, the suspect was in custody, Barrett was recuperating at a hospital, and his heroics were being recounted on national cable and network news shows.
Barrett, first elected in 2004 and re-elected last year, was struck on the head and torso with the pipe and broke his hand, presumably when he punched the man. As he rested Sunday at Froedtert Hospital, where doctors stitched up cuts on his head and lip, authorities and witnesses explained what happened.
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth described Peters as a "desperate man" who had threatened to shoot himself and others. He had taken a cell phone from the woman who was trying to protect her 1-year-old granddaughter from Peters, the girl's father, police said.
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth and his sub-conscious mind
West Allis Police Chief .............. Jung ......
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth described
West Allis Police Chief Michael Jungbluth described
West Allis Police Chief atoMIC
............................................Michael Jung blut/ blood german language word
--> Carl Jung blood agent
The Wisconsin State Fair collective CROWDS ....... .....
and the condensation of the GROUP MIND un-consciousness /
Mayor Blood/brain barrier news conference VIA agent Barrett
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator and five-term US congressman, was first elected in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008 with 79% of the vote. Milwaukee, a former brewing capital, has a population of about 600,000. It is about 80 miles north of Chicago in the US mid-west.
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
ATom Barrett, a 55-year-old former .. leg
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
ATom Barrett, a 55
.................ret --> return codes of EARTH iron core /magnetic field systems
The Mayor's 55 year old iron interface
Reason codes for return code 04 - IBM
Reason codes for return code 08 - IBM
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
ATom Barrett, a 55
.................ret --> return codes of COMPUTER EARTH iron core /magnetic field systems
Tom Barrett, a 55-year-old former state legislator
ATom Barrett, a 55
.................ret --> return codes of COMPUTER EARTH iron core /magnetic field systems
Return control - IBM
Theme - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam ...
Learner's definition of THEME. 1. : the main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing, a movie, etc. The quest for power is the underlying theme of the film. A constant theme in his novels is religion.
Theme ..ecternal expressions
List of themes - Simple English Wikiquote
List of heme groups - Simple English Wikiquote
38th parallel
..... location 3 is C ..Carbon
......location 8 is H ..Hydrogen
thus 38th parallel ---> carbon/ hydrogen thoughts
2 countries (north and south) + 38 --> code --> 238 Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family
message to Washington DC bull-shit arrogance and nonsense intellectual superiority claims
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy States Department of Energy
Dr. Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013. Dr. Chu was charged with helping implement President Obama's ...
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy 
Psychohistory (theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Seldon Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Seldon Plan is the central theme of Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series of stories and novels ... Over a dozen generations of men have pored over these equations, worked at them, taken them apart to the last decimal place, and put them .
END of explanation
Milk 16 - milk dump , Alice in Dairy Land / Looking Glass and Idi Amin ..idiot amino acids
explains key word concepts -->
Milk 16 -
milk dump ,
Alice in Dairy Land / Looking Glass
Idi Amin .. idiot amino acids
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest low prices | Reuters
America's Dairy Farmers Dump 43 Million Gallons of Excess Milk - WSJ
Oct 12, 2016 - More than 43 million gallons' worth of milk were dumped in fields, manure ... pools, and the most wasted in at least 16 years of data requested by The Wall Street Journal. ... Association, in a cow pen on his farm in St. Johns, Mich., on Oct. 7. ... organic milk powder to a customer in Europe at a steep discount.
Missing: 2009 | Must include: 2009
Dump 43
Dump 43 ...... bio-chemistry molecule DUMP
/ human PROTEINS .... amino acids .....
genetic social science software ABEND /dump
Amish School ....
Ami .....
Amino acid battle
.......the Charles Darwin ordered shooting of
defective children in Lancaster PA ..... message about the
defective SOFTWARE in children
of East Coast of the United States
Genetic Code 43 .... and Amino Acid Translation
- SBDR - Society for ...
Each codon of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) codes for or specifies a single ... For mRNA there are 43 = 64 different nucleotide combinations possible with a ...
stop-codons - DNA-RNA-Protein
codons (43 = 64 combinations).
43 = 64 combinations
43 = 64 combinations
43 = 64 comb ... nations
Artwork on focus
Blood arteries INTERNAL views, language, and picture views of
external social reality ....
AND its OUTPUT data message on 64 comb
.... combinations
VIA René Magritte
Personal Values (1952) » – Royal ...
The alteration of scale by
enlarging daily objects
(a glass, a comb, a match,…) --->
The Symbolist Movement:
To Make the Invisible Visible
... - Radford University
The Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible Visible. Symbolism is always confusing because we use the word to refer to the study of symbols or iconography ...
To Make the Invisible Visible
To Make the Invisible Visible in year 1952 .... 1953, 1954
enlarging daily objects
(a glass, a comb, a match,…) --->
(a glass, a comb, a match,…
X-ray Diffraction and the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. A Tutorial ...
by DT Crouse - 2007 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
May 1, 2007 - A step-by-step method of teaching the X-ray diffraction analysis of DNA using the approach employed by James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and Raymond Gosling at an upper undergraduate and graduate level is described.
enlarging daily objects
enlarging daily objects
enlarging daily objects
DNA - 100 Years of X-ray Crystallography
James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick in 1953,
enlarging daily objects
enlarging daily objects
(a glass ... looking glass or equivalent magnifier),
a comb ---> Combinations of nations ,
UGA --> Stop codon and EARTH message nation
Uganda - CIA
Population: 39,570,125
GDP: $26.39 billion (2017 est.)
GDP per capita: $2,400 (2017 est.)
Natural resources: copper, cobalt, hydropower, ...
Idi Amin - Military Leader, President Uganda
- Biography
Apr 2, 2014 - Idi Amin was a Ugandan president born circa 1925 in Kokobo, West Nile Province, Uganda. He rose within the military from the 1940s through ...
Missing: imi | Must include: imi
Idi Amin - Wikipedia
Vice President: Mustafa Adrisi
Rank: Lieutenant (UK); Field Marshal (Uganda)
Children: 43 (DNA equation estimate)
Succeeded by: Yusuf Lule
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan politician and military officer
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan politician and military officer
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan politician and military officer
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan
Idiot Amino .. school of Dada blood arteries software
Dada - Wikipedia
Dada or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century, ...... and Surrealism: Dada and Surrealist Journals in the Mary Reynolds Collection, Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, The Art Institute of Chicago.
Dada Movement ...movement of blood cells in the human body
and the creation of bull-shit languages and music ,
Artists and Major Works of blood information flow
| The Art Story of blood arteries
.... Vietnam war created by artists
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan
Idi Amin Dada was a Ugandan
Idi Amin Dada was a Uga ---> UGA military molecule
University of Georgia at Athens:
Birthplace of bragging nonsense .....
public higher education in America
With this initiative,
UGA became the largest university in the nation to tackle such a challenge and is now setting the standard in public higher education.
setting the standard in public higher education.
setting the standard in public higher education.
setting the standard in pub ................ education.
(a glass, a comb, a match,…
(a glass, a comb, a match,…
(a glass, a combination of concepts, a match,…
Barack Obama 2009 Beer Summit - Henry Louis Gates Jr ...
Apr 22, 2016 - The beer summit yielded fuzzy photographs of the four men drinking and eating peanuts. But the lasting impression was that the president had ...
The White House 'beer summit' on PUB education
White House beer summit -- photos of the meeting between President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and
(a glass, a comb, a match,…
code word --> Japan --> Ja pan
--> Job accounting panties ..... ties /string theory panty tools
--> Job accounting panties ..... ties /string theory panty tools
code words--> Amik Doris Street .... .elevated expressway --> translated
Amiki --> ami + mik + i --> amino acid MILK interface
..... the PROTEIN thought MACHINE a bio-computer PLATFORM of existence and expression ways ......
Eucli.Dean geometry and its expression
--> Dean milk protein geometry ...... messages for you
- Wikipedia
Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to Alexandrian Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his textbook on geometry: the Elements. Euclid's method consists in assuming a small set of intuitively appealing axioms, and deducing many other propositions (theorems) from these.
Amiki --> ami + mik + i --> amino acid MILK interface
..... the PROTEIN thought MACHINE a bio-computer PLATFORM of existence and expression ways ......
such as Doris Day music /software ... that became embedded within
the protein molecule DATABASE and language network
Doris Day (born Doris Mary Kappelhoff; April 3, 1922) is an American actress, singer, and animal welfare activist. After she began her career as a big band singer in 1939, her popularity increased with her first hit recording "Sentimental Journey" (1945). After leaving Les Brown & His Band of Renown to embark on a solo career, she recorded more than 650 songs from 1947 to 1967, which made her one of the most popular and acclaimed singers of the 20th century.
Day's film career began with the 1948 film Romance on the High Seas, and its success sparked her twenty-year career as a motion picture actress. She starred in a series of successful films, including musicals, comedies, and dramas. She played the title role in Calamity Jane (1953), and starred in Alfred Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) with James Stewart.
Her most successful films were the bedroom comedies she made co-starring Rock Hudson and James Garner, such as Pillow Talk (1959) and Move Over, Darling (1963), respectively. She also co-starred in films with such leading men as Clark Gable, Cary Grant, David Niven, and Rod Taylor. After her final film in 1968, she went on to star in the CBS sitcom The Doris Day Show (1968–1973).
She was usually one of the top ten singers between 1951 and 1966.[vague] As an actress, she became the biggest female film star in the early 1960s,
What Is the Milk Protein? | TPW: The Locker Room - The Protein Works
What Is the Milk Protein?
Doris Day as an EARTH LAB
specimen of body proteins
Doris Day movies ...... mo + vie + s -->
molecular view of society
code words--> Amik Doris Street .... .elevated expressway ... street-level --> translated
...... street level math base and elevated exponents
milk THOUGHT protein machine ....
and the bio-chemistry bio-math PLATFORM upon which 2-legged 2-ears human exist with their family BS social stories
END of explanation
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